
how to get a page source in html?

I'm using HTML and javaScript .. I'm trying to build a chrome extension , which will display some info from the website in the popup I need to get the page source of in the context of my web page and use it to get some of the "li" tags and do some work on them ( RegEx ) for example display the courses taken by stu...

Is there a way to get the xpath in google chrome?

I have a webpage I want to use with YQL. But I need the xpath of a specific item. I can see it in the debug tools area for google chrome but I don't see a way to copy that xpath. Is there a way to copy a full xpath or an extension to do it? Thanks, G-Man ...

Grabbing current URL and setting it to Textbox in the HTML frame using Google Chrome extension.

Hi all, Question says it all, dividing it into two parts: 1- Grabbing url when chrome extension is clicked, of current tab(on focus) - CHROME SPECIFIC. 2- Setting the same in a Textbox value, in one of frames of web page.Which means, the textbox resides in a.html where on webpage it's <frame src="a.html"> -CHROME/JAVASCRIPT/HTML spec...

Getting current window on a popup (google chrome extension)

Hi, i'm building a google chrome extension, and i'm trying to get the selected window in a popup. (i'm talking about the popup that shows when you click in the extesion icon). I try to use the documentation, but i didn't get it well. I tryied to use: {, function (res...

Google chrome extension: local storage

Hi there I'm developing an extension for Google Chrome, and have run into some trouble.I created an options.html page and added it to the manifest.json file.The page shows properly. I saved the options, and then went back to the page on which the extension is supposed to run. Unfortunately, the Local storage for the options was return...

Can Content script set value of a text box within HTML frame? using Google Chrome extensions..

Hi all, I was working on a very simple extension, where on clicking extension icon, a webpage is opened in a new tab, the webpage has HTML frames, within which lies a textbox. I want to set a value for the same. The webpage which opens has: <HTML> <FRAMESET rows="15%, *" border="0"> <FRAME src="./files/abc.htm" id="abc_frame" name="ab...

Chrome extension Page Action JS

I'm trying to create an extension using this docs: I want a part of JS code to run when document is ready (loaded). This is my manifest.json: { "name": "OwnExtension", "version": "0.1", "content_scripts": [ { "matches": ["*"], ...

Chrome extension and history.onVisited event

Hi to all, I'm new to the Chrome extensions development, and i have the following questions: My extension should work in background, with no UI, and show an alert dialog every time the user visits a specific web page. So it should work always, in backround, when the browser is executed. I was trying with the following code without resu...

Capturing Print Events via Jquery/JS/Browser Specific APIs

Hi everyone, I wanted to ask if there is a way to capture the print events (like IE onbeforeprint and onafterprint events). Actually I would like to do more. I want to know if I could interrupt printing, cancel it or may be change the print option all together to have a myPrint option. Can this be achieved through plug-ins...

Date.JS parse isBefore problem

Hi, Im using date.js to compare to dates that are written in user friendly string form(Sat, 1 July 2006 12:34:14). I use this code. function is_new(lasttime, newtime){ lasttime = Date.parse(lastime); newtime = Date.parse(newtime); if(lasttime.isBefore(newtime)){ return true; }else{ return false; } } ...

chrome extension - need to show the description on hover of the links as a popup.

chrome extension - popup page has links. need to show the description on hover of the links as a popup to the left side of the link(means the description div will come outside of the extension wondow).(popup page has popups) similar to vertical drop down menu... should work in the chrome extension. ...

Is it possible to check the code for a Google Chrome extension before installing it?

Google Chrome extensions are a nice invention, but they can potentially interact with a lot of user information. Is it possible to browse their manifest and/or their source code before installing them? The reason I'm asking this on StackOverflow is that I've just developed my first extension. Since it's manipulating the CSS style for t...

script doesn't work as chrome plugin

I have a simple JavaScript script: <style> body { min-width:357px; overflow-x:hidden; } img { margin:5px; border:2px solid black; vertical-align:middle; width:75px; height:75px; } </style> <script> function dynamicTag() { var request = "http://localhost:8000/iStatus/add/12345;dfsdfsd;dsfsdfsd;1"; var head = ...

Google Chrome extension - create and remove a tab automatically

I am creating an extension that will launch an external script based on highlighted text. So, far, the script works, except I am having issues closing the newly created window. In my background.html, I have the following: <script> function executeScript(selection) { var queryText = 'script:' + selectedText; chrome.tabs.create({url...

Chrome Userscripts

I'm having a problem with a Userscript in chrome. I have been using a version of this extension in Greasemonkey for a long time now, but I can't figure out how to parse through a NodeList in Chrome. Here is the code as it is in Greasemonkey (please note that the code on the site is really bad, so that accounts for a lot of my code: fo...

Is it possible to determine a tab's opener within a Google Chrome extension?

I am looking for a way to determine a given tab's opener (parent tab) within a Google Chrome extension. I've looked at the documention for Tab but there doesn't really seem to be anything that would yield this information. I've tried injecting this content script into pages (thinking I...

Chrome: remove window border / decoration

Is it possible somehow via a Chrome extension to remove most of the window border content (like address bar, tab bar)? I'd like to have some standalone windows with some webpages inside but without any space wasted. My purpose is for example to build a Chrome extension which strips everything out from the side except the Flash/video/wh...

How can I include a link in a the popup of a google chrome extension?

I am experiencing some problems with a google chrome extension I have made. I've put this simple line of code at the top of the popup page: <a href=""&gt;google&lt;/a&gt; However, clicking on it yields no results. But I have someone else's extension that includes links in the popup in exactly the same way, and see...

[Add context menu on chrome] How to add a custom item into the chrome context menu?

Is there any API to be used to add a custom item into the chrome context menu? For example: Now, I wanna add a "send to ..." item to context menu(right click), when it is clicked the contents selected in the webpage will be sent to someone. I searched the chrome APIS and found that chrome.experimental.contextMenu is competent for my r...

Creating Chrome Extension - How do I populate a form

I am creating a Google Chrome extension and want to populate a form field on a page. I am trying something like this with no effect: chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {code:"document.body.form[0].email_field='" + email + "'"}); } ...