
What is a simple example of replacing c code with assembly to improve performance?

I've heard that game developers will sometimes replace parts of inner loops w/ assembly code to improve the performance. What is a simple example of this? Where does the assembly go? Just inline w/ the c code? Thanks! Edit: a code sample is greatly appreciated. ...

Java: Netbeans debugging session works faster than normal run

Hello, I'm making Braid in Netbeans 6.7.1. Computer Spec: Windows 7 Running processes: 46 Running threads: +/- 650 NVidia GeForce 9200M GS Intel Core 2 Duo CPU P8400 @ 2.26Ghz Game-spec with normal run: Memory: between 80 MB and 110 MB CPU: between 9% and 20% CPU when time rewinding: 90% The same values for the debugging session...

What we require to develope 3D game for iPhone

Hi to all, I am still stuck into problem of 3D game development for iPhone. I just want to know what are the basic things that we need to develop our iPhone 3D game.Like which engine is best or without engine also we can develop a FPS game? How to render image? How I will get the graphics or myself have to create a 3D image? I don't hav...

Can you have WPF references in an XNA project for xbox 360

I'm writing a XNA project in both Windows and Xbox 360 and the Windows side of it has a console I bring up written as a WPF application. What I was wondering is if I leave this in my library code with the references to WPF, will the dll still work on the 360? ...

How to implement an equipment system in CakePHP

I'm attempting to create a CakePHP based web game mostly for practice as well as for the fun of it, but am running into a conundrum trying to figure out an equipment system. I have an Items table that contains all the possible information about an item, including an item_type field that contains an integer value determining what the ite...

Unicode Input Handling in Games

This is a C++ SDL OpenGL question. Hello, I have a game that requires me to allow players to chat with each other via network. All is well, except the part where players can type in Unicode input. So, the question can be split into two parts: When players type, how do I capture input? I have done this before via the game input handl...

TCL vs Lua - scripting a mmo server

I have a c++ server side project that I need to embed some sort of scripting into. It is part of an online MMO type of server. I have significant experience using TCL, and it seems like the natural fit. I've done a minimal amount of Lua in my game dev days, and I wonder if this might be a better language for embedded scripting. It is als...

Multiplayer Game Synchronization

I've a server/client arcitecture implemented, where all state changes are sent to the function, validated and broadcasted to all clients connected. This works rather well, but the system does not maintain syncrynization between the client instances of the game as of now. If there happened to be a 5 second lag between the server and a pa...

Where can I find good sample code for iPhone game?

Where can I find good sample code for iPhone game? ...

Insightful resources for game engine architecture?

I am looking for resources that describe, in detail, the design decisions involved in game engine architecture. I am especially looking for analysis of the pros and cons of different design decisions at the lowest levels of the engine. The ideal resource, for example, might compare an inheritance-based object hierarchy to a flat, compone...

What is the best adventure running on ScummVM?

Out of all the adventure games currently supported by ScummVM, which ones do you like best? ...

What's your perspective on Monopoly City Streets as a programmer/dba?

Monopoly City Streets is the latest MMORPG by Hasbro. If someone asks you to build a similar game, how would you go about it? What technology/language Hardware specs and scaling Database and its architecture Security or cheat prevention Other things... ...

Creating a packed Binary Representation of a Set of Files?

So i am trying to work on my own little 3d game. Now i am more or less doing this to learn C#. I was wondering, what is the best methodology for packaging assets such as textures/scripts? Generally what i was thinking of doing was this: [header] [number of records] [Offset to Record 1 from End of header] [Offset to Record 2 from end of...

Soccer simulation for a game

Hello! I would like to build a simulation engine which can simulate a soccer (association football) match. It would be cool great if you could help me. What is important to me is to decide which actions happen. The event listeners for each action can be implemented later easily. The function should only simulate the game results and com...

For my game's main loop what should i consider : DispatcherTimer Vs StoryBoard

I am writing a game in which I want to kick off an event for my game main loop, the event has to be fired after a very small interval of time. DispatcherTimer helped me in implementing that, I came across this article

How do I go about reverse engineering a UDP-based custom game protocol with nothing other than Wireshark?

How do I go about reverse engineering a UDP-based custom game protocol with nothing other than Wireshark? I can log a bunch of traffic, but then what? My goal is to write a dissector plugin for Wireshark that will eventually be able to decode the game commands. Does this seem feasible? What challenges might I face? Is it possible the com...

How to draw lots of bitmaps on screen in an Android game without slow performance

Hi, I want to make a tile based game for android. At the moment I am drawing each tile as a separate bitmap. I have a big for loop that reads from a string and draws different tiles depending on what character it finds to draw the level. I have allowed the user to scroll the screen using scrolling gestures. However the game is too s...

OpenGL absolute coordinates

I'm very new to creating games (and working in OpenGL in general). I'm trying to make a 2D game but have come upon a stumbling point when trying to get my head around collision detection. Lets say for example I translate the current matrix, the rotate and translate again and then draw a point. How do I know where that point is in relat...

Where Java applets game portals?

I have started making some small Java games that run in a browser and have found a couple of game portals where I can host then (, and Most of the other portals I find either only allow Flash or offer the games for download. Apart from those above, what other portals exist that allow hosting ap...

OpenGL game development - scenes that span far into view

I am working on a 2d game. Imagine a XY plane and you are a character. As your character walks, the rest of the scene comes into view. Imagine that the XY plane is quite large and there are other characters outside of your current view. Here is my question, with opengl, if those objects aren't rendered outside of the current view, do...