
Iphone Game Development

Im new to iPhone development, I bought the certificate a while back and have already posted one simple app on the app store(Lunch Money, just in case you are curious), but I've been looking all over the internet for a good series for iPhone openGL ES(2d or 3d will work) game development... does anyone know a good starting point for iphon...

What does programming for PS3's Cell Processor entail?

How is programming for the Cell Processor on the PS3 different than programming for any other processor found on a normal desktop? What kind of programming paradigms, techniques, and practices are used to fully utilize the Cell Processors potential? All the articles I hear concerning PS3 development discuss, "Learning how to program on...

Is this possible in JavaScript?

I want to create a game similar to ElastoMania in JavaScript. I was wondering, would the collision detection be impossible using divs because they are square, and the game principle revolves around driving up slopes etc? Would this be doable in canvas? Also, would using a library such as jQuery slow down the running of a JS game? I've...

HTTP push examples in Flex

I am trying to create a simple board game (a kind of checkers), where users will be able to play online with each other using flex application as a client. I am using django application to process the game on the server side. And I come across the problem, if one user made a move, I can send it to a server, but how do I let the opponent...

problem with extending classes

Hello, I'm making Braid. I have a class Wall that prevents that an object goes into a wall. Everything with Wall is working. But now I'm trying to make the same with the ceilings. My ceiling class extends Wall. I've simply made a constructor like this: public Ceiling(boolean deadly, int[] xPositions, int[] yPositions) { super(dead...

SL Teleporting Multi-User Door?

I'm trying to make the following script only work when a user in a Certain Group can teleport to the specified x,y,z coordinate. Source: // Scripting Recipes for Second Life // by Jeff Heaton (Encog Dod in SL) // ISBN: 160439000X // Copyright 2007 by Heaton Research, Inc. // // This script may be freely copied an...

Estimation for a animation game app

HI All, I am new to the world of Animation in iPhone, I have a team which has experience of developing CMS apps with little bit of animation in it. I would would like to develop an application like... link text I have limitations to put another hyperlink over here but you can search with "Alex Bop Bag" in youtube for other video. It ...

Game engine development question

I am thinking of making a simple game engine for my course final year project. I want it to be modular and expandable so that I can add new parts if I have time. For example I would make a graphics engine that would be completely independent of the other systems, once that was finished I could add a physics engine etc. I would also want ...

Windows Games Explorer Play/Support Tasks

I'm trying to get a game I'm working on to integrate with the Windows Games Explorer. So far I have embedded a Game Definition Format XML file as a resource in my binary (my actual executable) and I've been able to register the game inside the Games Explorer. However, In Vista, the play tasks and support tasks that I have defined in my...

Whats the name of this game?

This is not a programming question per se, although the ultimate goal is to devise an algorithm. I'm looking for references or at least the name of a type of game. It is pretty widespread on television game-shows. The game is as follows: You have a number of slots, each slot contains an item (from some finite set), which you don't kno...

Simulating sports matches in online game

Hello! In an online manager game (like Hattrick), I want to simulate matches between two teams. A team consists of 11 players. Every player has a strength value between 1 and 100. I take these strength values of the defensive players for each team and calculate the average. That's the defensive quality of a team. Then I take the streng...

Am trying to add an animation to a class that has extended UIView, but it is not adding it at all!!

This is the strangest error i have come across. Am trying to add a countdown animation onto a Class that extends UIView. The code is shown below: NSArray *myImages = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: [UIImage imageNamed:@"3.png"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"2.png"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"1.png"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"Go.png"], nil]; UIIma...

What is good language for web-based games?

I'd like to play around with writing some very small, simple web-based games (checkers, Conway's Game of Life, etc). I started looking into Java applet tutorials, but my years of frustration with freezing Java applets had me wondering if there was a better||easier development language to invest my time. What's a good "starter" language f...

Which language/framework should I use for creating a Facebook Application (Video Game) ?

I'm planning to write a simple 2D game that I want to deploy as a facebook application. Which language would you advise me to use for developing the game ? Is flash my best and more reliable bet or is there any other viable alternative ? ...

Materials science for game programming

Does anybody know of a good resource for programming the behaviors of various materials interacting? Game programming physics resources usually cover collision detection, momentum, intertia, etc., but they seem to deal with a sort of idealized "material". I'm interested in simulating behavior of, say a projectile striking metal, which ...

How do I get the input from a textfield in a netbeans RCP app?

I am making a text based game in Java. I have a text field, enter button, and a label. What code do i use to scan the text field once the button is clicked and respond? So that if I type in (launch missile) the label should say (missile launched). I will be listening to a button actionperformed or maybe a mouseclick event . Somethin...

cocos2d iphone - game architecture: physics VS. code simulated sprite behaviors

Hello stackoverflow community ! I am trying to figure out how to architect my game using cocos2d. My problem is that cocos2d's physics engine (i'm talking about chipmunk) lies in a world behind sprites. When I move the sprite, I'm wondering if I should *1) be moving it by applying forces on the physics body behind it OR 2) if i ...

What's the most cross-platform friendly coding language?

Let's say I want to create FPS game, let's say clone Crysis so everybody understand what type of graphics & performance I'm after. What's the best code to write this game with so it's as easy as possible to port it to all the common platforms? Of course I want the application to feel and be native to the platform. This also means that it...

XNA 3d physics engine

Hello, I am looking for a 3D physics engine for XNA. I heard of some options, but what I need is: free for commercial purposes (preferable open-source) support for rigid body dynamics support for per-polygon collision (this is very important) managed code - has to work on XBOX360 Have you used something like this? Can you recommend...

What are the active J2ME forums?

I'm interested in J2ME programming, and so it would be nice to discuss with other experienced people about issues and ideas during my development process. Do you know what are the active J2ME forum websites? Forums where J2ME devs visit frequently? Thank you. ...