
Zipcodes and zones in google maps

Hi, Is it possible to make zones in google maps, when provided with the zipcodes? If it is possible I would really like some links to information about it :) ...

How do I work out which of my markers are visible in my Google map?

Here is what I am trying to do. I have about 160 places of interest. The user enters their address (postcode, full address, whatever) which I use Google to geo-encode. I then create a Google map centred about this point and I add a marker for each of my points of interest to the map (using a MarkerManager). So far so good. I want to dis...

Google Analytics is counting less than half the number of visitors to website

Google Analytics confuses me. I have always had a feeling that the Google Analytics visitor count for my eCommerce website was too low. Today I took a closer look. Last weekend there were about 8 orders (by different customers) on the website on Saturday and 9 on Sunday. Google Analytics however shows only 3 visitors on both Saturday a...

Is it a violation of terms and services to embedd google's turn by turn directions into an iphone app?

I'm trying to embed Google's directions into an iphone app There doesn't seem to be a straightforward way to pull turn by turn data (specifically JSON data) other than adding a UIWebView. I was wondering if it's a terms of service violation problem or is it something that just hasn't been implemented yet for the iphone. I've seen Googl...

how to authenticate into google account service from web application for using google data

Can some body please tell me the way to access the google service such as the user feed items in google reader through the web application using username and password. I do not want the user to authenticate. I want the solution in There is already a solution avaible in Python at But I do not ...

GData Java Client not working because Google redirects to localized site

I'm following the documentation at Google Analytics Data API - Java and am getting the RedirectRequiredException exception, because Google is redirecting me to a local version of the site ( The code: AnalyticsService as = new AnalyticsService("me-myapp-1.0"); as.setUserCredentials(username, password); AccountFeed ac...

Compile Android image

I want to start playing around with Android. Downloaded the sources and followed the instructions from the download page Made a plain generic build: ============================================ TARGET_PRODUCT=generic TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=eng TARGET_SIMULATOR= TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release TARGET_ARCH=arm HOST_ARCH=x86 HOST_OS=linux HOST_B...

searching for pages explaining codes

Google does not allow searching for ! !-f becomes -f What search engines find pages with !-f? ...

Google Alerts API?

It seems that there is no Google Alerts API. Firstly, How would you get Google Alerts information into a database other than to parse the text of the email message that Google sends you? If you must parse text, how would you go about parsing out the relevant pieces of the email message? ...

Google Wonderwheel: How does it stack?

Hi there, My buddies and I were having a discussion over the effectiveness and efficiency of google wonderwheel. We have put aside the pretty animated effects it has, and are looking at the impact it would have on the effectiveness of a user in coming to an answer. I've noticed that Wonderwheel breaks if you search isn't exact (try 'Pla...

Which is better for Java development hosting: Aptana? Google App Engine? Slice Host?

I am split between the benefits of developing Java (non-commercial) webapps and deploying to something like Aptana or Google cloud, or just going with a Slice Host account. Tomcat or Jetty and MySQL are really my only big requirements. Aptana and Google App Engine come with some cool Eclipse deployment options, but does scalability rea...

Open Source Comparison Engines

A long time ago, Lycos had a comparison engine that is now defunct. I would like to find an open source equivalent of this offering... ...

What is the throughput of Google File System?

What is the throughput of Google File System? ...

How can I use search results of Google in Excel VBA?

I copy search results of Google and want to stick it on Excel now. I was able to write it to the place to search in IE, but do not understand more than it. Sub get() With CreateObject("InternetExplorer.application") .Visible = True .navigate ("") While .Busy Or .readyState <> 4 DoEvents Wend .document.all.q.Value ...

How do I provide info to Google about interesting/important pages on my website?

For an example of what I mean, search on Google for "". The first result will be and 8 additional links are listed; "Listen", "Log in", "Music", "Download", "Charts", "Sign up", "Jazz music", and "Users". I looked around in their HTML but couldn't figure out where this information was supplied to Google. Any help? Tha...

How to tell image search which image matters?

Google image search seems to do a poor job on a site I run in identifying which image on a page should be indexed. In addition it doesn't seem to link that image with lots of the associated data. Are there any ways of focusing attention for spiders on particular images and associated data, do they need to be within the same tags, or ad...

How to post a Google Calendar in a web page without using <iframe>?

Google Calendar provides a way to insert your Google Calendar into a web page using an <iframe>. Is there a way to insert this data into a web page without having to use the <iframe>? I know that there are ways to do this using the Google API, but is there any way that I can put that code directly into my page without the need to use th...

how to create google sitemap for mvc site?

Hello there, I was wondering if anyone has done this yet or has any examples on how to create a Google Sitemap for an MVC website. Any help or example would be appreciated. Im talking about this: ...

Can I use OpenID delegation with a standard Google account?

I'm currently using ClaimID and have the following data on my website to allow delegation: <link rel="openid.server" href="" /> <link rel="openid.delegate" href="" /> Are there equivalent URLs for Google? If not, has there been any mention of support in future? Befor...

How does google analytics collect its data?

Yes, I know you have to embed the google analytics javascript into your page. But how is the collected information submitted to the google analytics server? For example an AJAX request will not be possible because of the browsers security settings (cross domain scripting). Maybe someone had already a look at the confusing google javas...