
Adding functions to Java class libraries

I'm using a Java class library that is in many ways incomplete: there are many classes that I feel ought to have additional member functions built in. However, I am unsure of the best practice of adding these member functions. Lets call the insufficient base class A. class A { public A(/*long arbitrary arguments*/) { //...

Drupal theme preprocess function - primary links and suckerfish menus

I have a preprocess function that works fine when the menu is single level list. However I would like it to work w/ suckerfish menus. I want to add a class to the top level menu item so that I can style it. This is the code I used for the single level menu: function cti_flex_preprocess_page(&$vars, $hook) { // Make a shortcut for th...

Function name inside a variable

Hello. I have a simple question (i guess). I'm getting the name of the function inside a variable from database. After that, i want to run the specific function. How can i echo the function's name inside the php file? The code is something like this: $variable= get_specific_option; //execute function $variable_somesuffix(); The "somes...

In Ruby, why is a method invocation not able to be treated as a unit when "do" and "end" is used?

The following question is related to the question "Ruby Print Inject Do Syntax". My question is, can we insist on using do and end and make it work with puts or p? This works: a = [1,2,3,4] b = a.inject do |sum, x| sum + x end puts b # prints out 10 so, is it correct to say, inject is an instance method of the Array object, and ...

Function declaration in C and C++

I have two C++ files, say file1.cpp and file2.cpp as //file1.cpp #include<cstdio> void fun(int i) { printf("%d\n",i); } //file2.cpp void fun(double); int main() { fun(5); } When I compile them and link them as c++ files, I get an error "undefined reference to fun(double)". But when I do this as C files, I don't ge...

jQuery doesn't work in IE8?

Hi, I am working on a site here: All the jquery works fine in Firefox, Chrome and Safari but on IE8 it gives me errors and the banner at the top doesn't work (which uses the crossSlide jQuery plugin) and as well the image rollovers don't work with the colour change. IE8 is telling me that the errors are on lines 53, 1...

Passing a pointer to a function that doesn't match the requirements of the formal parameter

int valid (int x, int y) { return x + y; } int invalid (int x) { return x; } int func (int *f (int, int), int x, int y) { //f is a pointer to a function taking 2 ints and returning an int return f(x, y); } int main () { int val = func(valid, 1, 2), inval = func(invalid, 1, 2); // <- 'invalid' does not matc...

function and class to show image not working in php

i am trying to get get the following working nothing is happen when i use the function i am trying to get it to display images class ItemRes { //items DB var $img=""; } function ShowItemImage($index,$res_a){ if(sizeof($res_a) > $index){ if($res_a[$index] != NULL) { $cimg = $res_a[$index]->img; return "<img src='$cimg' w...

Jquery Ajax : Dynamic Function

Hi there I am trying to write a function which allows me to perform an ajax call dynamically, but am unsure how to make the key which is passed to the ajax call dynamic... At the moment, my code is like this $('#ajaxButton').click(function(){ var form = $(this).parent().find(':input'); var formVal = form.val(); var object...

View all functions from the Sql Database?

How can i view all the functions (build in) in sql database using sql management studio? ...

How do you check to see if a variable has changed every second or less in objective c?

I am using an if statement to check the value of a BOOLEAN when i click on a button. When the button is clicked if the value is false i want to display a UIActivityIndicator and if the value is true i want to push the new view. I can do this fine but i want the view to change automatically when the BOOLEAN Becomes true if the user has al...

postgresql syntax while exists loop

I'm working at function from Joe Celkos book - Trees and Hierarchies in SQL for Smarties I'm trying to delete a subtree from an adjacency list but part my function is not working yet. WHILE EXISTS –– mark leaf nodes (SELECT * FROM OrgChart WHERE boss_emp_nbr = −99999 AND emp_nbr > −99999) LOOP –– get list of next...

Different function returns from command line and within function

Hello: I have an extremely bizzare situation: I have a function in MATLAB which calls three other main functions and produces two figures for me. The function reads in an input jpeg image, crops it, segments it using kmeans clustering, and outputs 2 figures to the screen - the original image and the clustered image with the cluster cent...

convert function from Access SQL to T-SQL 2005

Can someone please convert this access sql function for me to work in t-sql 2005. I am tring to take the selling price minus the cost as one number. And divide that by the original selling price to produce a second number Thanks :) =IIf([Selling Price]=0,0,([Selling Price]-Nz([Cost]))/[Selling Price]) IIRC it should be something ...

Created function not found

I'm trying to create a simple function, but at runtime firebug says the function does not exist. Here's the function code: <script type="text/javascript"> function load_qtip(apply_qtip_to) { $(apply_qtip_to).each(function(){ $(this).qtip( { content: { // Set the text to an image HTML string with the ...

Classic ASP Recursive function

Hi everyone, I havent done any classic ASP for a couple of years and now trying to get back into it from c# is prooving impossible! I've got a recursive function which very simply is supposed to query a database based on a value passed to the function and once the function has stopped calling itself it returns the recordset....however i...

I am trying to understand Functions

Ok I am coming into a stumbling block no matter what language I am using. I am trying to understand when I need to pass arguments in a Function and when I don't need to pass arguments in a function. Can someone give me some direction on where to find guidance on this? ...

How to create a function and pass in variable length argument list?

We can create a function p in the following code: var p = function() { }; if (typeof(console) != 'undefined' && console.log) { p = function() { console.log(arguments); }; } but the arguments are passed like an array to console.log, instead of passed one by one as in console.log(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], ... Is ...

c++ : looking away to implemnt this senario

Hi im looking to find how to implement this scenario: i have logic code that is inside function, now i like to be able to execute this function in a separate thread. now what i have is a raw implementation of this .. i simple Init the Thread that in its Start/Run method i keep the function logic . how can i make it more generic ? so i c...

How to call iframe's function from this iframe

Hi, I have an iframe created in Javascript with some function f(): var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); $(iframe).attr({ width: 0, height: 0, frameborder: 0, src: this.options.url, name: id, id: id }); document.body.appendChild(iframe); iframe.contentWindow.f = function(data) { alert("test"); }; Document load...