
As3 OOP game structure (class architecture)

Game description: A quiz with different levels and different types of visual questions for each level. OOP so far: GameBoard (where one answers questions), Dialog, HighScore, Controller/LevelController? I have a document class called Controller which initializes the game: public function Controller() { initGame(); } function ...

I want to make a simple 3D game using openGL, where should I start?

I find that I learn best by example. Is there a good website or codebase that shows how event handling, collision detection, modeling, and basic 3D drawing works? The game I'm trying to begin with is a simple racing game where the user controls a small space ship and navigates through channels, asteroid fields, space colonies, and vario...

How to write a "material module" for 3D rendering?

At some point I would like to write some type of dynamic material-handling module for my 3D rendering engine. It should be portable (GL, D3D, etc). And when I say "dynamic" I mean a module that is able to load material definitions and data runtime (through my resource management module). The material module should cope with basic primit...

3D model format for games

Hi everyone, I've looked around for a good model format to use in a game I'm building. Its a single player RPG that runs on any platform. I looked at md2,3, and 5 formats, obj, and 3ds, but I couldn't really find what I was looking for. All I need is a 3d model with animation that I can apply textures to. I know most of the list above do...

How to go about benchmarking a software rasterizer

Ok, ive been developing a software rasterizer for some time now, but have no idea how to go about benchmarking it to see if its actually any good.... i mean say you can render X amount of verts ant Y frames per second, what would be a good way to analyse this data to see if its any good? rather than someone just saying "30 fps with 1 lig...

OpenGL - to use or not to use ? why - iPhone application dev

I have to develop an application "Behavior like an Tetris game". I have never used "OpenGL" for the iPhone application developement. Application is something like this Red / green / blue square boxes drop from top Red + Red + Red = Points & boxes disappears same way user has to make combination & get points Different levels are ther...

Is there a faster and object orientated alternative to SDL for C++ ?

The current version of libsdl (1.2.x branch) is very, very slow with blending and per pixel alpha (as it uses software blending). Is there any other good alternative to it? ...

Group games to teach computer programming (either functional or imperative)

(See end for summary of updated question.) I want to convey to groups of people (kids or adults) how a computer program written in a high-level language works, and what the relationship is of that program to the computer as a consumer device as they know it (a TV-like box that "does" typing and "internet"). I want to do it without comp...

Tile-based Collision Detection problems in 2-D iPhone game

SETUP: I'm working on a 2-D tile-based game (bird's eye view) for iPhone. The app reads in a tile-d (.tbx) tilemap file of tiles with a 'blocked' property of either true or false to represent whether or not the hero can move through the tile. I iterate over each tile in the map and create a 2-dimensional C array representing tile rows an...

mochi games integration problem

We send below code of request according to the instruction of mochi games client: var options = {partnerID: "xxxxxxxx", id: "idx"}; options.userID = 1; options.username = 'username'; options.gateway = ''; options.width = 320; options.height = 300; options.debug = true; Mochi.addLeaderboardIntegration(options); T...

MS API Code Pack - Will it support future versions of DirectX?

I'm working on deciding between Managed DirectX (through MS API Codepack), SlimDX library (managed wrapper for DirectX), XNA (managed wrapper++ for Directx9 only), or unmanaged Directx (20%+ extra development time). So, the MS API Codepack interests me, because it has support for DirectX. However, I get a feeling that they might not su...

Good resources for Javascript 2d game programming?

I'm sure this question's come up before, but I can't find any reference to it. As an exercise, I've decided to look into Javascript for game programming. While it's far from being the best language for that, I do like the idea that it's cross platform and it's always available as a web page. So I thought I'd see what I could do with it....

Developing Online multiplayer management game

Hello, I wish to create a college project on a simple online multiplayer management game which will involve players setting orders for the day/week and then obtaining profits. Being a relative beginner I am unable to figure out the architecture required for this task. As far as I am concerned I would be needing the following things: ...

Various game map formats (indoor and outdoor)

Hi Everyone, I'm in the process of designing an rpg and I have run into a small snag. I'm not sure what to use for my world maps. I've looked at different formats over the past week and have determined that there aren't any maps (that I can find...) that are good for an outdoor environment. I found that .bsp maps (quake 4 or doom 3) woul...

Probable overuse of java interfaces in my implementation of Ms. Pac-Man

I have been a Java programmer for the last 6 years, and since the beginning of this year I got interested in game programming. So, I thought it was a good idea to start with a popular game and I implemented the game Ms. Pac-Man in Java. I can say that my implementation looks about 90% similar to the original game, and I tried to used as ...

Options for game development with MonoTouch

What options are there for game developers in regards to working with the MonoTouch framework? Is OpenGL fully supported? Or just a subset? Is there any additional tools, frameworks or engines that would be compatible with MonoTouch? Would these libraries also have to be written in .NET? Do you have any other tips? Thanks all. ...

Guide for Cocos2d and Box2d on iphone?

I'm new to the world of game programming but wanted to build a simple physics-based game for the iPhone. Does anyone know of any tutorials for Cocos2D and/or Box2D on the iPhone? The documentation is kind of confusing. ...

Find the normal angle of the face of a triangle in 3D, given the co-ordinated of its verticies

As you may be able to tell from this screenshot, I am trying to make a physics engine for a platformer I am working on, but I have run into a definite problem: I need to be able to find out the angle of any one of the triangles that you can see make up this mesh, so that I can work out the rotation and therefore angular acceleration of t...

Handling UITouches for different parts of a game open gl ES iphone

A simplified example here: I have a game that I am writing in opengl es. The game has two different screens that do completely different things based on the user's touch input. What is the best way to abstract out the uitouch events from the view? I imagine that in a perfect world the touch events would be handled by my game loop, bu...

GameService without GameComponent?

In XNA, is it acceptable to create a GameService for an object that isn't a GameComponent? I know that a GameService is intended to be a way to access a GameComponent, but what if the object that you're trying to provide access to doesn't need to update on every update cycle? For example, I have a Camera2D object that can calculate a Mat...