
Java inputevents not firing for some period in linux (java/xorg issue??)

I'm writing a 2D game in Java and I have a problem with input events (mouse, keyboard) not firing when they should. It works as expected in win2k & xp. As it's a game, I have a main loop which Coalesces input events (various listeners populating buffered state) Advances the scene Renders the scene Waits if necessary to maintain stable...

Which programming language is manageable by an 11 year old kid?

Possible Duplicates: What is the easiest language to start with? What are some recommended programming resources for pre-teens? My son is 11 years old and he would like to learn a programming language. Of course his primary goal is to develop some (simple) games. Do you know of a programming language that is suitable for this...

How can I convert coordinates on a square to coordinates on a circle?

I'm developing an indie video game, and have been operating under the assumption that because the thumbstick on my controller has a circular range of motion, it returns "circular" coordinates; that is, Cartesian coordinates constrained to a circular area (of radius 1). In fact, the coordinates are "square"; e.g., the top-right thumbstick...

How to let the server inform game clients about other nearby visible players in an efficient way?

I'm working on a multiplayer flash game. The server informs each client what other players are near the player. To do this the server has to check which clients are near each other continuously. The following is what I am using at this moment, as a temporary solution: private function checkVisibilities() { foreach ($this->socketClie...

Trying to build algorithm for optimal tower placement in a game

This is going to be a long post and just for fun, so if you don't have much time better go help folks with more important questions instead :) There is a game called "Tower Bloxx" recently released on xbox. One part of the game is to place different colored towers on a field in a most optimal way in order to maximize number of most valu...

Tutorials and libraries for OpenGL-ES games on Android

What tutorials and libraries are available which can help beginners to develop 2D and 3D games on Android using OpenGL-ES? I'm looking for tutorials which can help me learn OpenGL-ES, and I'm looking for OpenGL-ES libraries which can make life easier for beginners in OpenGL-ES. Since Android is still small, I guess it may be help-full t...

What is the best Battleship AI?

Battleship! Back in 2003, (when I was 17,) I competed in a Battleship AI coding competition. Even though I lost that tournament, I had a lot of fun and learned a lot from it. Now, I would like to resurrect this competition, in the search of the best battleship AI. Here is the framework: The winner will be awarded +45...

ncurses novice - starting out with GNU C

A simpler life I am returning to C to help reinvigorate my programming lobe. The last time I learned to program I was at college working with Turbo C on MSDOS. Simple ASCII animations became an obsession once I found Borland's friendly <conio.h> one include away. A lot of fun was had with the gotoxy and textcolor functions and it wasn...

Real-time game networking libraries for games in Java and Objective-C

I'm looking to build real-time games built using a dedicated Java server and iphone clients as well as Java desktop clients. What available high-performance network transport libraries that could be used for real-time multiplayer game development, exist for Java and iphone (specifically reliable UDP)? The general advice for most real-ti...

Open source library or class that punches through NAT/Firewalls for P2P data transfer

I'm looking for some C#/.NET library that I can use to do some NAT-Punching for multi-player game development. Using a central server to establish initial connection is OK, but ideally connections would drop into p2p mode after initial communication with server. ...

Designing the storage for a very large game world.

I'm starting up game programming again. 10 years ago I was making games in qbasic and I havn't done any game programming since, so I am quite rusty. I have been programming all the time though, I am web developer/DBA/admin now. I have several questions, but I'm going to limit it to one per post. The game I am working on is going to be l...

2d Map based tile game engine

Hello, I'm wondering if there is any map creator tool out there that can create terrains for 2d isometric games and export them as some form of xml or other open format document. For eg. You would create how a 100x100 tile map. Use a paint brush to paint colours or textures on the tiles and specific collisions and animation. Then export...

How should I save and load user configuration files for a game in C++?

I need a way to save and load user configurations for a game (controls, graphics, etc.) to a file. I want to do this in a cross-platform manner, and if I have to use libraries, I want them to have a simple enough syntax. How do I save and load config files, and what format should I use? XML and INI seem popular but all of the parsers I h...

Resources for Game Artificial Intelligence

I would like to start building/developing a game AI that will allow me to play games like: Chess, domino, poker, and Texas hold'em against computer opponent. What are some of the books/resources are recommended to achieve that goal? Please give me the link with the books cover or something ...

Static data on iphone c++

I have data for countries which include Name, Population, Area etc for countries... What is the best way to store them, I was thinking of static arrays in header files ...? I am using c++ primarily for some game on iPhone Should I consider other options like sqlite, plists, dictionaries ....? ...

Cannot get this triangle to display

Hi, I'm following the XNA 3.0 Game Studio Unleashed Book by Chad Carter. I'm on chapter 4 and the following listing should render a textured triangle onto the game window but for the life of me I cannot figure out why it's not. I just get the plain cornflower blue screen. I'm using Visual Studio 2008 with XNA 3.1 Those who have the bo...

Flexible library or server for board games (chess or others)?

Hello, I'm looking for a program or library that I could use for experimenting with board games (chess mostly, but not necessarily -- other similarly complex board games are OK too). I'll test different game-playing algorithms. This is what I need: I'd like, if possible, to make my program play against players like gnuchess and craft...

Creating a Simple Old School Console Emulator

Hello, I'm now with the dream to start a project of a emulator of old school consoles(Atari, Colecovision...), but before I start I need to know some things: Which is the most easy console to create an emulator of it? Where I can find some good resources to build it? Which is the best language to build a emulator? Thanks. ...

Where to learn about enemy game algorithms (like Starcraft/Warcraft)?

I would like to learn about games (strategy) algorithms especially about how do enemies algorithms works ? Is there any good place for beginners? ...

Howto take latency differences into consideration when verifying location differences with timestamps (anti-cheating)?

When you have a multiplayer game where the server is receiving movement (location) information from the client, you want to verify this information as an anti-cheating measure. This can be done like this: maxPlayerSpeed = 300; // = 300 pixels every 1 second if ((1000 / (getTime() - oldTimestamp) * (newPosX - oldPosX)) > maxPlayerSpeed)...