
Overuse of static in my Java Game project?

I am currently developing a little platform in Java and I wrote my own game engine for it called Bonsai. Now I'm asking myself the question "Did I overuse statics?". On the one hand it's very convenient since I don't have to keep a reference to the game instance in each class like the map or the player. On the other hand... I have alrea...

Ball and brick collision handling

I have made the game, "Breakout". A small fun side-project. Now, I usually do not make games, so collision-handling is not something I normally think about. I have a paddle, a ball and some bricks. For now, when there is a collision (I draw rectangles around each of the objects mentioned), I simply change the Y value of the ball to -Y...

iPhone Pong Collision Detection

I have an issue where if the ball hits the paddle just right, it gets locked inside and can't be released. It happens sometimes on the player paddle, but since you have control of it, all you have to to do is move it and it escapes. The computer follows the ball perfectly, so once it gets inside it never can escape, leading to what happe...

HTTP As Communication Layer for a Game

I've just started dabbling in some game development and wanted to create a simple multiplayer game. Is it feasible to use HTTP as the primary communication protocol for a multiplayer Game. My game will not be making several requests a second but rather a a request every few seconds. The client will be a mobile device. The reason I'm ask...

Creating an executable jar file from a clojure project?

I have a clojure project that uses the slick 2d game engine that I am trying to run as an executable jar file. I created the project in both Netbeans and Eclipse and I have had no luck exporting them into an executable format. It keeps giving the error could not find the main class, followed by giving my main class. I have tried editing ...

How to make a circle to move in C#?

I want to write a simple game like pacman in C# in order to learn the new language. However, I don't know how to make a circle move? Which part of knowledge in C# is needed? ...

Any Resources for Pure Actionscript 3 Games?

What resources (books or website/tutorials) are available, that cover game development using pure Actionscript 3 code? By pure, I mean not using Flash CS4 and its timeline, and not using Flex MXML components. Everything done using only Actionscript code. In another question, I asked about using certain objects of the Flex SDK for simple...

OpenGL spritesheets - beginner needs some guidance

Imagine the following scenario: you have a set of RPG character spritesheets in PNG format and you want to use them in an OpenGL application. The separate characters are (usually) 16 by 24 pixels in size (that is, 24 pixels tall) and may be at any width and height without leaving padding. Kinda like this: I already have the code to d...

How to convert Euler angles to directional vector?

So I have a pitch, roll, and yaw angles... I want to convert these to a directional vector. Bonus points if you can give me a quaternion and/or matrix representation of this! Thanks! ...

How do I prevent text and/or page content double-click highlighting in html and javascript?

Kind of an odd question, but I have a game I am making for a Halloween party. Javascript/HTML for quick and dirty development. (This is going to be full screen on a projector and use a Wiimote for mouse control). This is what I am using, my question is not intended to invoke criticism of my code choice. It works great, except for one...

How do I setup a game room in pure actionscript?

Height, Width, Background Color, placing objects in the room and such. Can anyone help me? ...

C vs. Java for game programming

I understand that C++ is generally considered better than Java for games (at least larger-scale games). Why is this? What is keeping Java from being competitive in this field? Which reasons against using Java for game programming have the most basis, and which ones are myths? EDIT: Am a bit unfamiliar with C/C++, and did not think to ...

Open Source C++ game engine math libraries?

I'm looking for a free to use game engine math library. Specifically I'd like a good matrix and vector implementation. And everything needed to move objects in 3D space. Does anyone know any good ones? I'm targeting OpenGL. I'd like to write them myself but don't have the time LOL. ...

Multiplayer browser game [Java]

I've been developing a small card game which is called "Tarneeb". The game itself looks like Bridge card game but with different rules. Anyway, i finished the entire game as a standalone desktop application using Java 6. This is a picture of the game. Anyway, i now need to transform that into a web app with multiplayer capabilities, so t...

What is a good game engine with solid network support?

I do not want to beat around the bush so getting right into it no I'm really not one of those people asking how to make an mmorpg, haha (was about 6 years ago until someone told me to learn programming... which is now my passion). So I've been following the indie game scene for years and the thing is I've never really looked into maki...

How do you rotate a sprite around its center by caclulating a new x and y position?

I'm using Dark GDK and C++ to create a simple 2d game. I'm rotating an object but it rotates from the top left corner of the sprite. I have the following variables available: PlayerX PlayerY PlayerWidth PlayerHeight RotateAngle (360 > x > 0) Is there an algorithm that will modify the pivot point of the sprite, preferable to the ce...

C# and SDL - Does the end user need SDL installed?

I'm thinking about whether or not to try out SDL as an alternative to DirectX, seems I only create 2D games, however I can't find anywhere if SDL is required to be installed on the end users computer to play a game developed in C#, using SDL for the graphics. Does anyone know? ...

Can anyone help with the collision detect for my platformer? (Actionscript 3.0)

Im currently working on making a flash platformer engine...but my collision detect needs some serious help. Whenever my character 'jumps', and lands on the collision object, he goes about halfway through it for a split second, then goes back to the top (where I want him to be). If I continue to jump multiple times, the shadow of him, if ...

Looking for good server-side language that will allow players to upload code that can be executed

I had an idea of a program I want to write, but which language would be best is my problem. If I have a car racing game and I want to allow users to submit code for new interactive 3D race tracks (think of tracks such as found in the Speed Racer movie), vehicles and for their autonomous vehicles, so, they would create the AI for their c...

Developing Games - How are things that take more than one game loop performed?

I'm using C#, but this is applicable to developing a game in any language. Most games use a 'game loop', which would look something like this: while (game is running) { UpdateEnvironment(); DrawEnvironment(); } I'm struggling to understand how things which would take more than one game loop fit into the equation. For example, mak...