
What is the best way to add google analytics tracking for specific elements on the page?

All important elements on my page has ID attribute set. I want to track if visitors are really using (clicking) those elements and I'm not sure which one of those 3 ways is the best: I - add onclick="track..." at the page generate time II - add onClick handler after ondomready for each element III - add only one onClick handler for whol...

Google site product pictures in results?

Google offers a search feature you can embed into your web page as the search feature for your page, I want to use it for an e-commerce site. but I want to be able to show pictures of the products in the results if they search for a product. Has anyone ever used Google site search? Is there a way to do that? Thanks. ...

CreateDatabase often fails on the google data api

The following test program is suppossed to create a new spreadsheet: #!/usr/bin/python import gdata.spreadsheet.text_db import getpass import atom import gdata.contacts import gdata.contacts.service import smtplib import time password = getpass.getpass() client = gdata.spreadsheet.text_db.DatabaseClient(username='[email protected]',passwo...

Accessing Google APIs from iPhone native app

I'd like to access some Google API's from within an iPhone native app. I'm not a web programmer and have never used AJAX, but I'm guessing I need some kind of bridge between Objective-C and Javascript. Ideally I'd just fire XML at Google and process the result. I really have no idea were to start. Has anyone successfully done this, or...

How to load Google API (UDS.JS) on demand (with jQuery)?

Tried this: $('.link').click(function(e) { $.getScript(';amp;v=1.0', function() { $('body').append('<p>GOOGLE API (UDS) is loaded</p>'); }); return false; }); Yes, it loads a primary "uds.js" file and then locks page by loading a locale JS file ("default+en.I.js", see line #48 ...

using jquery.getJson with Google's GeoCoding HTTP Service

Google offers a wonderful REST interface for geocoding and reverse geocoding an address. My API key is valid, and if I enter the request directly into the browser address it works great. However, the following jquery fails terrible and I'm failing to see why. Hoping you could help me out here. $.getJSON("

How to search google programatically with a keyword and get my website rank?

I want to call a google service using javascript with a keyword and a website url, and get from google the position of this site while searching with this keyword. This is possible? can be done just using javascript or will need a server side language? ...

Ajax page part load and Google.

I have some div on page loaded from server by ajax, but in the scenario google and other search engine don't index the content of this div. The only solution I see, it's recognize when page get by search robot and return complete page without ajax. 1) Is there more simple way? 2) How distinguish humans and robots? ...

Does Google use Ruby for application development?

Does anyone know if Google uses Ruby for application development? What are the general job prospects of Ruby compared to other languages like Perl or Python? ...

What are the differences between T-Mobile G1 (branded HTC Dream) and Google's ADP1 (device for developers)?

I was searching the internet but could not find a site comparing the two. I'm interested in developing for the android platform. G1 seems to be just the same as ADP1, but is there any small changes that will be noticeable in development? How about 3rd party software? What T-Mobile software exists in G1 which is not part of the ADP1 bund...

How to download Google search results?

Apologies if this is too ignorant a question or has been asked before. A cursory look did not find anything matching this exactly. The question is: how can I download all Word documents that Google has indexed? It would be a daunting task indeed to do it by hand... Thanks for all pointers. ...

Google Maps: Why does MarkerClusterer not work?

Hello! At first I want to say: I couldn't find a support forum for this library so I would like to try it here. I hope such questions are allowed here and the link to my page needn't be removed. The link is only for seeing how it works and which parts don't work. Please don't remove it. Now to the question :) I want to use the library...

Google site search: set to not search nav?

I am using google site search which is an API I purchased where I can send it a query and it returns to me an XML with search results from my site. It works well but I want to know if there is a way to limit it to NOT search within my global page navigation. For example if someone searches for a brand, and the brand name is within my gl...

Problem with Google maps with in user control

Hi, I am having a problem with google traffic maps in a usercontrol.I have a usercontrol which has google traffic map with a Zip Code textbox, Search and Clear link buttons. The problem with this usercontrol it displays map with the traffic for on page load(with default zip) but when I try to search for a zip and click search link butto...

Problem with Gmaps in usercontrol

Hi, I am having a problem with google traffic maps in a usercontrol.I have a usercontrol which has google traffic map with a Zip Code textbox, Search and Clear link buttons. The problem with this usercontrol it displays map with the traffic for on page load(with default zip) but when I try to search for a zip and click search link butto...

Get User Count for a Google Apps Domain

How do you get the total number of users in a Google Apps Domain? I'm aware of the "Retrieve All Users in Domain" call using the Google Provisioning API, but I'd rather not execute such an intensive call just to count up all the users. Is there a simpler way to do this? ...

Using the google maps api for reverse geocoding lat/long from iPhone

I am currently using the google maps' reverse geocoding API to convert long/lat received from an iPhone's CoreLocation API into city/state information on a google app engine server. Would this be considered a violation of the terms? I've done some research and cannot find a direct answer to this question. Right now, we will be distrib...

how to Get website Google position based on a keyword?

I searched Google search APIs and didn't find a way to get a website position rank based on a searched keyword and i thought its impossible. But i found by luck this website "" which is doing the same as i want to do, so i just want to know the idea behind that, or i...

Google AJAX API loader returning null

Hi, We have been using google AJAX API loader (to get the location of a client based on her IP) as described here: Earlier when the API loader was included in any file then it used to populate the google.loader.ClientLocation property with data about the client but two days back ...

Does Google use Python for anything but internal utilities and administration?

I'm curious...I've read much of Python being on the approved list of languages used by Google employees, and I know they employ Guido. That said, is their use of Python focused mainly on managing servers and applications, and not for developing the applications themselves? If so, why? It seems most I read indicates they use Java for the ...