
What's a good tutorial for creating a gem with RSpec?

I've been searching around for ways to create a gem with RSpec, but haven't found descriptive tutorials. I started out with Ryan Bates' Making a gem, but I'm looking for a tutorial that discusses creating an acts_as style gem with RSpec. By acts_as, I mean to say that the gem adds certain methods to an existing class in Rails. Why is t...

Why don't RSpec's methods, "get", "post", "put", "delete" work in a controller spec in a gem (or outside Rails)?

I'm not new to Rails or Rspec, but I'm new to making gems. When I test my controllers, the REST methods "get", "post", "put", "delete" give me an undefined method error. Below you'll find code, but if you prefer to see it in a pastie, click here. Thanks! Here's my spec_helper: $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) $LOAD_PATH.un...

GEM Version Requirements Deprecated

When creating a new Rails project using: rails sample Then creating a model using: script/generate model person first_name:string last_name:string Everything is fine. However, if I add any gems to my environment.rb: config.gem "authlogic" And run the same generator, I get the following: /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.3....

How to install gem from GitHub source?

Hello, I know this is probably kind of noob question, but I never tried this before and I'm not sure how to do this. So when I installed my gem with gem utility it installed too old version. I want latest version, that is on GitHub. I could just download source, but I want to be able to load with gem in my Ruby code. Any ideas? ...

Any other ways to install heroku except gem install

Hi, Command gem install heroku failed with following messsage and I have tried the solution here , but failed also. So , is there any other way i can install heroku? WARNING: RubyGems 1.2+ index not found for: RubyGems will revert to legacy indexes degrading performance. ERROR: could not f...

Sintra app in a gem

I have a Sinatra application I've created and I'd like to package it as a gem-based binary. I have my gemspec and gem set up to generate a suitable executable that points to the my_sinatra_app.rb (which is executable) but the sinatra server never runs. Any ideas why and how to make it work? my_sinatra_app executable: #!/System/Library...

problem with installing mmangino-facebooker gem

Hello, I've problem like in title. I'm using ruby with Sinatra framework and trying to integrate my site with faceboook connect using frankie gem. Unfortunetly I'm getting dependencie error like that: Could not find RubyGem mmangino-facebooker (>= 1.0.2) When I try to install sudo gem install mmangino-facebooker I'm getting ...

Problem with rake db:migrate

When I try rake db:migrate, I get the following error: !!! The bundled mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2. Please install the mysql gem and try again: gem install mysql. rake aborted! no such file to load -- mysql And when I try to "gem install mysql" Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error in...

Problem installing MySQL gem on Fedora

When I try rake db:migrate, I get the following error: The bundled mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2. Please install the mysql gem and try again: gem install mysql. rake aborted! no such file to load -- mysql And when I try to gem install mysql Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installi...

Using a lemmatizer in ruby

I have tried using a stemmer but the words it produces are just not upto the mark. It could be great if you could let me know any lemmatizer script there exists for ruby or a lemmatizer gem or an SQL query that bundles out the lemma of a word in the wordnet database. Cheers ! ...

How to install a Linux Rails gem on Windows

I need to upload vendorize a gem which is causing problems at my host - in this case nokogiri. My host is using linux, my development system is windows. The gem contains binaries and so my local gem downloads the win32 binaries. Is there any way I can get gem to download the linux binaries, so I can vendorize and upload them? ...

gem install permission problem

qichunren@zhaobak:~> gem install hpricot ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError) You don't have write permissions into the /opt/ruby-enterprise-1.8.7/lib/ruby/gems/1.8 directory. Current login user is qichunren, and qichunre user have write permission with .gem dir.I would like to know why gem not install files i...

using activerecord library without installing active record gem

Hi I downloaded the active record library. I dont want to install it as gem in the system. I want to use that by requiring the lib like 'require "active_record"' How to include the path of the source code of active record. So that I can make my program to execute. ...

Showing all a Gem's build flags

This is more a curiosity than necessity question. I've just installed nokogiri again with RubyGems and it is saying "WARNING: Nokogiri was built against LibXML version 2.7.5, but has dynamically loaded 2.7.6" This is easy enough to fix, but it lead to a more general question: how do I see all the configuration options for a rubygem befor...

Error running heroku console. can't update heroku

When I try to run heroku console I get the following error: user@omnipresent:~/rails/demo$ heroku console ! This version of the heroku gem has been deprecated. ! Please update it by running: gem update heroku When I do the says there is nothing to update! user@omnipresent:~/rails/demo$ gem update heroku Updating inst...

Ruby daemons vs daemon-kit gems: what are the pros and cons?

What are the relative pros and cons of: Which is more robust? Are there any other effective Ruby daemon management tools? ...

Trouble reinstalling Gem after power failure

Yesterday I tried to install Jeweler via Rubygems, however somewhere in the middle of the process I had a power failure, resulting in my computer turning off in the middle of the installation process. Once I got it back up, I tried to reinstall Jeweler, however resulting in an error I've had trouble decoding. Does anyone have any ide...

RVM: how can I dynamically export gem executable directory in my path?

I installed rvm as root to setup an Ubuntu LTS 8.04 as a web hosting server for my rails apps. rvm is installed in: /usr/local/rvm Everything works fine, gems installation included and users are able to use ruby and gem commands. sudo gem install rails My problem is that the gems EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY is not included in my PATH and...

Gems install fine but don't show as installed under rake gems

I'll show you my output here: rake gems (in /Users/jp/Sites/central/trunk) - [F] authlogic - [R] activesupport - [F] builder - [F] formtastic - [R] activesupport >= 2.3.0 - [R] actionpack >= 2.3.0 - [ ] fastercsv I = Installed F = Frozen R = Framework (loaded before rails starts) Making sure fastercsv is i...

Ruby on Rails issue..mainly dealing with ruby gems/bundler

I was trying to use rspec and for some reason it wasn't working. I think it lacked some dependencies or something. Everything else in Ruby 1.9 was working perfectly on my laptop though. So I did a ruby gems system update (sudo gem update --system). I then did a gem update (sudo gem update). When I tried to run or create apps in rails I g...