
Undefined reference to `RPositionServer::RPositionServer()`

Hi everyone, i'm writing program for Nokia 5230 (S60 5th edition platform) using Nokia Qt SDK. I have the problem with retrieving geolocation info. I'm trying to use example from nokia forum ( first one). The following code: #include <lbs.h> #include <lbsrequestor.h> #include <lbscommon.h> #include <lbsposition.h> #i...

Rails gem - geoipcity is not being included in the application

Hi, I installed the geoip_city gem, and i tested the gem in irb... Now when I am using the gem in the application I get an error uninitialized constant ApplicationController::GeoIPCity I guessed it is because I did not add the line require geoip_city So I tried adding the line to the function I used the code in, but then I got the er...

Why are some geo tagged tweets null? (Twitter Streaming API)

Hi, I'm using the twitter streaming api to gather tweet locations from around the world. I'm receiving plenty of live tweets but some of the geo tags are null. I'm using the statuses/filter api with the following url:,-90,180,90 This url returns tweets, some of the ge...

Geolocation: Tutorial on plotting numerous users on map?

Can someone can refer me to a tutorial or such that provides information regarding how to capture a users location and plot other users around them? I'm hoping to build an app that contains a functionality for you to open the app on the phone and see other users within a set radius that are also running the app. All help is greatly app...

How to map/plot locations like "5000 block of Q ave" or "200 block of 7th St"?

Block sizes vary wildly, so I can't just always round down, but it doesn't seem like the google maps API understands these kinds of locations. I considered trying to go half way: for example, get the location of 5050 Q Ave for the 5000 block of Q, but blocks are not a regular interval either, nor is spacing on a block constant. I'm pre...

Javascript - returning a variable is failing

I'm trying to do something that should be pretty simple - but it's doing my head in. I can't seem to get a variable to return from a function var where; if (navigator.geolocation) { where = navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) { // okay we have a placement - BUT only show it if the accuracy is lower than ...

Rails 3.0 - is there a built-in search functionnality in any of ActiveRecord classes ?

Dear all, I'm kind of new to rails - I'm currently learning by developping a web-app, similar to the Agile Rails book (with iteration and all). Knowing rails, I know there's a great way to search in the database. So my question simply is : what is the good way to do so ? - the rails way. Search criteria are classics (keywords in sente...

IP Geocoding in Rails 3

I'm looking for a working gem/plugin for rails3 that does IP geocoding, and ideally, distance calculations. geokit seems to be a popular choice, but it doesn't support rails3 yet. ...

Google map Geolocation formatting address

I'm using Geo location service with Gmap Api and i would like to know ,how do i have to format data address ? i have to format addresses according to local server location. which is the best practice? ...

Why is CLLocationManager so lazy when set with a low accuracy?

I've discovered by tests that setting a low desired accuracy for CLLocationManager leads to a buggy behavior of this component. Here are the 2 tests I've made : Set the desired accuracy to kCLLocationAccuracyHundredMeters. Then the device can't find my position as accurately as I want. Here are the logs from my CLLocationManager's del...

Is there an android equivalent for S60 platform's LandmarkStore

S60 platform's Java environment has a LandmarkStore class which saves Landmarks. A Landmark is just an object that gives a name to a location. Similar to a waypoint in GPS devices. Basic idea in S60 platform is that LandmarkStore is accessible to every application on the device. For instance, I can create a new Landmark on one Java appli...

[PHP] Resolve geographical/GPS coordinates to current local time

Hello, I am trying to resolve a location's coordinates (latitude, longitude), to an accurate current local time. For example, let's say I have a list of locations on a website. When I look at a specific location I will always know its latitude/longitude (it could be anywhere in the world). I would like to display the current time at t...

SQL Server lat;lng varchar split procedure to use as Lat and Lng for speed Searching

Can someone help me using a stored procedure or function to passing my stored varchar lat;lng in table to individuals fields as float as Lat and Lng to use in radius search. lanlng in Table 33.0000;15.222222 Thanks ...

How to set a timeout for finding location with geo.js?

I use geo.js in my webapp to let user share their location. In most browsers it works fine, however in Safari it usually hangs up. I know there's timeout in HTML5 geolocation, is there such thing in geo.js too? Thanks! ...

MongoDB Stored Procedure Equivalent

Hello, I have a large CSV file containing a list of stores, in which one of the field is ZipCode. I have a separate MongoDB database called ZipCodes, which stores the latitude and longitude for any given zip code. In SQL Server, I would execute a stored procedure called InsertStore which would do a look up on the ZipCodes table to get ...

CCLocation (iPhone SDK) accuracy

Hi everybody, How accurate is the CCLocation class? 20 meters? more or less? Because I'd like to get the most accurate values from the user's location. Thanks, Regards ...

Execute PHP script inside Joomla! cms once - geo based redirection

Hi I'm trying to figure the best way to execute a PHP script inside Joomla! I want to redirect users if they are not from X country (already have a database and the script) I found this extension but I want to make my own stuff 1) How could I execute the script once for each visitor? Working with Cookies? 2) As I'll...

What PHP geo-information library can you recommend?

Hi, I'm woking on a PHP app that should show visitors in a world map, base on their ip-addresses. Have you tried/used any geo-information library in PHP? Something that can convert ip-addresses into geo-information? If so, please share your experience and recommendations. ...

Geolocation and Haversine formula

I am trying to create a basic web application that detects the users geolocation, queries a mySQL database, and returns all bus stops within say 5 kilometers. The GTFS feed including the Longitude and Latitude have been inserted into a mySQL database, and I found a example HTML page that provides the Longitude and Latitude of the browse...

Where are AWS data center locations listed?

I'm failing at Google search today. Is there a page that lists geolocations of the various Amazon AWS server farms? I want to use this data to pick the appropriate farm for a client on a web app, CDN-style. (This isn't programming, but it's for the purpose of programming, and I thought it would be useful to have this question answered...