
How do I show keywords and a search box under my site's Google results?

I saw on the google when search "code project", some keywords and a text field and a button to search that google has generated for "code project" keyword also for "manchester university" in the same way. How is it possible to show key words and text field/button for our website on google? As it shows for "code project" and "manchester...

Can I specify what type of URLs to search for? - Google Search

Ok I'm searching for twitter profiles with Google Ajax Search I'm using the following query: ? I'm looking for urls like these: ... But I often stumble in URLs of the form:

twitter geocode to google maps

Hi Im trying to make this tutorial to work but Im having some difficulties. When I run the loadFromTwitter function I get a javascript error. It says "invalid label". The code so far is: loadFromTwitter = function(lat,lng,r) { var url = 'http://search....

How to get the Google PR of a URL programatically

I'd like to get the Google page rank of a url in my PHP code. How can this be done? ...

Is there any way to export a Google Visualization org chart as an image?

Is there anyway to have an export function to export the Google Visualization organizational chart as an image? I want this as a feature of my website, so people can click a button or a link and have it save as an image or a pdf file ...

Does anybody know is this GTrack good plugin?

Hi Guys, Have anybody know any jQuery plugin that able to do event tracking using Google Analytics? I found a good one in this link. It called GTrack. I am thinking whether to use or not... Do you know any similar plugin does this? Thanks, Rob ...

Limits for single contact xml in Google Contact API in general and gd:extendedProperty in particular ??

Hello What are the limits for the following in Google Contact API Size limit for a single contact xml, How big it can be? is there any limit(in size OR number of sub tags) in the content of a gd:extendedProperty of a single contact xml ?? Advance Thanks -Parimal Das ...

Dynamic google sitemap creation for a Ektron site

We are planning on using google for our search functionality in an Ektron site. We have to do this because we want pages from a few sites outside of the actual Ektron site to be included in the search results. The problem with this is newly published content won't show up in our sites search results for as long as two weeks unless we c...

Giving email account a name when sending emails with Django through Google Apps

I am sending emails to users using Django through Google Apps. When the user receives emails sent from the Django app, they are from: [email protected] when looking at all emails in the inbox, people see the email's sender as : do_not_reply or [email protected] depending on the email client used If I log into that "do_not_...

Google API Key and Domain Check

Hello, did anyone know how the domain check for the Google API Key works? Did Google only check for the URL in the Locationbar of the browser or is it more complex? I want to use such feature in my own application but any of my solutions is easy to bypass. ...

Interacting with a verified location? - Google Maps

Ok so there are loads of Businesses marked on Google Maps these days. But I cannot interact with these in any way. This is the information I have: venue name: Ministry of Sound address: 103 Gaunt Street London, SE1 6DP Google's Geolocation only gives me Coordinates (lat, long) Formatted Address I want an application ...

How to show different homepage based on the user's Country?

I had two domains. and What I need to do is that, when a user from India types the url in the address bar as then it should open When user from other country types the url in the address bar as it should open I think this is what im...

What regex can I use to extract URLs from a Google search?

I'm using Delphi with the JCLRegEx and want to capture all the result URL's from a google search. I looked at and they have an example RegEx that looks right, but I cannot get any results when I try it. I'm using it similar to: Var re:JVCLRegEx; I:Integer; Begin re := TJclRegEx.Create; With re do try ...

Does the Google AJAX API Loader have any advantage over direct link to Google hosted files via script tag?

I've recently moved a site over to use the Google AJAX Libraries instead of hosting the library js files myself. At the moment I'm using the Google recommended approach: <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript">google.load('jquery', '1.3.2');</script>...

Remove header & footer from published Google Docs Spreadsheet

I found javascript solution for removing gridlines on Google docs spreadsheets (using "download as HTML" and then past javascript in Web Address Bar): works great !! javascript:var v="none",e="defaultView",o="border",m="Color",w=function(a,b){if(document[e]){if(document[e].getComputedStyle(a,null)[o+b+m]=="rgb(204, 204, 204)")[o+...

Android SDK beginner question

I'm a n00b developer at my second attempt to use the Android SDK. I'm developing on the Mac platform and I've noticed that the latest version of the SDK doesn't include anything except the tools (so I have no plugins, no targets to choose from inside the package I downloaded). So I tried to use the Android SDK and AVD Manager to downloa...

Prevent two google maps polylines overlapping

I'm making a google maps app that displays GPX tracks. Some of the tracks do overlap for a distance. They do not have identical points, but the polylines seems identical when they are drawn. This makes one of them disapear behind the other one. The solution would be to draw overlapping tracks next to each other, like subway maps do. How ...

Delphi Suggestions For Parsing Google SERP Results

What's the best way to parse the google search results with Delphi (The API will not work, only allows 10 results)? (I would prefer free options.) ...

How to renew Google's information about my site

I have changed a structure of my site. I have changed a sitemap file on googleWebmasters. But Google still gives me old information on search. old links. How I can solve this problem? I mean, how to make Google to show new information from site? ...

Google Gears for a Social Network?

I just saw that the newer wordpress (newer meaning since the last time I used wordpress 5-6 years ago and today) is using Google Gears, this seems really cool but I am not 100% sure exactly how they use it? I am working on a social network site in PHP (facebook, myspace) can you think of anything on a site like that where gears could be...