
What is the best way to detect and redirect a mobile browsser in AppEngine?

Specfically, I am working in Python. ...

Uploading images from a django application to a Google AppEngine application

I am not running Django on AppEngine. I just want to use AppEngine as a content delivery network, basically a place I can host and serve images for free. It's for a personal side project. The situation is this: I have the URL of an image hosted on another server/provider. Instead of hotlinking to that image its better to save it on AppE...

Comment framework in Google App Engine

Django’s has a comments framework with auto forms and its built in comment model , is there any similar open source apps that can run this in Google App Engine with its datastore too? Thanks alot. ...

Multi-word search causes exploding indexes?

I'm trying to enable multi-word search with google app engine. However there appears an error message in the log as follows The index for this query is not ready to serve. See the Datastore Indexes page in the Admin Console. This query needs this index: - kind: A properties: - name: __searchable_text_index - name: __searchable_tex...

Spring UserDetailsService is not Serializable session attribute in google-apps-engine

Here we have a Spring based webapp in google apps engine. I've created a UserDetailService class to load the UserDetails from the GAE data store (assuming this is the best approach). @Service("springUserDetailsService") public class SpringUserDetailsService implements UserDetailsService { @Resource(name="userDao") private IUs...

What is the good starting point for Clojure development on Google AppEngine

What is the good starting point for Clojure development on Google AppEngine? Seems like there are two competing libraries appengine-magic and compojure-gae. What is your opinion? ...

Need help understanding ReferenceProperty

Say I have two classes: class A(db.Model): class B(db.Model): a_reference = ReferenceProperty(A) I can now do the following: a = A() a.put() b = B(); b.a_reference = a.key() b.put() The documentation states the following two things: The ReferenceProperty value can be used as if it were a model instance, and the datastore...

SecurityException w/ VelocityViewResolver in Google-apps-engine using spring/velocity

I get the following security exception in GAE, anyone know the cause? Google searches are taking me in all different directions. java.lang.SecurityException: Unable to get members for class org.springframework.web.servlet.view.velocity.VelocityViewResolver at

Why wouldn't GAE store my logging.debug?

It seems logging.debug() doesn't appear in GAE logs, but logging.error() does. Does anyone have an idea how can I make logging.debug() appear in the GAE logs? ...

Minimize subqueries with IN queries on AppEngine (python)

Is there any clever way to avoid making a costly query with an IN clause in cases like the following one? I'm using Google App Engine to build a Facebook application and at some point I (obviously) need to query the datastore to get all the entities that belong to any of the facebook friends of the given user. Suppose I have a couple o...

How to implement a FIFO queue that supports namespaces

I'm using the following approach to handle a FIFO queue based on Google App Engine db.Model (see this question). from google.appengine.ext import db from google.appengine.ext import webapp from google.appengine.ext.webapp import run_wsgi_app class QueueItem(db.Model): created = db.DateTimeProperty(required=True, auto_now_add=True) ...

Catch-all routing using Tipfy

Using tipfy, how does one express a catch-all route in if more specific routes do not match? Tipfy uses Werkzeug-like routing, so there's this (in def get_rules(app): rules = [ Rule('/<any>', endpoint='any', handler='apps.main.handlers.MainHandler'), Rule('/', endpoint='main', handler='apps.main.handlers.Ma...

How to auto deploy on Google App Engine from Hudson (or any other CI) ?

I tried to auto deploy a jav app on GAE from Hudson using the appcfg tool. However appcfg only reads the email/password from stdin (and caches that for 24 hours or so). Of course this won't work in automated build, is there any way to supply the password in a file or such? ...

How to simulate POST arguments in python

I'm trying to simulate some data in to the datastore to emulate POSTs. What I'm looking for is a way to post named arguments but as one argument. So I can use the same method as a normal POST would do. The method I want to invoke get params in two ways. def HandlePost(params): params.get('name') params.get_all('collection') ...

JDO design tool for GAE?

Hi, Is there a free JDO designer tool that will work nicely with Google App Engine projects? (I'm working in Eclipse) I need something to create some classes visually, then it could create/update my classes in certain packages. Something like Javelin, but a free alternative and something that is especially designed to work together wit...

Google App Engine (Java) web service authentication/authorization/security.

I currently have a Google App Engine app consisting of two parts: A website using old school JSPs A RESTful service implemented in Jersey I've been trying to figure out how to shoehorn authentication into the web service but am rather lost since I've never used Spring before, and it sounds like that's the way to go. Must I use Spring,...

What is the best way to get multiple objects using a List of Keys on Google App Engine (Java)?

I have a many-to-many relationship. Just like in the example from the documentation: private Set<Key> favoriteFoods; private Set<Key> foodFans; How do I get all "favorite foods" of a certain "food fan", if i have retrieved a "Person" object and i have the favoriteFoods key set. Is there a better way than...

Protocol Buffers vs JDO on Google App Engine

I'm working on a mobile app that will get data from GAE, and I'm trying to decide between using Protocol Buffers and JDO. First off, I'm not sure how to make PBs persistent. I know it's just a matter of the annotation tags with JDO. I also saw this thread where they warn that PB data can't be indexed. I'm not sure if that's a problem...

Many to many objects relations in Java Google App Engine

Maybe I misunderstood this but from what I read I may have several problems creating many to many objects relations in the data store. So I hope I am wrong. Can anyone provide me with ideas on realizing such a system on GAE/J? What I need is many students can have many files (meaning Student A can have File A and Student B can have File...

Flex poker game scaling in Google Apps Engine vs Amazon EC2

I have a server side code written in java and client side code written in flex. As client makes a request roughly every 3 seconds to the server, then I'm pretty sure I'm running into scalability problems at some point. As far as I can see, I can host the application either in Google Apps Engine or Amazon Cloud. As I understand Amazon of...