
Chrome Extension: communication between iframe and popup

Hi, I'm developing a Chrome extension, Which presents the user with an iFrame once the popup window is shown. I wish to invoke javascript function back on the hosting page. Now while I can access the "parent" object (it is not null) I can not invoke any method (like you would do with standard webpage that hosts an iFrame). Any ideas ho...

Graph Goat Teleportation Data with Google Vis. API via Chrome Extension

I just checked my Chromium task manager and noticed that my Goats Teleported count is abnormally high. I thought it might be a good idea to create a browser extension that runs the goat teleportation data through Google Visualizations API and generates some nice reports so I can track it easily and make sure it doesn't get out of hand. ...

Export CSS changes from inspector (webkit, firebug, etc)

When I'm working with CSS, I'll often test in a browser - say, Chrome - right click an element, click Inspect Element, and edit the CSS right there. The use of arrow keys to change things like margin and padding makes lining things up super easy. It's not too hard to then take those changes and apply them to the CSS file, but it would b...

Chrome extension: Attaching current tab to popup and then going through its DOM

I'm in the process of making a Google Chrome extension, and encountered a problem. I'm trying to upload and search through the DOM inside the popup.html. Here is how I get the current tab (I found the script somewhere, credit doesn't belong to me): { chrome.tabs.getSelected(,function (r...

Event onBrowserClose for Google Chrome ?

I am developing an extension for Google Chrome browser. Background script, everytime , authorizes on a server that Though XMPP API, and Subscribed for a PubSub node. I need to unsubscribe on the exit , otherwise the dummy subscriptions are left on the server. Is There any OnBrowserClose event in Google Chrome API ? ...

Greasemonkey, Chrome and

I have the following anchor tag, which contains dynamically-generated arguments arg1,...,arg5 to the JavaScript function foo(), which runs on the web site-side. There are several of these anchor tags throughout the page in question, with unique id values and argN values: <a href="#" id="foo1234567890" onclick="javascript:foo(arg1,arg2,a...

Searching for Chrome Extensions opening every links in a selected window/tab

hi everybody, I'm a beginner in computer, and I'm looking for Google Chrome Extension which would make easier my surfing work. I'm working on a dual screen display and i'd like to know if there is an extension which would allow me to clic on links on my main screen and would open them straight in a new window/tab on the second screen, ...

Server-side with Chrome Extensions

I searched for a bit and couldn't find a 100% decisive answer. Can you include a server-sided language file (especially php) in a Google Chrome extension? I have a feeling that the answer is a 'no'. So, can you include it in some other way? If the answer is again a no, then how does FireBug find the HTTP requests (I'm talking specific...

Link from content script to options page.

How to link to options page from content script? ...

What is the event In Google Chrome API that runs everytime user opens browser ?

I have a Google chrome plugin that has to sustain a connection(BOSH) with a outside server. That forces plugin to fire Connect() everytime browser opened. Stumbling through the API can;t really find event that would do this once and only once when browser is opened. Is there any or should I go in a freaky way ? ...

Problem with Chrome Extensions

Hi, I'm trying to write a chrome extension that will take the URL of the page the user is on and send it to a server for a response back. So far I have been trying to use 'chrome.tabs.getCurrent()', but I get uncaught TypeError on the getCurrent object. Is there an easy way for doing this? ...

Copy to Clipboard in Chrome Extension

I'm making an extension for Google Chrome and I have hit a snag. I need to copy a readonly textarea's content to the clipboard on click in the popup. Does anyone know the best way to go about this with pure Javascript and no Flash? I also have jQuery loaded in the extension, if that helps any. My current (non-working) code is... fu...

In Chrome Extension get error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input

I wish I could give you more information about this problem, but that is really the problem: What does Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input mean? I am getting it when I load the background.html file which contains all the JavaScript for my extension. What causes these types or errors? How do I go about debugging them? No line ...

chrome extension memory hog with basic function

Hey all, I have a chrome extension thats very complex, but I'll simplify the issue which can be reproduced easily. manifest.json: { "name": "script", "version": "1.0", "description": "script", "browser_action": { "default_icon": "icon.jpg" }, "permissions": [ "tabs", "" ], "background_...

Is there a way to port a chrome extension to other browsers?

Is there a way to port a chrome extension to other browsers, without having to entirely re-write the code? My chrome extension uses the browser_action command to open "popup.html" in the extension window... Update: I found this and found it only somewhat helpful for porting... ...

Using a remote script in a Google Chrome extension

I would like to create a Google Chrome extension that can fetch a remote javascript (via HTTPS) and execute it on a webpage (from within the extension sandbox). Basically, the script parses the page and generates data that I could then send back to my remote server. The reason I want to do this is because I have a similar extension in ...

Get page selection including HTML?

I'm writing a Chrome Extension, and I was wondering if it was possible to get the selected text of a particular tab, including the underlying HTML? So if I select a link, it should also return the <a> tag. I tried looking at the context menu event objects (yes, I'm using a context menu for this), and this is all that comes with the call...

Access cookies || localSorage from content script - Chrome extension

Hi. Is there any way to access cookies || localSorage from content script? for example i have localStorage.shBox='true' and I want to access this from content script.. how can I make this? ...

What methods are present to select elements in chrome extensions?

I know about getElementById, getElementByNames ... and getElementsByTagName What other methods are available to select an element or elements from the DOM ? What if an item does not have an Id or Name. I have heard that I can use XPath expression to select a range of HTML elements. How do i do that using JavaScript? Is there a library ...

Chrome Extension Development : Message passing Problem

Hi All, Having a problem while passing messages using content scripts in Google chrome extension dev My Code structure looks like this: popup.html: var oList; function getHTML() { chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) { chrome.tabs.sendRequest(, {action:"getHTML"}, function handler(response) { oList = respons...