
Is return an operator or a function?

This is too basic I think, but how do both of these work? return true; // 1 and return (true); // 2 Similar: sizeof, exit My guess: If return was a function, 1 would be erroneous. So, return should be a unary operator that can also take in brackets... pretty much like unary minus: -5 and -(5), both are okay. ...

PHP code to compare two large text files with ~300,000 entries and output differences

hi, i've got two lists A and B, B = A + C - D. All elements are unique, no duplicates. How do i get the lists of: (1) the new items added, C (2) the old items removed, D C and D aren't more than 10000 elements or so. Edit Crap, sorry guys - forgot the important detail - these are both text files, not in memory elements. ...

mysql function warning

hi here is a short version of function which im using on daily basis, it works fine except it throws a warning 'No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processed (errno. 1329)'. and since i start using this function with django there cant be any warning or error because it stop the whole process i have read that there is no warning fi...

Assign variable with variable in function

Let's say we have def Foo(Bar=0,Song=0): print(Bar) print(Song) And I want to assign any one of the two parameters in the function with the variable sing and SongVal: Sing = Song SongVal = 2 So that it can be run like: Foo(Sing=SongVal) Where Sing would assign the Song parameter to the SongVal which is 2. The result shou...

Is a function kind of like a static method?

I'm a java programmer and am trying to understand the difference between a method (java methods) and a function (such as in c++). I used to think that they are the same, just different naming conventions for different programming languages. But now that I know they are not, I am having trouble understanding the difference. I know that...

When to alter a function vs when to just write a new one...?

/is n00b Through the gift of knowledge and expertise encoded here, I am doing my best to avoid n00b mistakes as I learn the basics of programming. I use functions when I (think I) can in PHP, and keep them somewhat sorted in different includes. The n00b problem I'm running into now is situations where perhaps 4/5th of an existing func...

JAVE function call form JSP page is not returning value

I am calling a java function from JSP page which returns file name after creationg a XML file. In some cases where size of file is large(Java function execution takes much time due to large data) it is returning blank where as XML file is genertaed after some time. Can any one help me to get the file name in this case so that user can kn...

PHP mail () activation

I need to activate this mail() function is there any way of doing this only on my hosting account (being on shared account)? Thanks! ...

Function naming: sendCharacter or receiveCharacter?

I'm trying to name a function that runs when a character is received by the object. For the caller, it should be named sendCharacter, so that it can call: object->sendCharacter( character ) ; That looks nice for the caller.. but for the receiver, it implements a method /// Called when this object is do something /// with a character...

what's this jquery syntax?

I see that quite often in some Jquery plugins $('#foo').myPlugin({ foo: 'bar', bar: 'foo' }); I'm talking about the {} in the .myPlugin() part. I see quite often anonymous functions like .click(function(){ }); but the above syntax looks different thanks for your help! ...

In ActionScript, is there a way to test for existence of variable with datatype "Function"

So I have a class where I instantiate a variable callback like so: public var callback:Function; So far so good. Now, I want to add an event listener to this class and test for existence of the callback. I'm doing like so: this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, function(event:MouseEvent) : void { if (callback) { ...

Algorithm for scoring user activity

I have an application where users can: Write reviews about products Add comments to products Up / Down vote reviews Up / Down vote comments Every Up/Down vote is recorded in a db table. What i want to do now is to create a ranking of the most active users in the last 4 weeks. Of course good reviews should be weighted more than good ...

How combine 2 functions on submit?

hey there, as you can see, i have to functions first to check if all forms are not empty and the second function is to verify the captcher, when i combine them together both work at the same time, i want to first to verify the first function, when that function returns true then the other function starts, here is the code that i used o...

C newbie malloc question

Why doesn't this print 5? void writeValue(int* value) { value = malloc(sizeof(int)); *value = 5; } int main(int argc, char * argv) { int* value = NULL; writeValue(value); printf("value = %d\n", *value); // error trying to access 0x00000000 } and how can I modify this so it would work while still using a pointer a...

Function callers in C?

So I was wondering how they work. To explain what I mean by a "function caller" a good example of what I mean would be glutTimerFunc, it is able to take in a function as a parameter and call it even with it not knowing it is declared. How is it doing this? ...

template class: ctor against function -> new C++ standard

Hi in this question: Dennis and Michael noticed the unreasonable foolishly implemented constructor. They were right, I didn't consider this at that moment. But I found out that a constructor does not help very much for a template class like this one, instead ...

jQuery.inArray() - eclipse tells me this function is not defined

I have used the jQuery inArray function, but Eclipse tells me that this function is undefined. I don't understand how this can be so if it comes from the jQuery API. preId is an integer, and queryPreds is an array. Previously I was doing the if() statement a different way, which was tedious and prone to error but generally worked. I re...

iPhone best location for code used by more than one viewcontroller?

The more I develop iPhone apps, the more reusable functions I write. At the moment I just copy them into the .m files that need them. But would it be better to have a separate .m file and #import it instead? I don't wish to compile a library, I just want to know how other folks have handled this. Thanks. Clarification: I want other .m f...

Bash sourcing of functions in other languages

This is, perhaps, a silly question, but it's something that I've wondered about: is it possible to, say, define a Ruby/Python/Perl/etc. function in some file and then source it in Bash (to make it available anywhere in the current shell)? At the moment, I "source" scripts/functions in other languages by creating a bash alias that execut...

Simple Excel function that splits a numbered entered into one cell randomy and evenly over 3 others.

Hi all, I am looking for a simple function that will take a number entered into a single cell say 20 and divide it evenly and randomly over three other cells, none of the values can be 0. ie. A1 = 20 then B1=6 C1=8 D1=6 Thanks!! ...