
What are the best/more stable features of the Google Closure Library

In November 2009 Google announced the release of Closure Tools which include the Closure Library. According to this post google closure library contains some battle-hardened parts and others more experimental. Could folks with experience using google closure share info on which parts are solid and which are iffy(er) or not ready for pr...

What does Google Closure Library offer over jQuery?

Considering business background community support available extensions default set of features simplicity of use and reliability why do you prefer one over the another? ...

How do I get Google Closure to call my init function when DOM tree finished

I am looking for something like the $(document).ready function in jQuery, as I work on experimenting with using Closure. So, my question is simple, is there a function I am missing that will allow me to wait until my function is called when the DOM tree is done? I use unobtrusive javascript, so the idea of putting any javascript in my ...

Should I learn the Google Closure JavaScript framework, or is it just a passing (albeit Google branded) framework?

By now, I'm sure a lot of people will agree jQuery is pretty much the standard JavaScript framework (or as much as one can ever be). I mean, it has been adopted by Nokia and Microsoft. Now that Google has put out it's own framework, is it worth my time learning it? Do you expect good adoption of it because of the Google name? ...

Loading files through goog.require in a script block fails

When using goog.require inside a <script> tag to load a script, the specified files aren't loaded. For example: <script> goog.require('goog.dom'); var mydiv = goog.dom.$('foo'); </script> Gives: goog.dom is undefined What's wrong with this usage? ...

Are Mootools and Google Closure Librarys Compatible?

Anyone have any experience of using Closure js lib and Mootools in the same page? Conflicts or works ok? ...

How can I load my own js module with goog.provide and goog.require?

We are trying to switch the packaging for our project from dojo to google closure, but we haven't had any luck so far. Here is a simple example that illustrates what we are trying to accomplish: <html xmlns=""> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="runtime/src/core/lib/goog-rev26/base.js"></scr...

dynamic script tag loading is not working as expected

We have an application that uses both the google closure and dojo libraries. We have the following in our index page which works as expected: <script type="text/javascript" src="runtime/src/lib/google-closure-rev26/closure/goog/base.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="runtime/src/lib/dojo_release_132_src/dojo/dojo.js"></s...

how to hide/show dom element in google closure

Hi, instead of = "none"; = "block; I could not find such functions in the library, but I guess they must have it somewhere. ...

How to create a 20x20px cell grid background programmatically?

I'm trying to build a grid the size of the browser window that has 20x20px squares. My first idea was to just construct a table with the following code, but IE8 (in any mode) will not render the cells unless they have non-white space content. According to this, it will if it has a &nbsp;, but from my testing, it only works if the table i...

How can CSS be applied to components from Google Closure Library?

I'm getting my feet wet with Google's Closure Library. I've created a simple page with a Select Widget, but it clearly needs some styling (element looks like plain text, and in the example below the menu items pop up beneath the button). I'm assuming the library supports styles -- how can I hook into them? Each example page in SVN see...

Array-like object in javascript

Looking through the dom.js source from the Closure library I found this (in goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass_): if (opt_class) { var arrayLike = {}; var len = 0; for (var i = 0, el; el = els[i]; i++) { var className = el.className; // Check if className has a split function since SVG className does not. if (typeof className.s...

Using DOMContentReady considered anti-pattern by Google

A Google Closure library team member asserts that waiting for DOMContentReady event is a bad practice. The short story is that we don't want to wait for DOMContentReady (or worse the load event) since it leads to bad user experience. The UI is not responsive until all the DOM has been loaded from the network. So the prefe...

Google Closure: Setting Input for AutoComplete Dynamically

The Google Closure (GC) Javascript Library makes it very easy to create an AutoComplete UI, as this demo shows - . Basically, all we have to do is define an array and pass it on as one of the parameters. I'd like to be able to update the array dyn...

Google Closure Library - Adding non-TreeNode children to a TreeNode

Hi, I'm using the Google Closure Library and goog.ui.tree in particular to build a tree structure GUI component. It works pretty well out of the box, but I'd like to add a few extra controls to each of the leaves (goog.ui.Checkboxes in particular). The problem is that Component.addChild has been overridden in BaseNode so that each add...

Closure Library with ASP.NET

Google's Closure Library looks like it has a lot of great features, but I'm not seeing any examples of it used with ASP.NET sites. I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience using the two together and what parts. Is is a good or bad experience? EDIT: To clarify, I'm asking about Closure Library and not Closure Compiler or Closure T...

How do i add the authenticity token?

I recently switched to Google closure for a new project. I am having trouble adding the authenticity token to the headers in a ajax call. How do i go about it? My Ajax snippet (using class): var initialHTMLContent = superField[i].getCleanContents(); var data = goog.Uri.QueryData.createFromMap(new goog.structs.Map({ bo...

How do i parse the XML document in the callback?

I get back the responseXml as a javascript object XMLdocument. How do i parse it to just return the body? here is my code snippet:"/blogs/create?authenticity_token="+ goog.string.urlEncode(authtoken), function(e) { var xhr = /** @type {} */ (; var responseXml = xhr...

Is there a way to generate Javascript API documentation like the Google Closure Library API Documentation?

I'm trying to find a tool that generates HTML documentation for my Javascript source code. Does anyone know if the tool that Google uses to generate the interface at the following URLs is open source? Would I be able to generate similar output? http://c...

confusing google closure library api

hi everyone, could someone explain to me how the Closure works in more user-friendly form? Its help and documentation leads me nowhere really. How do you perform a simple task such as selecting and modifying the dom (e.g. select all on page and hide them)? ...