
does google org chart visualization api support mutliple managers (coheads)

is there a way to support the use case where there are a bunch of people that report to two co heads of a group. it doesn't look like it from my initial testing but wanted to verify to be sure. i have a use case where some people report to Joe and some people report to Tom but some people report both to Joe and Tom as they are co heads...

On what CDN is Google's Closure library hosted?

Google hosts a number of JavaScript libraries such as jQuery and dojo on their CDN. For some reason, their own Google Closure library does not seem to be included. Is there a hosted version of the Closure library? ...

Google Calendar(sharing)

Hi I'm working with google app application. Actually i want to the access another id without using password for that i used OAuth its working well. But i cant able to share the particular person calendar.I tried the following code GoogleOAuthParameters oauthParam=new GoogleOAuthParameters(); oauthParam.setOAuthConsumerKey("");...

Google Toolbar prevents open a new window

Google toolbar is creating a serious problem for me in IE 6 when i try to open a window using or if i set target="_blank" for anchor tag. It treats the window as pop up and dispaly pop up is blocked which i really don't want to dsiplay to my user. This problem only occurs if there is a extra code getting executed before windo...

How google suggest caches queries on client side?

Well, I was playing with Google query auto completion and noticed funny thing: if I for example type in "m" letter, it performs Ajax jsonp query. Then if I'll refresh my page and enter "m" letter again there would not be any query. The same thing happens with longer sequences of letters. It's obvious that Google uses some client-side ca...

Any Google API in perl working with OAuth

Hello, I've looked at Net::Google, and 90% of the modules use AuthSub with a mandatory login/password. The right way for a web application to interact with Google applications on behalf of a customer is to use OAuth. That way, the authentication is done by Google, and the application does not know the user's password. This is supported b...

Google Search Appliance index content from database

Hi, Instead using the google search appliance crawler for index content, im using a query to a sql server database. The query is running fine, but i supposed that all these registries belong now to the Default collection (the complete index of Google Search Appliance). Do you know how could i create a new Collection with only the dat...

Google Base Feed - XmlTextWriter or Google Client Library objects

Hello there, I have just gone through Google Base Feed documentation as a first step to start a new project. The project allows users to submit Property(Housing) feeds to Google Base. I am having following doubt regarding - How to submit Feed to Google Base at code level. There can be two approaches if I understand this right: To ...

Google Maps API not letting go of the mouse click

I'm using the Google maps API to place a map onto a web page, just like millions of other sites have done. However, once I click on the map (and let go), the map then acts if the mouse button is still being held and drags the map all over the page. The only way to get free of this drag action is to hit F5 and reload the page. I've spen...

What are pros and cons of letting Google host jQuery for me ?

Possible Duplicate: Should I link to Google APIs cloud for JS libraries? Do you serve jQuery to your users from Google on a public websites ? ...

Getting a Cocoa/Objective-C callback from Google Maps with WebView

Hi, all. I'm working on a new feature for my Mac application and it has to do with maps. As an example, let's use iPhoto's "Places". iPhoto uses Google Maps to show the location of various photos with red pins. Now when I click onto one of those pins, the application itself - iPhoto - reacts to that click, not the WebView / the map. So...

Why use a Google Sitemap?

I've played around with Google Sitemaps on a couple sites. The lastmod, changefreq, and priority parameters are pretty cool in theory. But in practice I haven't seen these parameters affect much. And most of my sites don't have a Google Sitemap and that has worked out fine. Google still crawls the site and finds all of my pages. The...

Google AdSense Conversion Tracking with AJAX form

Hey everyone! I have a google adwords conversion tracking code that I need to implement basically on an onclick event. The form I am tracking submits information using AJAX and then renders a Thank you message to the page by replacing the form's div with the thank you HTML ( $('div').html("thank you....., etc"); ) I'm wondering if t...

Google transit is too idealistic. How would you change that?

Suppose you want to get from point A to point B. You use Google Transit directions, and it tells you: Route 1: 1. Wait 5 minutes 2. Walk from point A to Bus stop 1 for 8 minutes 3. Take bus 69 till stop 2 (15 minues) 4. Wait 2 minutes 5. Take bus 6969 till stop 3(12 minutes) 6. Walk 7 minutes from stop 3 till point B for 3 minutes. To...

Contact Page not showing correctly in Google Chrome Broswer

I have a one-page portfolio style website that scrolls with JQuery, and I cannot get the "Contact" page to show up fully in the Google Chrome Browser. It works fine in IE, Safari, and Firefox, but not in Chrome. I have attached the code for the "Contact" page to see if someone can see what is wrong. To view the site and see the problem, ...

google calendar sharing

Hi everybody Is it possible to use OAuth with ACL.... Did anyone use this.. Help me. Thanks Regards Sharun ...

Problem with Google Chart

Hello, I'm developing an application which draws some charts and I'm using Google Chart. After I have all the needed data I build the URL dinamically. The problem is that Google Chart doesn't always fix the maximum and minimum of the chart to the values I provide. I calculate Max and Min Values based on the data of the cart. I've set th...

How much Organic Search impacts on sites access

I was wondering how much does organic searches, on google specially, impacts on visits for a website, in general? I've been looking for some reliable source, with statistics, can't find it, though. I'd like to be able to say "Today, xx% of site visits come from organic searches", with some reference backing the information. Thank you ...

Does anyone know how google analytics processes data?

Anyone have any idea or know of any articles that discusses how google analytics stores and processes the data that comes in from the urchin calls? Curious about the architecture. thanks! ...

Google Calendar

Hi I'm developing one web application project using java for education industry.In this Admin have all rights to access the google services of other users like A,B,C..... for this is use OAuth.Then i tried Admin want to share user A's calendar to user B using OAuth.But i got stuck in this step. Is it possible Plz Help me Thanks Regard...