
How to get the content of a remote page with JavaScript?

I have a URL of a remote page from a different domain which I have to download, parse, and update DOM of the current page. I've found examples of doing this using new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"), but that's limited to IE, I guess, and using new, but I don't want to use Java. Are there any alternatives? ...

Sanitizing user's data in GET by PHP

How do you sanitize data in $_GET -variables by PHP? I sanitize only one variable in GET by strip_tags. I am not sure whether I should sanitize everything or not, because last time in putting data to Postgres, the problem was most easily solved by the use of pg_prepare. ...

how to prevent reexecute action when refresh in jsp

I use jsp to write a application, and i encounter such a problem, that the browser will always cache the URL i execute, so when user refresh the page, the action will be execute again. for example: ">transfer; if i clicked the link, and after that , i refresh the page, this action will be execute again. I also know, that i need to us...

Is there any way using which I can get Last Updated row Id

Hi All, Is there any way using which I can get the last row I have updated of the table. For Ex:- my table has 1000 records in it. I have updated the value of 500th record of table X. So, I want the ID 500 in return. Thanks in advance. Regards, ...

mod_rewrite: setting GET depending on HTTP_HOST

Hi guys, I recently discovered the power of the mod_rewrite module and I need some help with it. Say I have a website which has two domain names mapping to the same host... And I would like to set a GET var depending on the the HTTP_HOST (i.e. .com OR .net ?) ... /index.php?lang=en /index.php?lang=es Howev...

mod_rewrite does not return $_GET-value?

Hello. I have a problem with mod-rewrite, to be more precise, it doesn't redirect me properly. Everything works fine on my local server, the problem only occurs when the site goes live... This is what I have in the .htaccess: Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^(tutorial|news|out|profile|script)/([0-9]+)...

Issue with jQuery $.get() in IE

Hi! I am working on a small chat application that uses jQuery to get some info from a PHP file. The output of the file is a whole bunch of HTML data. The script works just fine in FF but not in Internet (f***ing) Explorer, lol. The code looks like this: $.get("index.php", {p: "chatData", type: "regular"}, function(data){ startPoin...

PHP: $_GET and $_POST in functions?

I am flabbergasted by the code, where the GET-values, such as $_GET['username'], are not included as parameters to functions. When do you you need to include POST and GET methods as parameters to functions? ...

PHP $_GET and $_POST undefined problem

I'm new to PHP so I apologize if this is a simple problem... I am moving a PHP site from one server to another. The new server is IIS 7.0, PHP 5.2.1, with short open tag turned "On", and I don't know how the original server was set-up (I was just given the code). The following is the very first section of code on one of the pages: <?...

How we can send the Url Using Http Get Method in Android Android

How we can send the Url Using Http Get Method in Android Android ..I tried but it doesn't works.can u give me the code to send url via http get method.. ...

[JSF + REST] Dynamically generated GET request to an external database

Hello, I'm asking for help to my problem. I am new to JSF and I have a simple JSF online store demo page. I don't even use navigation rules since I only include the page with search results beneath the searching tags fields. The problem is a have sth like 15 fields (input texts and menus) to perform a detailed search. After selecting th...

Passing base64 encoded strings in URL

Is it safe to pass raw base64 encoded strings via GET parameters? ...

GET vs. POST ajax requests: When and how to use either?

What are the strengths of GET over POST and vice versa when creating an ajax request? How do I know which I should use at any given time? Is it a security-minded decision? Also, what is the difference in how they are actually sent? ...

PHP - Pass Drop Down List option through query string

I have a drop down list that has options that need to be passed through a query string. How would I go about doing this? Also, would anyone be able to list a way to do this both using a button and without using a button? Thank you! ...

Multiple GET or POST variables 404's wordpress pages (numeric permalinks)

I am developing a live-action tag game (called DeTag) that uses a web interface for reporting kills. When a user wants to report a tag they go to a page to confirm who and when they tagged, then actually "kill" them (called pre-tag.php and tag.php respectively). However in trying both POST and GET data for the three variables I need (us...

jQuery Bookmarklet with $.post() or $.get()

Hi. I've built a Bookmarklet based on Ben Almans jQuery enabled Bookmarklet. The bookmarklet creates a an fills it with some data from a $.get('') Request. It works as long as I am on the same domain, but if I try to run it on another site, e.g. google the $.get() does not work. I've also tried $.getJSON()...

get zindex javascript chrome

Hi all, can anyone tell me how can i find zindex of a div in Google chrome document.getElementById(id).style.zIndex;//does not work ...

load data get value using jquery and need to get div value on a variable

<script type="text/javascript"> var auto_refresh = setInterval( function () { $('#load_tweets').load('record_count.php').fadeIn("slow"); }, 10000); // refresh every 10000 milliseconds <body> <div id="load_tweets"> </div> I Want to get the value of load_Tweets ./these all code in js file i want to get the value of load_tweet in a va...

Should Links ever have statefull side effects

Hi all, I have made life difficult for the HTML / CSS developers by making any interaction that has a side effect into a button and NOT a hyperlink. For example I changed the "Clear Basket" in a shopping site from a link to a button. On the premise that any action that has a side effect should be a button not a hyperlink. (even tho a ...

Setting a 2.0 webmethod as a GET method

But default you have to issue an HTTP POST to any web method in an 2.0 web service. How do u call a web method with HTTP GET alone. In some cases I'd also want to pass arguments to an HTTP GET method. Is this possible in the context of web services? ...