
Destination value with DirectionsRenderer in Google Maps v3

Loving Google Maps API V3, but having difficulty in getting accurate driving directions and manipulating the destination address displayed when using DirectionsRenderer. Regardless if I pass an address string or a latLng instance as the destination to DirectionsService, when I use the DirectionsRenderer to output step-by-step directions...

Google Maps: Auto close open InfoWindows ?

On my site, I'm using Google Maps API v3 to place house markers on the map. The InfoWindows stay open unless you explicitly click the close icon. Meaning, you can have 2+ InfoWindows open at a time if you hover over the map marker. Question: How do I make it so that only the current active InfoWindow is open...

Google Maps: Geolocation assistance

For some reason, the following Google Maps v3 same does not geolocate my IP But the following link that using Google Maps v3 + Google Gears can geolocate me: Question: Any ideas why ...

Using Google Maps API to get Address of Business

Hello Guys I have a requirement and I am hoping Google Maps API will have a solution. I have never used Google Maps API - so I am very new to this. On the website homepage there is a form, when a user comes, I want the following things to happen: 1) The city field should be populated with users city based on IP 2) There is a second fi...

google map v3 directionsDisplay on marker position wrong

Problem about google map API v3. I already asked in google groups but want to hear from here too. I want to show directions from my specific markers. In my example, I plot 2 markers then show direction by set start and end with lat lng of makers. My example here : The problem is (Please use ...

How to disable mouse scroll-wheel scaling with Google Maps API

I am using Google Maps API (v3) to draw a few maps on a page. One thing I'd like to do is disable zooming when you scroll the mouse wheel over the map, but I'm unsure how. I have disabled the scaleControl (ie removed the scaling UI element) but this doesn't prevent scrollwheel scaling. Here is part of my function (it's a simple jQuery ...

how to hold marker's render google-maps-api-3

Hi stackoverflowers :P ... here mi doubt I'm parsing an xml with have information of a few (maybe) markers. But, before to reach this point I setup the map with a default LatLng,etc. The problem is when add the markers, they are render one by one, I mean, it's not about bandwith or response from google maps, I can see when the marker ...

Google Maps V3 Route Destination Mark Edit

Hey Guys, Using the google.maps.DirectionsService.route() and google.maps.DirectionsRenderer.setDirections() method, is it possible to change the text on the info window for the destination, without creating a custom parser for the journey? I couldn't see anything in the API which allowed you to access the markers of the route. I don'...

How can I create numbered map markers in Google Maps V3?

I'm working on a map that has multiple markers on it. These markers use a custom icon, but I'd also like to add numbers on top. I've seen how this has been accomplished using older versions of the API. How can I do this in V3? *Note -- the "title" attribute creates a tooltip when you mouseover the marker, but I want something that will...

Google Maps v3, custom control with textbox: can't perform input

Hi, I am trying to add a custom control to my google map (v3): want to have search box just near the other map controls. So I add a div with <input type="textbox"> on it, and it's being shown on the map. But the porblem is that the textbox is inaccessible: i can't type anything inside it, or even focus on it. function SearchBox() { ...

Google Maps API DirectionsRendererOptions not working?

I am trying to use DirectionsRenderer to display a DirectionsResult without the route list. According to the API version 3 documentation, there is a "hideRouteList" property of the DirectionsRendererOptions object that when set to true should hide the route list. I cannot get it to work. Is this a bug or am I just not coding this corr...

Google maps not showing satellite background - streets on white background.

Custom map is broken on satellite view, does not show satellite imagery. Any ideas, what's wrong? Overlays are also broken - they're not transparent. Code: <div id="map_canvas" class="grid_8 omega" style="width:460px; height: 420px"></div> <script src=";amp;v=3&amp;amp;sensor=true&amp;a...

Google Maps: How to prevent InfoWindow from shifting the map

Using Google Maps API v3. I noticed that if I have a map marker near the edge of my map border ... that if I click the marker icon so that the InfoWindow will display, my entire map shifts so that the markers InfoWindow is centered. I don't want my map to shift. Question: How do I prevent the map from shifting when InfoWindows are nea...

fitbounds() in Google maps api V3 does not fit bounds

I'm using the geocoder from Google API v3 to display a map of a country. I get the recommended viewport for the country but when I want to fit the map to this viewport, it does not work (see the bounds before and after calling the fitBounds function in the code below). What am I doing wrong? How can I set the viewport of my map to resu...

Google maps api v3 - multiple markers, multiple infowindows, 3 icons

Hello, I wanna made "WiFi maps" and I have problem with do that, I wanna have 3 icons OPEN/WEP/WPA, and a lot of markers, and every marker with own infowindow, and only 1 infowindow on top, so when I will click #1 and then #2 then #1 will hide. And if I will have XXXX markers there will be problem with them on map in zoom out, there is p...

how to create a Polyline in google map v3 , and make it enableDrawing..

this code is in v2: var polyline = new GPolyline([point1,point2], "#ff0000", 5); map.addOverlay(polyline); polyline.enableDrawing(); and how to do in v3 ?? thanks ...

how to get the google map's pageX when dragend ,the version is v3..

this is my code: google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'dragend', function(event) { alert(event.pageX)//undefined }); and i want to get the (x,y) about mouse when dragend.. thanks ...

How do I change the mouse cursor when I mouseover on a particular area in Google Map v3?

Using the Google Maps API v3: How do I change the mouse cursor when I mouseover on a particular area? ...

how to turn on and turn off "double right click" on google-maps-v3

how to do this thanks updated when you "double right click" ,the map will be zoom out so i want turn on zoom out or turn off it . and how to turn on and off "double left click" ??? thanks ...

can we catch the 'double right click' event on google-maps-v3 ??

can we ? i want to do something like this: google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'db_right_click', function(event) { alert('ssss') } how to catche the 'db_right_click' event ?? is there any way ?? ...