
What is the proper way to use google line charts with dates

I see this link to use google chart api for putting multiple line charts together What is the recommended way to have dates on the bottom line as it seems like each row in the chart has the same level of space so if i have charts where their are dates and values i want the correct spacing to be there between date values (1 day differenc...

Google Books API - Getting Book Ratings?

I cannot find a way to get a Book's Ratings through the Books API provided by Google. All I figured out is how to obtain search listings, which do not include ratings and description. Help would be very much appreciated. ...

Is the google docs embeddable previewer out of beta and will it have an have an API? is awesome, but there are some customizations I need to make, and documentation would be helpful. Discovered here . Haven't seen any public documentation that would help. covers the Google docs - where the above is mor...

How to get markers from a GGeoXml loaded overlay in Google Maps?

I load a feed of markers from a GeoRSS source with the GGeoXml function. The markers come with a infowindow upon click. I need to remove this infowindow (since it does not fit inside my map), and bind a new click event on the markers. But how can I access these markers? I only have a reference to the GeoRSS overlay. ...

If anyone has used Sphinx Search engine you know if it can join words?

When you search "Stack Overflow", Sphinx will not bring up results that match "Stackoverflow" That's because Sphinx indexes "Stackoverflow" as one word...whereas the query is two words. Does anyone know how to fix this? (like Google...they can join the query !) ...

Google Books API - How do I separate Book from Book Edition?

Hi, I'm using Google Book Search API to add missings bits and pieces to my database. Problem is that The API gives me back a list of book editions, and not reference to the original book itself. The data I'm trying to get is this: Original title: The Hobbit Original year of publication: 1937 Can anyone help? Just in case...

Is it possible to create a system that will receive SMS messages with a location in the title and automatically transfer that information into Google Maps?

I'm looking at building a simple app based around location. Obviously given that lots of people don't have access to smartphones etc, I'm trying to figure out a way to allow them to text in their address/location details to an automated system that will locate them on Google Maps. Is this possible? And if it is possible, is it possible t...

How do I check if GEARS is installed, using javascript?

Is it windows.gears != undefined or something??? I just want to use javascript to return true or false if the person has google Gears. ...

Removing Uploaded Files from Google when item Expires

We're using the Google CSE (Custom Search Engine) paid service to index content on our website. The site is built of mostly PHP pages that are assembled with include files, but there are some dynamic pages that pull info from a database into a single page template (new releases for example). The issue we have is I can set an expire date ...

Google Search Appliances versus Microsoft Enterprise Search (FAST)

I am .NET developer and I have been working with various search providers but Google Search Appliance/Mini has been always the best fit for requirements when implementing enterprise level search. I have not worked yet on Microsoft Enterprise Search so I would like to hear developers experiences on it. These days I am getting a lot Enter...

How can I access the version number of the Google Maps API in Javascript?

Does the Google Maps Javascript API have a property/method that returns its exact version number? I need this info for debugging purposes. ...

Multiple subDomain for GoogleAnalytic

I know domain management for single domain name, but i cannot get it with multiple subdomain. When I select : What are you tracking?, i choose : One domain with multiple subdomains it finally give me the code with that : pageTracker._setDomainName(""); So on the domain i made up a sub domain : and bb...

how to get the google list of dangerous sites

Hello, I need to check the url against Google list of dangerous sites, how I do that for windows application ? I will use Delphi. thanks ...

Does Google Analytics tracking code still working if I call it has an external script?

I added it like this: </div><!-- .container --> </div><!-- #footer --> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/google-analytics.js"></script> </body> </html> I did this last night and still having the warning sign. ...

Problem placing Google Analytics page tracking script in 2 separated Javascript files

I'm including the Google Analytics Script divided into 2 pierces of Javascript code: google-analytics.js: (above) var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + " page-tracker.js try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("U*-********-*...

background-image in div – Google indexing?

I've a list of empty divs and dynamically inserting a background image – so at first, their background-image: url(); property is completely empty. With some event, it's background-image url loads into the previously empty background-image: url(); tag. The url of the appearing background-image is temporarily stored in the "alt" tag of the...

Grab Google tasks via Google Calander API?

Does anyone know if you might be able to grab google tasks using the calander API? I took a quick look at the API and I did not see any obvious way to grab the tasks information but it might be doable depending on how the tasks data is used in calander. I was hoping someone more familiar with the calander API might be able to shed some...

How do I use advance Google search to sort image by most recent?

How do I use advance Google search to sort image by most recent? Google image search doesn't have options to sort by date. Example: I would like to sort the following by most recent images:;hl=en&amp;tbo=1&amp;tbs=isch:1&amp;sa=1&amp;q=wallpapers+for+desktop&amp;aq=1&amp;aqi=g10&amp;aql=&amp;oq...

Will it affect a site's google page ranks when a google sitemap is uploaded for the first time?

Short Version: What are the chances that a site's various sub-pages' page-ranks will suffer if a proper google sitemap is submitted for the first time? Long Version: I'm working with a website that has some rather impressive organic page ranking on some of its sub-pages. They've never submitted a sitemap to google, which has caused s...

Country specific search in google/yahoo

I want do get urls of the blogs that are written from a specific country user I am trying to make use of google blog/forum search to get links but i want to limit the results to specific country... tips or help plssss ...