
How can i use multiple hosted APIs through Google Code

This is my first question, i'll try to be as clear as possible. I'm building a personal site using different APIs hosted on google code: Google Search ---> user search for random info Google Map ---> will be used to locate the user Jquery -----> simple javascript interaction Jquery UI ----> using the tabs module for the page's main m...

How to show data in google map

I have a csv file consists of thousand of data (columns are address1 address2 city state zipcode tag county country )of some agents.i want to upload and show this data in google map . here is a reference i want to ...

BulkLoader -export_transform

I have created web application using java.I wantted to download data from appengine datastroe so that I am using BulkLoader concept. In my project I designed entity as follows @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private Long school_id; @Basic private String schoolname; After that I tried to download data so th...

How do I use the full navigation zoom control in embedded street view iframes?

I'm trying to embed an iframe containing the google street view panorama object. Embedding works by passing a url to the iframe using the following options: <iframe width="562" height="314" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=";amp;t=i&amp;amp;layer=c&amp;amp;cbll=LALTITU...

Generate Google maps from URL

Is there a way to send multiple addresses to plot from an URL? example for a single address to plot;source=s_q&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=H9R1H3+57%20EASTVIEW%20AVENUE ...

Will not having a www redirect affect google/bing seo?

If my website only responds to, and not, does this affect search rankings at all? I haven't found anything to confirm or deny this for any major search engine, and I'm curious. ...

Google CDN setting up Cookies, why?

Isn't this sort of a thumb-rule? Shouldn't this be served from a cookie-less domain? Serve the following static resources from a domain that doesn't set cookies: * Anyone know any alternative URL that Google would use to by-pass the Cookies? Edit: To anyone seeing...

Google Maps Alternative (or solution to Timeout Issue)

I have about 5,000 coordinate points (longitude & latitude) & I have been using the google maps API to create static images of these points. Only about 25% of the markers show up for some reason. It doesn't matter how much I refresh the data; google maps just does not display it. Does anyone know how to fix this, or can someone sugge...

how to get mutiple latitude & longiture from google

HI, I create the file upload with the address of multiple location and store into database,now I want the latitude & longitude information of each address,I create the script using the curl which get the latitude & longitude information from google.But I have data size 2000 records so script get crash after 50 records,there any why using...

google search result URL error

In google search result URL is showing wrong that is https: rather than http: How to rectify this error? In yahoo and other search engine its showing right URL ...

Why can't I fetch with Perl's LWP::Simple?

Hi, I cant seem to get this peice of code to work: $self->{_current_page} = $href; my $response = $ua->get($href); my $responseCode = $response->code; if( $responseCode ne "404" ) { my $content = LWP::Simple->get($href); die "get failed: " . $href if (!defined $content); } Will return error: get faile...

API for Google Groups

Hi All, I was trying to do some personal project and was wondering if there is an API for google groups. With which we can handle each messages, reply, or do that sort of other operations. I searched and was not lucky enough to get one. if there is no such API can anyone point some light on how I can do these operations, for eg. using J...

The Guava library for java; what are its most useful and/or hidden features.

I have had a quick scan of the guava api and the new collection types it provides(multimap and bimap for example appear useful) and I am thinking of including the library in the project(s) I work on. However, I also have a reticence to include libraries willy-nilly if they are of no great benefit and learning the features wastes valuab...

Is there an API to Google Products?

I want to get products from Google Product Search. Does Google provide an API similar to Amazon? ...

Where can I learn more about the Google search "did you mean" algorithm?

Possible Duplicate: How do you implement a Did you mean? I am writing an application where I require functionality similar to Google's "did you mean?" feature used by their search engine: Is there source code available for such a thing or where can I find articles that would help me to build my own? ...

Google analytics; Short setup Q

I have just added the code to my index.html and uploaded the file. But Google Analytics Status says the code is not installed (not found). I have a VPS (own server) which I manage myself. Thing is, in my case, I have a setup like this: IP adress at a VPS provider Domain name at an ISP A-Pointer to point my domain to my IP adress...

What server side solution did Google Wave used?

I wonder what server side solution Google used for Google Wave. I have heard that they used Node.js for this. Is that true? Or did they use other non-open source solutions? ...

Django + Google SSO openid

Hi, I would like to have my application to accept a google account as a login. I found a bunch of libs for django but most work on top of existing Django authentication system that I do not use. I have my own set of user tables where I keep user info and privileges. Any suggestion on how to integrate that ...

How to sort with lambda

Trying to sort by date with lambda I can't understand which lambda my error message is referring to. The message is <lambda>() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given) The 2 instructions are a = A.proximity_fetch(A.all().filter("modified >", timeline).filter("published =", True).filter("modified <=", bookmark ).order("-modified") ,db.GeoPt...

google app engine as proxy for watching youtube videos?

atm proxies like (made by can't show youtube videos because to much traffic is redirected through http://* domains. If someone would host his app on a TLD, would this problem be solved and one could view youtube videos with this ...