
How do you get started when trying to understand the code of a 3D game engine (like id Tech 3)?

I'm a C# developer for the most part. Back in college I had classes on C/C++ so I "know C" and that's a good chunk of the reason I'm a C# developer. However I've never had the chance to code in C/C++ professionally and I'd like to study how a modern game engine works, along with how an industrial grade C/C++ app operates. The problem i...

Sound of a rolling ball

I'm looking for the most realistic way of playing sound of a rolling ball. Currently I'm using a Wav sample that I play over and over as long as the ball is moving - which just doesn't feel right. I've been thinking about completely synthesizing the sound, which I know very little about (almost nothing), I'd be grateful for any tutorial...

XNA Rotating a tank properly

Hi Im making a 2D game where the player controls a tank. I can make the tank, and all, but whats really messing with my mind is how to make it rotate accordingly. I want it to behave just like the Wii game, Tanks. Fixed directions, and with no real front and back on the tank. Driving up, then left should make it rotate to the left. D...

NSIS Integration with Windows Games Explorer

I'm trying to get the NSIS installer for my game to register the game with the Games Explorer in Vista/Win7. In all other respects, my installer is working fine - but I've had a difficult time identifying the 'right' way to integrate with the Games explorer. In my searching, I've found the following resources: Game Explorer with Help...

How do the protocols of real time strategy games such as Starcraft and Age of Empires look?

Hello, I'm interested in how the protocols (and game loop) work for these type of games; any pointers or insights are appreciated. I guess the main loop would have a world state which would be advanced a few "ticks" per second, but how are the commands of the players executed? What kind of data needs to go back and forth? ...

Functional GLUT?

I'm learning a bit of functional programming in Gambit-C Scheme by restricting myself to not using set!. I thought it might be fun to write a little OpenGL game using this environment, which seems to lend itself well to game development. However, it seems to be difficult to stick to a functional style and avoid global state when using ...

C++ game, class design and responsibilities

I've just read some related questions that came up when I typed the subject, so I'll try not to repeat those. I've recently started revisiting a learning project I started about two or three years ago - a C++ port of a Mega Man engine. Yes I used ripped sprites. I also am using a game engine library for drawing, music, and input. My or...

Tick Python instances from Python

I am interrested in doing a programming game using python, and I would like to do it in the style of GunTactyx ( Only much simpler, as I am primarily interrested in the parallel execution of python scripts from python. Gun Tactyx challenges the player to write a program that controls ...

Android as a commercial game platform.

Hi! I'm currently developing a small non-commercial game for Android which is based on OpenGL ES. Except for some minor issues (slow as crap emulator being the biggest) I've really enjoyed it so far and would love to continue developing for it. The question is: What are your thoughts on the future of Android as an environemnt for the g...

Adjust brightness/contrast/gamma of scene in DirectX?

In a Direct3D application filled with Sprite objects from D3DX, I would like to be able to globally adjust the brightness and contrast. The contrast is important, if at all possible. I've seen this question here about OpenGL: But that do...

What Game Engine should I use?

I am trying to figure out what game engine I should use? Right now I am trying to pick from toque, shiva, and unity. I wil be learning c# and objective c so I can develop iphone games, some windows games, and possibly xna games for xbox. I am also 12 years old(just in case you tell me about buying something that cost a ton of money or so...

How would one implement an FPS camera?

So I'm currently working on some FPS game programming in OpenGL (JOGL, more specifically) just for fun and I wanted to know what would be the recommended way to create an FPS-like camera? At the moment I basically have a vector for the direction the player is facing, which will be added to the current player position upon pressing the "...

Anyone ever heard of Blitz3D, BlitzBasic Game Programming Language

I want to learn how to program video games but don't want to do it in C++. I searched around and came across BlitzBasic, darkbasic, and purebasic. Have any of you guys heard of them. If so, which one would you recommend? ...

how to use EffectPool in XNA?

Title says it all basically. Can anyone give me some code/ explain how to use a user-defined effect (i.e. not BasicEffect) that uses an EffectPool to share varaibles between drawing calls? ...

C++ game and decorator pattern

I'm porting a 2D platformer and I need a good way of getting some extensibility out of my level tiles. I'm not sure if Decorator is correct here, but nothing else comes to mind. Maybe I need something unique. Anyway, say I have a basic Tile that has things like it's image, and whether the player can pass through it (background or foregr...

C# Game Development

Is C# an appropiate language to develop advanced games using XNA? ...

Finding patterns in Puzzle games.

I was wondering, which are the most commonly used algorithms applied to finding patterns in puzzle games conformed by grids of cells. I know that depends of many factors, like the kind of patterns You want to detect, or the rules of the game...but I wanted to know which are the most commonly used algorithms in that kind of problems... ...

How make a game loop on the iPhone without using NSTimer

Hi. In order to cleanly port my game to the iPhone, I'm trying to make a game loop that doesn't use NSTimer. I noticed in some sample code that, if using NSTimer, you'd set it up at the beginning with something like self.animationTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:animationInterval target:self selector:@selector(drawVi...

Should I always use a Gaming Loop in a Silverlight Game?

I have read about using CompositionTarget.Rendering Timer for the primary gaming loop in silverlight. To be used for hit testing and general game logic as would be done in any language. This said I was wondering is it best to move objects around inside this x pixels at a time (as a game in any other language) or can I utilise silverligh...

iPhone SDK: Collision detection, does it have to be a rectangle?

Hello, I am making a basic platform game for the iPhone and I have encountered a problem with my collision detection. if (CGRectIntersectsRect(player.frame, platform.frame)) pos2 = CGPointMake(0.0, +0.0); else pos2 = CGPointMake(0.0, +10.0); The collision detection is to stop in-game-gravity existing when the player is on a pl...