
Unable to trim the string in PrintDocument

I have some string to print on PrintDocument using its graphic object using following code, and I'm expecting if rectangle area in small to fit whole string it show trim it with ellipses but the trimming is not applied to the drawn string, is there any thing wrong in the code? (If draw string on windows form it works) PrintDocum...

Converting the EMR_LINETO (X,Y) coordinates to twips

Hi, I am working on converting the EMF file to RTF file. I am having a problem on converting the (x,y) coordinates (in EMR_LINETO record) to twips. So please post the conversion factor. ...

How to open GDI+ Bitmap in readonly mode?

I want to open a image(jpeg, bmp) using GDI+ using readonly mode, in c++。How can I do this? Many Thanks! ...

Draw a Rectangle in .NET

I try to write a class that will draw itself on a control(.NET 2). But this "thing" does not repaint itself properly(does not invalidate the parent as it should). Here is the usage: Public Class Form1 Dim myCadre As New Cadre Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Cli...

How to draw a single point with .Net?

Hello, this should be pretty simple but I don't get it. How can I draw a single point in .Net? If I use g.DrawLine(Black,0,0,0,0) nothing is drawn and if I use g.DrawLine(Black,0,0,1,0) a line with 2 dots is used. The same happens with g.DrawRectangle. This has me intrigued. Thanks in advance. EDIT: A box of 1x1 is a box of 4 pixels a...

When constructing a Bitmap with Image.FromHbitmap(), how soon can the original bitmap handle be deleted?

From the documentation of Image.FromHbitmap() at : The FromHbitmap method makes a copy of the GDI bitmap; so you can release the incoming GDI bitmap using the GDIDeleteObject method immediately after creating the new Image. This pretty explicitly states that the bitm...

a generic error occurred in gdi+

I'm receiving "a generic error occurred in gdi+" processing error while running a preview of my report inside visual studio. when i have not designed the report at that time there was no error! but when i have designed it completely it gives that error. Hope anyone can help. Thanks in Advance Vish! ...

Getting error on saving an image

Hi, We load an image from file and display it in PictureEdit(devexpress control).Then,user clicks a button to embed some text on the image(customer name).When we try to save to file(PictureEditProduct.Image.Save),we get an error "a generic error occurred in GDI+". The code Dim bm As Bitmap = CType(PictureEditProduct.Image, Bitma...

Get File Size of Modified Image Before Writing to Disk

I'm doing a conversion from .jpg to .png in System.Drawing and one thing that I've found is that this conversion tends to make the resulting converted .png much larger than the .jpg original. Sometimes more than 10x larger after converting to .png. Given that seems to always be the case (unless you know of a way around this), is there a...

Determine if Alpha Channel is Used in an Image

As I'm bringing in images into my program, I want to determine if: they have an alpha-channel if that alpha-channel is used #1 is simple enough with using Image.IsAlphaPixelFormat. For #2 though, other than looping through every single pixel, is there a simple way I can determine if at least one of the pixels has an alpha channel tha...

A generic error occurred in GDI+ when Saving Images in ASP.NET

I get the exception "A generic error occurred in GDI+" when calling destImage.Save() at the end of this function. This resizes an image uploaded to my ASP.NET app: public static void ResizeImageFile(string sourceFileName, string destinationFileName, int width, int height) { using (var sourceImage = Image.FromFile(sourceFileNam...

Generic GDI+ Error when saving image.

Hi, I i have a very simple C# Form with a thread that get's an image and saves it into a folder. In the ** line I get a Generic GDI+ Error, I believe that it's a multithreading issue. This is the code of the thread: int seqId = SeqId; int num = 0; while (true) { string directoryPath = @"C:\tests\sequencias\seq-"...

Preserve Font Size when scaling a Drawing

I do the following when drawing: Matrix m = new Matrix() m.Scale(_zoomX, _zoomY) e.Graphics.Transform = m e.Graphics.DrawLine(...) ' line representation ' e.Graphics.DrawString(...) ' line text ' Now, the text became also scaled. Is it possible to avoid it? ...

Snap to grid in millimeters on a panel?

I have a panel. I need to represent it in WYSIWYG. Now, when drawing on it, is possible to draw using millimeters instead of pixels. graphics.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Millimeter graphics.DrawRectangle(pen,rect) Is it possible to position the controls(buttons, textboxes) also in millimeters, in order to get a "real" paper image of the...

Should I use .NET's built-in double buffering or my own implementation?

I am doing some GDI+ drawing in Visual C++ and noticed that my canvas doesn't look the best when scrolling, resizing, etc... due to lots of flickering and slow redraws. From what I've read, the solution is to double buffer but there are conflicting suggestions on how to implement. A few sources suggest to use the existing .NET implement...

How do I get the pixel color under the cursor?

I need a fast command line app to return the color of the pixel under the mouse cursor. How can I build this in VC++, I need something similar to this, but ideally not in .NET so it can be run many times per second? ...

To Draw or not to Draw on Background?

I draw a drawing on a custom panel using GDI+. Somethink like: Now, I can override 2 methods: OnPaint() and OnPaintBackground(). Say I draw the grid in background and the graph in OnPaint, or draw the texts in background and lines in Paint. Is it more optimal to divide the work between Background and Paint or to draw everything in On...

C# - TabPage Color event

Hello, C# certainly isn't my strong suit so I appreciate all the generous folk sharing their knowledge. I'm working with a Windows Form and I've read up on events and have found some excellent help on how to modify a TabControl so I can have an OnDraw event that will add some coloring to the tabs. The color of each tab is based upon th...

Tinting Towards or Away from a Hue By a Certain Percentage

I'm trying emulate the Tint Effect of Open XML. What it does is change the hue of pixels in an image by shifting the hue. It takes 2 parameters: 1) the hue (in degrees) and 2) the amt (the amount, a percentage). It is #2 that I'm having issues with. The spec states: Tint: Shifts effect color values either towards or away from hue by ...

System.Drawing.Graphics Transform() methods: use for zoom, pan?

I'm building a very simple vector graphics application using GDI+. Obviously I don't want the default measurement unit to be the pixel, so right now I'm using a complicated system that involves a variable called the "scale factor" and a point called the "offset". Every time I want to draw anything, I have to multiply by the scale factor ...