
How do I require a specific version of a ruby gem?

Specifically, the ruby-oci8 gem. I have both 1.0.7 and 2.0.4 installed. I want 1.0.7. I can just require oci8, but I don't get the version I want. irb(main):001:0> require 'oci8' => true irb(main):002:0> OCI8::VERSION => "2.0.4" I can require using the full path to the file, which works, but is not going to be portable: irb(main):...

Unable to install Ruby gems

I am trying for the first time to install some Ruby gems on Mac OS X Leopard. Please see the command and the output below. My question is how do I install a gem with dependencies? I tried installing individual dependency gems first from a locally downloaded files but I soon found out that there is no end to the rabbit hole :-) I also fou...

How to install mysql gem on Mac os 10.6 ?

i just installed MAMP on this iMac and the rubygems but when i run: sudo gem install mysql — –with-mysql-config=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config gives me Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing mysql: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Ver...

Fix an external dependency of a ruby gem

I am currently trying to install the gem nfoiled, which provides a ruby interface to ncurses. I do this by using gem install elliottcable-nfoiled as suggest in the README. Downloading it manually from the github repository and then installing it with rake install doesn't work because of a problem with the echoe-gem, thus I am bound to us...

installing a ruby gem with a native extension

I want to install a ruby gem which tries to build a native extension. The gem in this case is nokogiri. If I do gem install nokogiri, the native extension dynamically links against libxml, libxslt libs. I want to statically link against those libs. How should I go about this? ...

Ruby ICalendar Gem: How to get e-mail reminders working.

I'm trying to work out how to use the icalendar ruby gem, found at: According to their tutorial, you do something like: # ...other event properties alarm do action "EMAIL" description "This is an event reminder" # email body (required) summary "Alarm notification" ...

Gem installed and require but "Constant missing"

I have installed the gem 'simple_uuid' but nothing seems to be working. Using irb and running the following: require 'rubygems' require 'simple_uuid' is fine, both return true. But running the following: // Class added by simple_uuid returns NameError: uninitialized constant UUID from (irb):3 from :0 I'm a rub...

Thinking sphinx, has_one association

Hi, anybody, please, help me with Thinking_sphinx configuration. I have table profile1, which has_one profile2 and profile3. So i just need to index them both, but i can't. I tried indexes name indexes profile2(:name), :as => :profile2_name indexes profile3(:name), :as => :profile3_name has id What i m doing wrong? Thanks. ...

ruby gem not found although it is installed

I found some similar problems here on SO, but none seem to match my case (sorry if I overlooked). Here's my problem: I installed oauth-plugin gem to ruby gems dir, but trying to use it in rails app tells me that it's not being found. Here's the output of relevant commands: Instalation % s gem install oauth-plugin Successfully installed...

Import Excel into Rails app

Hi, I am creating a small rails app for personal use and would like to be able to upload excel files to later be validated and added to the database. I had this working previously with csv files, but this has since become impractical. Does anyone know of a tutorial for using the roo or spreadsheet gem to upload the file, display the c...

Are the svn ruby bindings provided as a gem?

I see a couple dozen gems that relate to svn, but what little documentation I can find on any of them shows that they are command-line wrappers and misc helpers. (svn-command, svn-hooks, etc.) I've seen code in the wild that does things like: require 'svn/core' and SVN.Repos.add(...), but the author of that module pulled his svn ruby t...

Where are my ruby gems?

Hello, Linux newbie question I guess.. How can I find out where gem installs the gems on my Ubuntu 10 system? I want to read gem sourcecode and perhaps change things up a bit. ...

where to install ruby gems and how?

we do not know where to install ruby gems. we have installed ruby 1.8.6 ...

Ruby gem for Growl

I'm looking for a gem that's able to send Growl notifications and receive a click-event on the notification. There are some gems available but the problem is none of them seem to be compatible with Ruby 1.9. Any suggestions? ...

Ruby (Rails): export db data for SPSS

I have a Rails application to do web surveys. It stores answers to multiple-choices (fixnum) questions into sqlite3. Is there any ruby gem that I can use to export my data into spss format ? I'd like to be able to export for SPSS version prior of 16/16 or up. My SPSS export needs to include two files: a syntax file (survey_name_SPSS_s...

What does it mean when "rake gems" returns gems with no state?

Here is the command line output: [email protected] [~/rails_apps/recurse]# rake gems (in /home/breefiel/rails_apps/recurse) - [ ] authlogic - [ ] acts_as_archive - [ ] haml I = Installed F = Frozen R = Framework (loaded before rails starts) Notice that the gems are not I, F, or R...what does this mean? This is just one ind...

Getting 'choice' to work in Highline Ruby Gem without error and getting variable from it

I'm having a couple of problems using Highline in Ruby, and trying to get the choice element, detailed here, to work. At the moment the following code produces the error "error: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1). Use --trace to view backtrace" How do I get the variable out of choice? At the moment I have the 'do' setup, but I have ...

Resque Runtime Error at /workers: wrong number of arguments for 'exists' command

I'm having a runtime errror when i'm looking at the "workers" tab on resque-web (localhost). Everything else works. Edit: when this error occurs, i also have some (3 or 4) unknown workers 'not working'. I think they are responsible for the error but i don't understand how they got here. It only happens when i start the workers from God ...

What's the best way to do Ruby gemspec creation and dependency management?

Over the last few months, there have been a number of rapid developments in the state of Ruby dependency management and gem creation, to the point where I've been having trouble keeping up with everything. If I'm writing a new gem, what's the best tool for me to use to create my gemspec? Are there disadvantages of using this tool over ...

ruby library for GDF file

Does anyone know a ruby library to handle GDF (Geographic Data File) files ? ...