
Good way to handle ability usage within a multiplayer game?

I have written a client<>server based multiplayer game and have finished the basics (it's a flash client written in actionscript 3). The next step will be implementing a system which will allow me to easily add abilities to the game. The problem here is that an ability can do so many things. Eg. player A uses ability "repair" on player ...

Extract images from running 2d-game

There is a 2d-game based on Direct3D. This game has a lot of graphics and animations. What is the best way to extract animation image sequences from the running game (e.g. using memory dump)? Is there any special tools for such purposes? ...

Improving soccer simulation algorithm

Hello! In another question, you helped me to build a simulation algorithm for soccer. I got some very good answers there. Thanks again! Now I've coded this algorithm. I would like to improve it and find little mistakes which could be in it. I don't want to discuss how to solve it - as we did in the last question. Now I only want to imp...

Faulty to use memcache together with a php web-browser-game in this way?

Background We are currently working on a strategy web-browser game based on php, html and javascript. The plan is to have 10,000+ users playing within the same world. Currently we are using memcached to: store json static data, language files store changeable serialized php class objects (such as armies, inventorys, unit-containers,...

Prerequisite to know before working on cocos2d-iphone or game programmign in general

Ok i am also one of those who are trying to make their first game esp for Iphone but i have no clue from where to start. I never work on such application before (graphics stuff). It's totally different paradigm for me. I google around, and came to know that opengl will be required, then it cam out there is something called cocos2d-iphon...

Controller/mini-kernel design pattern in C++

I've looked around for a simple design object in C++ to work from, i understand most of the code involved but i'm rather new to the language so a 'base' to work from would help. Concept is basicly a 'task' class as a base for a jobs to run in a loop. BaseTask class > AudioTask class Controller loop > stores a std list of pointers to t...

Text based browser game

I wanted to create a text based browser game, so how should I go about? I can do programming in asp or jsp or php that is not a barrier, but I am unaware of what steps that one needs to follow while attempting to make such games. So please guide me. please also recommend me a programming language for making the same. ...

Do good multiplayer/mmo client<>server games use latency within movement calculations?

There's a couple of questions here. Imagine I have client A who's going to send the following message to Server: "START MOVEMENT FORWARD". The server will not receive this message instantly, as there is a delay because of latency. Question 1: ping (or better: round trip time) is the amount of time it takes for the client to send a mes...

API General Questions and Choices

I've decided to start making graphical games. My language of choice is C++ and the only game I've made so far was a text based game based on Hunt the Wumpus which taught me fundamentals of game loops and robust error handling. I now think I'm going to move onto a version of Tetris. Obviously moving from text-based to graphical programmi...

Sprites in game programming, multiple files vs one "texture" ?

Pardon me if my lingo is not correct as I'm new to game programming. I've been looking at some open source projects and noticed that some sprites are split up into several files, all of which are grouped together to make a 2d object look like it's animating. That's straight forward. Then I'll see a different approach, with the 2d object ...

How do you do an equivalent scaling call in cocos2d as this Core Animation scale?

I'm looking for something that does a similar call, but using cocos2d... the idea is to enlarge the sprite and then fade it out... Here's is a similar call in core animation: [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:ANIM_NORMAL]; someView.alpha = 0.0; someView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale (3.0, 3....

AS3 large game performance degradation over time

I'm currently working on a very large Flash platformer game (hundreds of classes) and dealing with an issue where the game slowly grinds to a halt if you leave it on for long enough. I didn't write the game and so I'm only vaguely familiar with its internals. Some of the mysterious symptoms include, The game will run fine for a determi...

Rotating cordinates around pivot? (tetris)

Hi guys, I'm attempting to design my very own tetris clone but have run into a little problem with shape rotations. I have a 2 dimensional array representing a 10 x 20 game grid and individual shape objects which when initialised contain coordinates of where on the grid the shape will start falling from. So for example, when the user m...

Anyone knows of open source flash games

Hi all, I am thinking of developing a small flash game. I was considering my different alternatives. One of them obviously involves working with some open source projects. Does any of you know of an open source flash game? Something similar to a shootup'. Is it even realistic to expect such a thing? Thank you ...

What is the most elegant and efficient way to model a game object hierarchy? (design bothers)

I've got the following code, think simple shooter in c++: // world.hpp //---------- class Enemy; class Bullet; class Player; struct World { // has-a collision map // has-a list of Enemies // has-a list of Bullets // has-a pointer to a player }; // object.hpp //----------- #include "world.hpp" struct Object { virtual ~Object...

What do I Need to Develop a Game for the XBOX 360

I will devloping a game using the XNA Studio. The game will not be comercial this is just a freeware game that people will be able to download from the internet. if the game will be freeware do I need to pay money? ...

PS3 Cell Programming

Hi I'm currently learning how to program the Cell processor on the PS3 (via the Linux Cell SDK) - including the basics of SIMD, multithreading SPE etc. I hope to create a simple 3D demo app out of all this. My question is, would this be helpful in getting a job in the games industry as a PS3 programmer ? I already have several years of...

Index of lowest order bit

I want to find the fastest way to get the index of the lowest order bit of a long long. ie: 00101001001000 -> 3 Solutions involving looping and shifting are too slow. ie: int i; if(bits == 0ULL) { i = 64; } else { for(i = 0;!(bits & 1ULL);i++) bits >>= 1; } EDIT: Info on usage The function that uses ffsll can't really re...

Established flash game creator application?

Are there any established/popular Flash Game Creation applications? If so, what are the pros and cons of each. Thanks. ...

Pros and Cons of Gaming Frameworks

This question is directed to anyone out there that is just starting in hobby game development. The first thing that comes to ones mind is: Which language/framework should I use? List of solutions: Adobe Flash Microsoft Silverlight Blitz3D Blender Game Engine Devkit Pro Unity 3D Torque 3D Allegro Game Maker IndieLib Apocalyx SFML M...