
Apache permissions to serve file...

I have a folder on my webserver (apache), which contains gnupg public keys: \myfolder --- my.gpg --- your.gpg They are chown apache:apache. I want to make the permissions as strict as possible but leave it possible to have a user view the file online ( Why do I have to give the file execute permis...

Decrypting a gpg file with gnupg

I'm trying to decrypt some data from gpg files that I've downloaded. Downloading the files to a directory is no problem, but I'm having trouble actually decrypting them. Here's what I'm doing right now: def extractGPGs(gpglist,path,gpgPath="\"C:\\Program Files\\GNU\\GnuPG\\gpg.exe\""): os.chdir(path) if not os.path.isdir("GPGFiles"): ...

Using GNU Privacy Guard in .NET

Is there some way to use GNU Privacy Guard functionality directly? Yes, I know about redirecting input/output streams from gpg.exe utility, but maybe we can use some unmanaged libraries from distribution directly? ...

Open Source Project - Is it important to sign jars?

I have open sourced several of my projects and have published artifacts on Is it important to sign your artifacts, does JBoss and other open source publishers sign their code? ...

gpgee command line equivalent - gpg arguments

I want to using gpg in windows batch scripts and i've got little problem. Now I'm using gpgee with nice GUI. I want to use gpg with command line interface. Gpg script should sign and encyrpt text files, so i try this gpg -u login -ser key_owner datafile but, when i try to compare file from this command and gpgee, there are differen...

How to make GPG keys accessible for PHP shell_exec

I am working on a script that needs to run a perl script via command line (using shell_exec()). To set up the script I needed to generate a GPG key on my end, and import their public key into my GPG keyring. The perl script works fine when I run it as the ROOT user, but when running through PHP it throws this error message: "An error o...

Problem decrypting PGP in python with pyme without user interaction

I am trying to decrypt messages using pyme (a python wrapper from gpgme). It works fine if I type in the password when it prompts but I cannot get the passphrase callback to work. Here is the code import pyme.core def Callback( x, y, z ): print 'in passphrase callback' return 'passphrase' plain = pyme.core.Data() cipher =

mdc error when decrypting GPG message

I have a client and server system that regularly run scheduled tasks and communicate through xml files that have been encrypted by gpg. All required public keys have been successfully exchanged between the client and server. The encryption and decryption calls are being done from a batch file. encrypt syntax gpg.exe --batch --yes --re...

gpg: decryption failed: No secret key

I can decrypt a file using a gpg utility (Kleopatra), but when I try to decrypt with a batch process I get the error message gpg: decryption failed: No secret key. ...

Is there a way to get an installed RPM's signature Key ID programatically?

As displayed by rpm -qi package? I don't really want to parse the output of rpm -qi. I'd much rather use rpm -q --qf, of which I can control the format and is not subjected to a future version's aesthetic whims. But the only useful tag I can find in the man page is SIGPGP, which gets me the entire signature, not only the short key id. ...

What is the most secure way to encrypt a file with sensitive data?

Can anyone recommend me a way to encode files of sensitive data so that no one can crack them? I will be the only who knows the password. I am thinking of using GPG but I know next to nothing about security. Any suggestions which algorithm from GPG to use for encryption? Thanks, Boda Cydo. ...

Encrypted email test data set

I'm looking for a set of emails encrypted (and signed) by a variety of email clients in order to test a mail client. A downloadable mbox file along with test gpg keys would be ideal for this. There seem to be a variety of ways that emails are encrypted (and signed), so getting all of them to work is difficult. And then you find another ...

Using gpg to sign an RPM as part of a continous build - how do I avoid the prompt for the passphrase?

I have a continuous integration build system that generates an RPM via a shell script triggered by cron. I want to sign the RPM with gpg, but gpg insists on the user manually entering the passphrase at the console, which is clearly a non-starter since there is no user console for cron. I have read about gpg-agent which will let you ente...

Check encrypted file for empty content

I'm using gpg to decrypt files sent to me by a vendor. Everything works fine accept for when the content of the encrypted file is empty (the vendor has told me that there is no content in the files in question). If I try and decrypt one of these files I get: gpg: can't handle this ambiguous signature data Is there any way to che...

is it possible to create an ssl certificate out of a pgp public/private key ?

i have a pgp public/private (RSA) key pair that my friends trust. i have a webserver running and i'd like to generate an ssl certificate whose public key matches my pgp public key. does that make any sense ? is that possible ? is that safe ? ...