
Embed xna game in a webpage

Is there a way to run an xna game from a web page without installing anything? Something similiar to java, silverlight or very close to a wpf browser applications (XBAP). Scenario: Go on webpage, Get asked to install the game. Game installs, game screen shows up in webpage. Can full screen, etc. The game is a full blown xna ...

VB.NET: Building an Event Manager - Listeners

I'm in the research stage of a project that will require the development of a custom event manager for computer game events. In the past, the routing code for polling the correct pieces of code for event consumption has been placed entirely within the Event Manager's ProcessEvents() function. Example: The UI needs to be provided the o...

How do I manage sprites in my J2ME games?

Are there any libraries for J2ME to manage bitmap sprites for games? ...

iPhone game programming: Framework for this game?

For something like this app, what sort of game framework is needed? It's all 2D and I've read how popular Cocos is. The problem is I'm not a game programmer and there aren't any good Cocos tutorials out there. Would Cocos be able to create a game like...

Learning to create animations in C++

does anyone know where I can learn to create and manipulate animations in c++ for the purpose of game development? ...

Moving Sprites (more then one) at a time

From my Question here, -(void)moveBox:(NSTimer*)myTimer{ float endx=[[[myTimer userInfo] valueForKey:@"endX"] floatValue]; float endy=[[[myTimer userInfo] valueForKey:@"endY"] floatValue]; float timing=[[[myTimer userInfo] valueForKey:@"ti...

How to get that Zelda Text Effect?

I have a little 2D tile-based OpenGL ES game on the iPhone in which a dialogue box will appear on the screen when talking to characters in the game. I want to know how to display the text (bitmap font) gradually, not the entire string at once but, how they do it in the Zelda games, letter by letter with the little command-prompt looking ...

In game programming, how can I test whether a heuristic used is consistent or not?

I have thought of some heuristics for a big (higher dimensions) tic-tac-toe game. How do I check which of them are actually consistent? What is meant by consistency anyways? ...

simple c++, opengl game engine for linux?

I was wondering if anyone knew of a simple opengl game engine for linux where the source is available to read. I basically want to read the source to get a better idea of how things are put together without worrying about the code being cross platform or having fancy particle effects or anything. ...

I want to learn game development. Which language should I use?

I have heard that C++ and Python are two of the most used languages. Which one should I choose? And in Python - version 2 or 3? I am looking at basic game development (like a car racing game, for example) and NOT flash/iphone/browser games. Also I do not want to jump to C#. C++ vs python is what I am considering... also, it wou...

What algorithm would you use to solve a very large tic-tac-toe game?

A small (3x3, 4x4) tic-tac-toe can be easily solved by considering all the cases. But for example, you have a 30x30 tic-tac-toe. What algorithm would you use to decide the next best move in that case? Minimax + alpha-beta pruning is one way that I know. Is there some other way that is more efficient/not more efficient but cooler? ...

Can you provide some advice on setting up my database?

I'm working on a MUD (Multi User Dungeon) in Python and am just now getting around to the point where I need to add some rooms, enemies, items, etc. I could hardcode all this in, but it seems like this is more of a job for a database. However, I've never really done any work with databases before so I was wondering if you have any advic...

Animations in a 2D C# XNA game

I want to create a 2d game in C# using XNA. There should be stickmen who can wear different weapons like a pistol, a grenade or a rocket launcher. And those stickman also should be able to do other things, like drink a bottle of beer and stuff.. So how do you create and store these animations (drink a bottle of beer, walk, throw a grenad...

Programming in gamedev (performance related)

I am just wondering how some things work in gamedev: I know, that the performance is actually crucial so there is still (and I think never will be) no place to use managed languages/platforms as Java/.NET just because of their performance. But... recently I have read somewhere here on SO, that even though people creating games use C++ ...

Javascript Game: What should i know?

I am thinking as a challenge i should write a javascript based game. I want sound, images and input. A background to simulate a screen (like 640x480 with all my images in it) would be useful to separate the rest of the page from the 'game'. What should i look at? Some things i would need Framecontrol. A way to get the current time (or...

What can be used as a heuristic for Bubblet game?

I am planning to make a Bubblet game in Java, because I simply love the game. What can be used as a heuristic for the game? I will make it 30x30 or bigger, and I cannot figure out how to make the computer play the game efficiently... Can you suggest some idea? Thanks ...

Stuck building a game engine

I'm trying to build a (simple) game engine using c++, SDL and OpenGL but I can't seem to figure out the next step. This is what I have so far... An engine object which controls the main game loop A scene renderer which will render the scene A stack of game states that can be pushed and popped Each state has a collection of actors and...

How do I create a floor for a game?

I'm attempting to build a Lunar Lander style game on the iPhone. I've got Cocos2D and I'm going to use Box2D. I'm wondering what the best way is to build the floor for the game. I need to be able to create both the visual aspect of the floor and the data for the physics engine. Oh, did I mention I'm terrible at graphics editing? ...

Need some advise with how bitblit works

Hi, I am creating my first game ever using pygame and i've found that in order to animate things the most popular method is to use bit blit. However I have a few questions regarding this: From what I understood, when you use bit blit you have to "redraw" on the screen every single object that was present before in order for it to work...

Why don't Minidumps give good call stacks?

I've used minidumps on many game projects over the years and they seem to have about a 50% chance of having a valid call stack. What can I do to make them have better call stacks? I've tried putting the latest dbghelp.dll in the exe directory. That seems to help some. Is Visual Studio 2008 or 2010 any better? (I'm still on VS 2005). T...