
How does the google short url works?

How can google short URL cater for so many URLs in web with just four character, even though alphabets are case sensitive? Say fn(some url)-> four letter for url, how can they suddenly use the same function which gives five letter for url after sometime?How will they know whether it is in four letter or five letter u...

Which Facebook App Payment Provider has widest acceptance easiest to develop with?

Hi, Am looking at accepting payments on my facebook app. The service providers available are SpareChange Jambool Google Checkout Amazon FPS Paypal Does anyone have experience to share about using any of these? The pros and cons of each. Thanks in advance ...

Is it possible to get local business results through the Google APIs?

Is it easy to get the business listings such as when you search in Google Maps? If there is an API that would be great! In any language, preferable, PHP or javascript ...

Which Google API/Tool should a web-developer know about?

I am looking at Google's list of APIs & Tools. Which Google API should a web-developer know about? Update: Programmable web - most popular shows currently Google Maps Google Ajax Search Google Homepage ...

Google Analytics Mobile (ipod/iphone) Custom Variables tracking

Hi there guys, It's a bit of time I'm using analytics in my iPhone applications and I find it very useful...but apparently it seems to give me only the ability to track pageviews and events. I just would like to know if there's a way to track even custom variables defined by me, as web analytics does. I.e. I'm releasing the new version...

question about rel="canonical" and upper case in url

Hello, Can this : link rel="canonical" href="" Solve the upper case duplicate content issue when robots visit : (with a capital "P" in Page.html) ? Thank you for your answer Francois ...

Any Tips for Writing a Google Gadget / Google Android App?

I'm going to be starting on a project building a Google Gadget and a Google Android with similar functionality. I've read through a bit of the documentation, but before I start I thought I'd ask if anyone has any tips they'd like to share to make the job easier. I program in lots of different languages, so I don't think it'll be too h...

Hello, I've got working code that uses the gdata to retrieve feeds from my user's Google Finance portfolios, but I had to use setUserCredentials(username,password). What I'd like to do is avoid asking the user for their username/password since the Android device already has access to their Google account. I believe I should be able to ...

Google maps - encoding individual waypoints

I am trying to build up a string which will link directly to the Google maps print view. e.g.,-1.241455&...

Google AJAX Language API with Chinese language

Hey guys! Does anyone know if there is support for Chinese pinyin? I get the results here with correct Chinese pinyin (see "Show romanization" link). Thank you. ...

Google Developer Phone

Hi, Do I need google developer Phone to be an android developer? If I purchase a phone from Rogers with Android OS, is that ok for me to write applications and try it out? Let me know what is the best practice? Thanks Naeem ...

Possible to tie Google API Key with a Google Apps account?

I am trying to get an API key for Google AJAX Feed API's. However, it will only let me login with my Gmail (Google account), and I don't see any way to login with the Google Apps account here. Couldn't find anything related on Google or Lycos. So is it possible to tie the AJAX Feed API key (which I believe will let me access other APIs ...

Does Google follow Buttons/Inputs

Does google follow buttons and form inputs when crawling websites? I'm adding rel="nofollow" tags to links I don't want google to follow but I'm not sure if I need to add them to buttons. For example an 'add to cart' button. Thanks ...

Google Maps API v3: Group markers?

I'm using Google Maps with API v3. I will add many markers, now got question, is there posibility to group markers? For example, by city? I'm using a small snippet to creating sidebar with markers buttons. Here's the code: /** * map */ var mapOpts = { mapOpts: new google.maps.LatLng(60.28527,24.84864), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapT...

making website iphone compatible

hello to all, i was asked by a client to set up a landing page for iphone users. the page already exists - very simple, just a few images and text. i need to: - make sure its iphone compatible (any special tags or definitions?) - make sure google mobile search indexes it as a mobile page - in the home page (different page, for all users...

Google Maps HTTP API for driving and walking directions

Do you know how I can get walking directions from Google by giving two specific coordinates? How can I send simple HTTP GET requests and have the result in a KML file? I don't want to geocode, but get the driving directions as the KML file returned by this method: ...

How to use OpenID in

I would like to create a site that authenticates using Google's OpenID. How would I do this? Also, how would I use roles with custom tables? ...

Can Google be used for site search on a database backed website?

I'm developing a web site with Google App Engine, and I want to have a search feature for user submitted stuff. Since this project is just a toy and I don't control the server, I'd like to just use Google to handle search. However, since the content is stored in the database, I don't think Google can discover the dynamic urls. Unless may...

Mobile web interface for Google Calendar?

I'm writing an iPhone app in which I would like to display a public Google Calendar. I love their mobile interface for Calendar that is available when you log in, but I am wondering if there's a way to display this or a similar interface for public Google Calendars. Currently I'm displaying the desktop version of a public Calendar in a U...

is openid.claimed_id static?

I'm reading about Federated Login for Google Account Users to figure out how I can have a user log in to a web application using their Google Account. So towards the end of the process, Google returns a Google supplied identifier which is appended as 'openid.claimed_id'. This means the web application uses this identifier to recognize ...