
mb_substr cant be used on php 5.2.6

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_substr() after moving to my dedicated server (hypervm CP) , i got lots of errors . it would be grateful ,if you know how to solve this problem thanks in advance ...

macro and function conflict in C

What error is thrown when macro and function conflict in C arises? Is it a macro processor error or does this error occur due to some language violation? For example, in this code: #include <stdio.h> #define MAX(i, j) (i>j)? i : j int MAX(int i, int j){ return (i>j) ? i : j; } int main(){ int max = MAX(5, 7); printf("%d",max); ...

php string function concat

$contents = "<?xml version='1.0' ?> <authed>1</authed> <book>read</book>"; im having a xml string like this i want to add all the elements inside root tag like this $contents = "<?xml version='1.0' ?> <root> <authed>1</authed> <book>read</book> </root>"; ...

My simple PHP function for maintaining values in my form isn't working. Really newbie!

Here's my code: <html> <head> <?php function getValue($field){ if(isset($_GET[$field])){ return $_GET[$field]; } else{ return ""; } } ?> </head> <body> <form action="class2.php" method="get"> <dl> <dt>First Name:</dt> <dd><input...

javascript events and callback

Hi Experts, I am working on a website, where we want user to login using Javascript and not using postback. I have few pages which user can view without logging in, but on these pages if he wants to do something like "Add to favourite" or "Report abuse" or similar, he has to log in. I can display a div where he can log in. But I want t...

Standard Deviation for SQLite

I've searched the SQLite docs and couldn't find anything, but I've also searched on Google and a few results appeared. Does SQLite have any built-in Standard Deviation function? ...

Why can't a delegate refer to a non-static method when used in a static method?

Why is it necessary to make a function STATIC while using delegates in C# ? class Program { delegate int Fun (int a, int b); static void Main(string[] args) { Fun F1 = new Fun(Add); int Res= F1(2,3); Console.WriteLine(Res); } **static public int Add(int a, int b)** { int result; ...

when to make class and function

I am a beginner to programming when i start to code i just start writing and solve the problem . i write whole program in a single main fuction. i dont know when to make class , and functions what are good books which i read to learn these concepts ...

C++ Unwanted infinite while loop

I get an infinite loop when I use the following code in C++ and I don't understand why. I suspect the problem is within the input_words() function. Here is the code: #include<iostream> using namespace std; string input_words(int maxWords) { int nWord = 0; string words[maxWords]; string aWord = ""; while (aWord != "Quit"...

call javascript/ajax function from php

i have a little problem here!! after i submit my form, based on php response i want to execute another javascript or ajax function! this is my form: <form id="uploadForm" onsubmit="ytVideoApp.prepareSyndicatedUpload( this.videoTitle.value, this.videoDescription.value, this.videoCategory.value, this.videoTags.v...

i want to make a physical button a trigger for a function in my app. Possible? 3rd party accessory?

Hello wise people, I'm currently working on an app for iPhone, Blackberry and Android, but for now, I'm just inquiring about iPhone. (FYI, I'm an ideas guy; not an actual programmer, so please don't use too many syllables) I desperately need the ability to incorporate the physical button from the iPhone headphones, into my app. So that...

XSLT 1.0 How to extend with fn (function namespace)

Hello everyone, I was wondering how I can possible extend XSLT 1.0 so that I can use functions from fn function namespace at I was just told that the system is using MSXML XSLT processor from now on. All my stylesheets were written in 2.0 ... So now I'm stack, nothing is working and d...

Why some system functions in T-SQL without parameters have parenthesis while others don't?

I never remember if a system T-SQL function, with no parameters, requires parenthesis, so I wonder if there is a reason. For example: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is a function that doesn't require parenthesis, while SCOPE_IDENTITY() requires them. ...

what is the difference between these two functions ?

what is the difference between these functions ? and why we are assigning an empty value to a function parameter ? function prints($var = '') { echo $var; } function prin($var) { echo $var; } Both prints the same result. what will happen if we assign an empty value to a function parameter ? ...

C++ types and functions

I'm having some trouble compiling my code - it has to do with the types I'm passing in. Here is what the compiler says: R3Mesh.cpp: In copy constructor 'R3Mesh::R3Mesh(const R3Mesh&)': R3Mesh.cpp:79: error: no matching function for call to 'R3Mesh::CreateHalfEdge(R3MeshVertex*&, R3MeshFace*&, R3MeshHalfEdge*&, R3MeshHalfEdge*&)' R3Mesh....

Function hierarchy

Hi all, How to solve huge hierarchy in JavaScript function? With Switch? Thank you. (Sorry, I am not native English speaker.) function do(param1, param2) { switch(param1) { case "write": /* another switch for param2 */ break; ... } } Example calls: do('write','house'); // write house do('return','house'...

Retain Count after function call. should i worry?

i usually dont check the retain count untill the program leaks. But today (i donno y) i checked the retain count and now i am confused. NSString *strErrorMessage; strErrorMessage= [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Email and Password are mandatory"]; NSLog(@"%d", [strErrorMessage retainCount]); // retain count 1 [objAppD...

haskell and type definition of functions. couple of questions.

if i do any isUpper "asBsd", i'll get True. here, the second element to any is a string. but, if i do this: any ("1" `isInfixOf`) ["qas","123","=-0"] the second element to any is a list of strings. how and why this difference between those 2 functions? another example. if i write filter isUpper "asdVdf" , i'll get "V". here, the se...

overriden virtual function is not getting called

a more exact version of the code is: class SomeParam; class IBase { public: virtual void Func(SomeParam* param = NULL) { cout << "Base func"; } }; class DerivedA : public IBase { public: void Func() { //do some custom stuff cout << "DerivedA func"; IBase::Func(); } }; class Deriv...

returning this on function.

can anybody tell me what's the point if any for a javascript function like this: function f() { return this; } Note: I am trying to improve my javascript skills and found that looking at other people's code is very good. I bumped into the above one and could not work out its point. ...