
Will using a meta description hurt me?

I'm writing an engine for a website and I'm considering whether to add a field to let the author write a description of the page or not. If I decide to do this, it will be used as the meta description. Google (and possibly other search engines) usually displays it in the search results, instead of the snippets. I'm wondering if that's a...

Is there a Web Service API to the Google Product Search?

I want to call the Google product search and get back a parse-able XML file rather than having to scrape the HTML. I'm not looking for a SOAP based service, but a service that returns XML based on a URL passed in. ...

Google Search that Returns XML

I want to do a Google search that returns an XML document (instead of html). Is that possible? ...

The wrong url is showing up for my site in google searches

Hey folks. I have a client who's old website was called I set up a new site,, and had the old domain point to the new site. I have a 301 redirect working, so when you go to the address bar updates to So, the 301 is definitely working fine. However, ...

Google Custom Search with custom search box and button?

Hi! I am trying to make a google custom search (I just need some sort of search engine on my site) and I need to make it so that I can use my own search box (input field). I need it to be an exact size. I also need to be able to make my own button to search. I am going to need to be able to change the size and background of the search bu...

sign in with google account in

Right now i am using this example in the url to sign in to my website using google account. This example uses the url . Is there any other way to sign in via google account other than using contact feed. Please let me know. ...

Google Image Search - is there an API that returns data in XML?

Is there a Google Image Search API that will return data in XML format? I know about the AJAX API: What I am looking for is a way to parse and display images from a Google Image Search query in my own UI. I could try to parse the HTML results from a search like: http://images....

SEO issue red characters in source code? > Why? Syntax highlighting? browser source code?

SEO issue red characters Hi all I'm building webstes using dreamweaver, but when I look at the source code it is red for &quot; characters. I'm told anything appearing in red puts off Google's seo. Does anyone know why this appears in red? For example when I view code source on the site i get the gt; in red <a href="miss-sold-mortgag...

How to best Implement a Google CSE for a WordPress Blog

What is the best way to implement a Google Custom Search on a wordpress blog. a plugin or just the normal way? do we still use the search.php in the theme? ...

How to use the Google Visualization API in VB ?

We are working on a project where we have to implement the Google Visualization API in VB. We are having problems with finding relevant information. We can find loads of java. Please let us know. Thank you. ...

Deciphering the Google Search API: how to refer to an argument passed into callback function?

I'm using the Google Search API to load some Search results into my page. I'd like to set an argument to the callback function that says which div the search results should attach themselves to. Here's the callback function definition, per Google: .setSearchCompleteCallback(object, method, opt_arguments?) Here's how I'm doing it: se...

Django i18n and SEO

Hi, how do you prepare i18n in your websites? I mean what do you do avoid the situation when you search for i18ned websites in Polish you get English description cause English is the default one. Thanks in advance, Etam. ...

Is there a limit of Events I can enter with the google calendar data api?

Hi Guys, I' running a php script to insert events that I take from a CSV file. The events are entering successfully in my calendar, but it stops after about 75 events entered. Any idea if it's limited to a certain amount of events or it's a problem in my code. Thanks in advance for helping me! $event->title = $service->newTitle($t...

Google analytics - Tracking events that happened in the past

Hi, Let us say I have a log file that has events that happened in the past. Now for some reason suppose that I am not able to track those events in real time using GA but want to do it at a later point of time using some kind of batch processing. Can I somehow add those events to GA and also keep the original time the event occurred. T...

How can I tell if a user came to a page via a Google Adwords PPC campaign?

I have a form with a hidden "Came from Adwords" field that will be marked true (via javascript) if the user came from a PPC campaign and will stay false if not. That way, when the user submits the form, we will have each submission stored with info about whether that submission came from adwords or not, all without the user knowing. How...

Google indexing to a staging server.

A site that I was working is resolving to a staging server through google. I've removed all the information. How long does it take for google to update the information so that it does not show up. is there anyone that I can contact to move this along? ...

Example of good login/registration integration with social networks and openid?

We are at the early stages of creating a new website, at the point where we need to build the login/registration module. I want to be looking forward to the future, so I want to allow my users to register and login using all sorts of accounts, such as OpenID, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, etc ... My users are not all tech savvy, do you have...

SEO - How to programmatically check if a website has been Banned by Google

Hi All, if your website links to another site that has been blacklisted by Google this is bad for your ranking Sites like onlinealley helps you to know if there're problems with a website you are linking to. Does any Google API Exist .. or how are websites like this checking if a url is banned? Are they checking the 'PageRank value' or s...

does google translate api works on ajaxembedded texts?

i wonder if i can use google translate api to translate ajax embedded texts on my website? ...

Automating book citation search

I have a list of books listed by their titles in a text file. I want to write a script which can use a web service like Google scholar or amazon to search for the books and return me a xml or bibtex file with citation info for each book. Which programming tools can I use for this kind of automated search ? ...