
Getting Google Spreadsheets as Excel using C#

I presume the following are the steps I should do: A) I need to post the following for login: POST /accounts/ClientLogin HTTP/1.0 Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded accountType=HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE&[email protected]&Passwd=north23AZ&service=cl& source=Gulp-CalGulp-1.05 B) Need to check the return code C) If it retur...

copy worksheet from one spreadsheet to another

Is it possible to copy spreadsheets with gdata API or worksheets from one spreadsheet to other? For now i copy all cells from one worksheet to another. One cell per request. It is too slow. I read about "cell batch processing" and write this code: src_key = 'rFQqEnFWuR6qoU2HEfdVuTw'; dst_key = 'rPCVJ80MHt7K2EVlXNqytLQ' sheetcl = gdat...

What Significant Google Products Are Open Source?

I know that Google does some open source but a lot of their assets are very closed source. What are the main ones that are open source and those not? Android - fully open (I think) GMail - Closed Search - Obviously closed Chrome - Some open source bits (webkit)... but I'm not sure JavaScript compilers (that Steve Yegge is working w...

How do I search Google for code and other programming related keywords? It seems to strip special characters

One of the problems I have with Google is that it seems to strip special characters like dots, commas and some other special characters, which are usually what I'm looking for when I'm trying to find anything programming-related ex: django @ sign returns irrelevant data. Perhaps you know a way (or an alternative/technique) to make this ...

Can a search engine link to a certain section of an HTML file?

If I have a page divided in sections/fragments, that are linked to within the page with anchors, like this: <div class="menu"> <a href="#sec1">Section 1</a> <a href="#sec2">Section 2</a> <a href="#sec3">Section 3</a> </div> <div class="content"> <a name="#sec1"></a> <h2>Section 1</h2> <p>Bla bla bla...</p> </div...

Googlebot: Too many distinct URLs pointing to identical content

One section of our website presents a paged randomized content. The first time a new user visits the site, she is assigned a new random seed which passed in URL's and for persistence stored also in cookies. The problem is that the seed in URL's confuses Googlebot (and other indexing services); it complains that there are too many URL's p...

Can you write HTML to put AdSense ads on your own search results?

I know that I can put a Google Custom Search on my website, and get adsense ads along with it, but I would like to put adsense ads alongside search results provided by my own search engine. What is the HTML I need to add (or JS snippet) to the Google Custom Search in order to get it to also display AdSense? ...

Google Calendar Event GUI

Hello, does anybody know, where I can find the Google Calendars Event-GUI? I'm building an social networking site, which relies on google calendar. For adding and changing events, I want to use googles GUI (i dont want to code this myself if there is a partial/control already existing). Does anybody know where I can find this? ...

How do I put adsense ads on my search results page?

I want to show adsense ads on my search results page. With Google Custom Search this is easy. However, I have my own search engine for my site, and I want to show adsense ads on the results page. It doesn't look like this is directly possible. My thought is to show my own search results, and at the same time call Google's search wit...

Overlapping Views in Android

Is it possible to have overlapping views in Android? I would like to have an ImageView with a transparent png in the front and another view in the background. edit: This is what I have at the moment, the problem is that the image in the imageView is not transparent, the parts that should be transparent are just black. <RelativeLayout ...

MapReduce implementation in Scala

I'd like to find out good and robust MapReduce framework, to be utilized from Scala. ...

pre-compressed gzip break on chrome, why?

I serve pre-compressed CSS and JS files on my site, and IE6-8 and FF is working perfectly with my .htaccess file. # Compressed files RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-Encoding} .*gzip.* AddEncoding x-gzip .gz AddType application/x-javascript .gz AddType text/css .gz I call the files with the .gz extension already [example]: <link rel="styles...

How do I block Google adsense linking to files on my server?

Today I noticed that a few Google advertisements in an adsence block on one of my pages were trying to display a file called "/pagead/badge/checkout_999999.gif" from my server. I did a bit of investigating and found out that the companies behind these adverts use Google Checkout and "checkout_999999.gif" is supposed to be a tiny shopping...

Multi-Coloured backgrounds in the Google Visualization API

Is there a way to have multiple background colours in the line chart or motion chart of the google visualizer api? In this case I want some vertical bars to specify certain conditions. eg. daytime or nighttime. ...

how does google analytics calculate metrics like "average time spent" ?

how services like google analytics calculate parameters like "average time spent" "number of users that came to the website via search Vs user that hit the url directly etc. I would imagine that google can easily record a HIT when someone clicks on a link in serach result. But after that how long and deep the user is brwosing that per...

What was your 10 to the 100 idea?

Remember Google's 10 to the 100 project? The page hasn't been updated in a while so I'd like to know what your (programming related) idea was? Let's use stackoverflow and vote for the winning idea. ...

Non OTA Android upgrades

How would a phone like the Samsung I7500 upgrade its firmware when running on a non google partner carrier? I don't see any kind of manual upgrade options available. ...

Is there a way to tell Google, certain elements are irrelavent to page?

I have a page that shows the main product for that page, next to it though are "related products" which when you click on them you go to their page, and they have their own related products as well. The problem is that the related products are getting indexed by Google so when you search for product-A you may get the product-B page where...

How to load a Google Static Maps Image using Javascript

Right now I can use this URL to request a Google Static Maps image successfully:,-122.407&amp;zoom=8&amp;size=450x300&amp;maptype=terrain&amp;key=[my key here]&sensor=false However, the second I use JQuery or any direct javascript to set an image's src to the above url, Google passes back...

How to embed ics file into google calendar

Hi, I'm new to using the Google Calendar API. I can create .ics calendars using a php app. I would like to know if it is possible for Google Calendar to allow embedding of those calendars on to my website without having to add it to an account. I really like the google interface, and if this could work in any way, that would be great...