
Picasa API for C# error

My Code: foreach (PicasaEntry entryAlbuns in feedAlbuns.Entries) { AlbumAccessor ac = new AlbumAccessor(entryAlbuns); PhotoQuery photos = new PhotoQuery(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri("admin@localhost", ac.AlbumTitle)); PicasaFeed feedPhotos = service.Query(photos); } When debugger step in line PicasaFeed feedPho...

Simple question in ClientLogin using python gdata library

Hi friends, I have incorporated ClientLogin into my python application to retrieve contact list of the user , I like to know how to get the name of the user who has logged in.My code to get the names from the contact list of the user is as given below gd_client = gdata.contacts.service.ContactsService() gd_clie...

Possible to access gdata api when using Java App Engine?

I have a dilemma where I want to create an application that manipulates google contacts information. The problem comes down to the fact that Python only supports version 1.0 of the api whilst Java supports 3.0. I also want it to be web-based so I'm having a look at google app engine, but it seems that only the python version of app engi...

gdata error

Hi All, I am trying to execute simple program of gdata, but I am getting following Error sequence item 0: expected string, int found args = ('sequence item 0: expected string, int found',) message = 'sequence item 0: expected string, int found' ca...

gdata get contacts from a certain group

How can I retrieve all my contacts that belong to a certain group? I don't want a complete list of all my contacts just the ones from a specific group. This is the group: DEBUG 2009-07-28 12:01:32,681] group is Customers with id m8/feeds/groups/ ...

Google Apps domain as OpenID provider

How can I make my Google Apps domain to be OpenID provider. Is there any documentation, tutorial, working example something? How to authenticate users in my own application using Google Apps domain authentication (I mean without OpenID). I've heard that it's something about gdata api but I don't know where to start. Are there any useful...

problem in creating a calendar event using gdata in appengine

I am getting a token upgrade failed error when i try to create a calendar reminder using google's gdata used in an appengine environment. The code fragment is: def InsertSingleEvent(calendar_service, title=None, content=None, where=None, start_time=None, end_time=None): event = gdata.calendar.Calen...

Google data (gdata) in eclipse with app engine, java

Ive had a similar question as this one before, and when that solved this came. So here we go again. The content of doGet pretty much works but when I try it as a part of a servlet that eclipse created for me I get errors. Its looks a bit like I don't have the appropriate files referenced in the library, but I think I do. The java code ...

How to remove `limitedSyndication` from YouTube Data API search results

The following query will return results, but some of them will contain a limitedSyndication restriction. This cannot be filtered out by format or by restriction parameters.

google data api for youtube

i am trying to run the sample program which comes with google data api.I am geting a run time error at following line YouTubeService myService = new YouTubeService("gdataSample-YouTube-1"); erroe is as follows : run: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/collect/Maps at

Add exception to recurring event using google calendar api in PHP

Using the Zend Gdata Calendar classes, how can I add an exception to a recurring event? $orig = $evtFeed[0]; //the original recurrence $ex = $gc->newEventEntry(); //gc is a Zend_Gdata_Calendar object $ex->originalEvent = $gc->newOriginalEvent($orig->getId(), $orig->getLink('self')->href, $gc->newWhen('2009-09-23T15:00:00.000Z')); $ex->...

Gmail Task API exist?

Inside Gmail, there is a small function called "Task". It can allow me to enter a to-do-list. I'm wondering if there is any official / unofficial Google API to access / update the list by Java language? ...

Problems with GData Request Token

We have successfully used GData libraries to access a user's Google Docs. But we encountered problems when many users log in to our site and authorize our web app at the same time or successively. Here's what happens: First user successful logs in, authorizes our web app via OAuth and is able to add rubric (or google spreadsheet). Se...

How to save data in unpublic google spreadsheet using PHP without Zend Gdata library?

How can I save data in unpublic google spreadsheet in PHP without using Zend Gdata lib? I can't use Zend libs, as it's shown on google tutorials, because the php server on which I'm running the script is php v. 5.0.4. I tried to find a solution using cUrl, but I can't omit the problem with authentication when doc is unpublic. How can I d...

How to retrieve Google Blogger feed in ASP.NET medium trust?

I have an ASP.NET web site hosted at and they recently changed the shared accounts to run in medium trust. In my web site I query my Blogger account and get blog posts to display on my web site. I am using Google.GData.Client v1.4.0.2 The retrieval works locally (and worked until medium trust was invoked at the ISP). Now...

Getting Zend_GData Feed for a Specific Google Calendar

I had a long detailed question about how to get a specific calendar's event feed, but figured (I think) a solution out before I posted. However, even with the solution I'm left wondering what I'm missing about this process. To get a single calendar's event feed (or to search that feed) I do the following: Authenticate (obviously) Get a...

Google Calendar API: GDataEntryCalendarEvent question

Hi, I'm trying to use the google GData api to insert an event in a google calendar. My question is this: I don't see anywhere in the header files for GDataEntryCalendarEvent the ability to add guests to an event? Anyone know how to do that? ...

Finding out contacts from a group (GDATA)

I want to find all contacts belonging to a particular group (eg "Friends"). I have worked out how to get a the groups a contact belongs to but that group has a URI rather than a friendly name (I could iterate over all contacts but that seems a bit heavy handed). I have seen the python examples but it doesnt seem to be one doing quite w...

HTTP/1.1 401 Token invalid - AuthSub token has wrong scope

I get this error when trying to get a feed from Google Analytics API. However, using the same token I get successful feeds from Google Calendar. The code between the two is exactly the same except for the feed url. So it must have something to do with Analytics being https and Calendar just http. I have successfully created a non-s...

Stopping youtube video once it reaches a point

It looks like the YouTube API does not have a way to stop a video playing once it reaches a certain point. It has a way to start it at a certain point, but not to stop it at a certain point. I'm wondering if there's a workaround for this? or maybe I glanced over it without noticing. ...