
Why don't the links in my Chrome Extension Open?

Hi, I've got a simple little Chrome Extension that displays Links to some RSS Feed Items. However, clicking the links does nothing. What am I doing wrong. I'm sure it's very simple. Am I missing any Permissions from my Manifest file? ...

Google Chrome Extensions - Open New Tab when clicking a toolbar icon

How can I create an extension for Chrome that adds an icon to the toolbar, and when you click it, it opens a new tab with some local web page (for example: f.html)? I saw this question, but it doesn't really explains what should I add in the manifest file... Thanks. ...

Google Chrome javascript array bug?

Hi, I'm working on a Google Chrome extension. In the popup I have the following code: var bookmarks = []; function appendBMTnode(node){ bookmarks.push([node[0].title, node[0].id]); } function addchildren(results){ for(x = 0; x < results.length; x++){ bookmarks.push([results[x].title, results[x].id]);

How does this JavaScript statement calculate the date?

So I was looking at how I could display a Desktop Notification using a Google Chrome extensions when I came across these lines of code: var time = /(..)(:..)/(Date()); // The prettyprinted time. var hour = time[1] % 12 || 12; // The prettyprinted hour. var period = time[1] < 12 ? 'a.m.' : 'p.m.'; // The period...

mailto link not working in chrome extension popup

This issue drove me nuts for 2 days. I made a simple chrome extension which calls a server-side program that returns HTML that I then stuff into a div in the popup. It was all fine, except for the simple anchor link containing a "mailto:[email protected]" href. An email message composition window would not pop up. Workaround: Add target="...

jQuery in Google Chrome Content Script?

How would I go about including the jQuery library in my Google Chrome Content Script? I have tried, fruitlessly, of course. Should I use <script src="..." /></script>, or is there a different/better way to go about it? Thanks in advance! ...

How can you gain access to a web page's event listeners from a Google Chrome extension

I'm writing a Chrome extension to list out the source code for each event handler attached to an <a/> tag when you roll over it. Currently, I've printed out the href attribute - $(this).attr("href") - and this works fine. The source code is on github at When I extend it to ac...

Add to favourites link for Google Chrome

The "add to favorites" link code that I use, works for firefox but not for Google chrome extensions. What should i use to create a link that adds to Chrome favorites/bookmarks ...

I want to be able to search an html page that is refreshing every 10 seconds for the word "stat".

I want to be able to search an html page that is refreshing every 10 seconds for the word "stat". If the word is found I then want to alert the user through a pop up dialog and possibly a repeating sound until the user acknowledges it. UPDATE: Sorry the question was a bit ambiguous. I do not know a great deal about this stuff I just do...

javascript how greasemonkey works

I read "Dive into Greasemonkey" written in 2005. It mentions that Greasemonkey wraps a user script in an anonymous function wrapper. Does Greasemonkey insert the wrapper into the source JavaScript code or add it as any event handler such as window.onload? ...

barcode scanner in JavaScript? Or plugin/extension

Hi All, I'm looking at writing a USB barcode scanner interface to a web application (offline app). By this I mean that the scanner will be on the client machine not server. So I was wondering what the best design would be. I know I could write an ActiveX object or native plugin into some browser but this is not ideal, does anyone kno...

Storage of passwords in Google Chrome Extension.

I started reading Google Chrome's documentation, and liked it's approach of using HTML and Javascript to create extensions. Reading this tutorial about Local Storage made me think about a lot of different uses. I want to develop an extension to help me with corporate systems. It's very specific, and it's only going to be used inside a c...

Can I modify outgoing request headers with a Chrome Extension?

I can't see an answer to this in the Developer's Guide, though maybe I'm not looking in the right place. I want to intercept HTTP requests with a Chrome Extension, and then forward it on, potentially with new/different HTTP headers - how can I do that? ...

Chrome: open a custom input interface on click

Is it possible to register the selection (may it be via a click or other ways) of a text field (of any kind) with my extension and open up a separate input interface? ...

Google Chrome Extension - How can I include a content script more than once?

I've been working on Chrome Extension for a website for the past couple of days. It's coming along really nicely but I've encountered a problem that you might be able to help with. Here's an outline of what the extension does (this functionality is complete): A user can enter their username and password into the extensions popup - and...

Content script communicate with bg page [Synchronous]

Howdy, ok I'm aware that a content script can communicate with the background page using: chrome.extension.sendRequest({action:'test'}, function(response) { //code here... }); someFunction(); But is it possible to communicate synchronously? Basically wait until the response comes back to the content script before executing someFun...

Using remote JavaScript in Chrome Extensions

Is there any way to get remote JS file to chrome extension? My manifest.json looks like this: { "name": "My Extension", "version": "0.1", "content_scripts": [ { "matches": ["http://*/*"], "js": ["jquery.js", "main.js"], "run_at": "document_end", "all_frames": true } ] } I want u...

Storing Iframe src as a variable

In the options page of my Google chrome extension, the user defines a URL destination which saves to LocalStorage["dest"] Can't get the code to work in the popup.html file though <script type="text/javascript"> url = localStorage["dest"]; document.getElementById('site').src = url; </script> <iframe id="site"> </iframe> What am ...

Javascript scope question - chrome extension

for(var p = 0; p < xmls.length; p++) { var feed = new google.feeds.Feed(xmls[p]); feed.load(function(result) { //code In the above code, if I output p outside of the feed.load function, I correctly see that p iterates. However, if I output p inside that function (where I need to access it), It remains at 2 (which happens to be...

Question in Chrome Extensions Sample

Can anyone explaing me this line in detail? // Find all the RSS link elements. var result = doc.evaluate( '//*[local-name()="rss" or local-name()="feed" or local-name()="RDF"]', doc, null, 0, null); Best Regards, Cetin ...