
Resolving reduce/reduce conflict in yacc/ocamlyacc

I'm trying to parse a grammar in ocamlyacc (pretty much the same as regular yacc) which supports function application with no operators (like in Ocaml or Haskell), and the normal assortment of binary and unary operators. I'm getting a reduce/reduce conflict with the '-' operator, which can be used both for subtraction and negation. Here ...

C++ Template Ambiguity

A friend and I were discussing C++ templates. He asked me what this should do: #include <iostream> template <bool> struct A { A(bool) { std::cout << "bool\n"; } A(void*) { std::cout << "void*\n"; } }; int main() { A<true> *d = 0; const int b = 2; const int c = 1; new A< b > (c) > (d); } The last line in main...

Parse tree and grammars information

Do anyone know where to find good online resources with examples how to make grammars and parsetrees? Preferebly introductary materials. Info that is n00b friendly, haven't found anything good with google myself. edit: I'm thinking about theory, not a specific parser software. ...

What makes Ometa special?

Ometa is "a new object-oriented language for pattern matching." I've encountered pattern matching in languages like Oz tools to parse grammars like Lexx/Yacc or Pyparsing before. Despite looking at example code, reading discussions, and talking to a friend, I still am not able to get a real understanding of what makes Ometa special (or ...

Is there a meaningful correlation between spelling and programming ability?

Is there a meaningful correlation between spelling and grammatical ability, and programming ability? ...

Antlr: Simplest way to recognize dates and numbers?

What is the simplest (shortest, fewest rules, and no warnings) way to parse both valid dates and numbers in the same grammar? My problem is that a lexer rule to match a valid month (1-12) will match any occurrence of 1-12. So if I just want to match a number, I need a parse rule like: number: (MONTH|INT); It only gets more complex whe...

Looking for a Complete Delphi (object pascal) syntax

I need a complete Object Pascal syntax (preferably Delphi 2009). Some of the syntax is given by the help files, but not all information is provided. So I started collecting loose bits of information. Recently I added these to a more or less complete syntax description (EBNF like). Although it looks extensive, there are still bugs and I'...

Shift reduce conflict

I'm having a problem understanding the shift/reduce confict for a grammar that I know has no ambiguity. The case is one of the if else type but it's not the 'dangling else' problem since I have mandatory END clauses delimiting code blocks. Here is the grammar for gppg (Its a Bison like compiler compiler ... and that was not an echo): %...

Is there a human readable programming language?

I mean, is there a coded language with human style coding? For example: Create an object called MyVar and initialize it to 10; Take MyVar and call MyMethod() with parameters. . . I know it's not so useful, but it can be interesting to create such a grammar. ...

Is there a name meaning "not a singleton"?

Is there a name meaning "not a singleton"? ...

Grammar Writing Tools

I am trying to write a grammar in EBNF (barring a really good reason, it has to be EBNF) and am looking for a couple of utilities for it - if there's a GUI interface that can make one, that would be great, but the thing I'm looking for most is something that can check the grammar, for instance to see if it is LALR(n), and if so, what the...

Regex Grammar

Is there any BNF grammar for regular expression? ...

Login or Log in?

Is there accepted terminology for the process of logging in? As a verb, would you say "Go to the website and log in", or "Go to the website and login"? As an adjective, would you say "Click on the Log in form", or "Click on the Login form"? Does the same apply to logging out? eg: logout? ...

How to specify the exact number of occurance of a token in ANTLR?

I have to define the grammar of a file like the one shown below. //Sample file NameCount = 4 Name = a Name = b Name = c Name = d //End of file Now I am able to define tokens for NameCount and Name. But i have to define the file structure including the valid number of instances of token Name , which is the value after NameCount. I have ...

Compiling ANTLRWorks generated class files

I am using ANTLRWorks to create ANTLR grammars. I have a valid grammar and the parser and lexer source files are generated as well. I have also tried debugging the generated code and the output is as expected in the debugger output. But when I try to invoke the __Test__ class generated by the debugger nothing is coming up in the conso...

Repository of BNF Grammars?

Is there a place I can find Backus–Naur Form or BNF grammars for popular languages? Whenever I do a search I don't turn up much, but I figure they must be published somewhere. I'm most interested in seeing one for Objective-C and maybe MySQL. ...

End of file descriptor in a grammar implementation

I am working on a compiler implementation and wish to check if the end of file has been reached? I know that this can be done using the yywrap() function in the lex file, but the requirement is that we want if the EOF is explicitly defined as in the hex value 0x1a, then how do we reference that. Example: main() { printf("Check EO...

Closures and Context Free Grammars

I'm looking over my syllabus for my theoretical computer science class and within the heading of Context Free Grammars it lists "closure properties". I have looked through my textbook on this subject and found quite little. The little it does have is a bit above my head at the moment (I haven't taken the course yet) but I understand a li...

How to determine whether a grammar is LL(1) LR(0) SLR(1)

Is there a simple way to determine wether a grammar is LL1, LR0, SLR1... just from looking on the grammar without doing any complex analysis? For instance: To decide wether a BNF Grammar is LL1 you have to calculate First and Follow sets first - which can be very time consuming in some cases. Has anybody got an idea how to do this fast...

Lisp grammar in yacc

I am trying to build a Lisp grammar. Easy, right? Apparently not. I present these inputs and receive errors... ( 1 1) 23 23 23 ui ui This is the grammar... %% sexpr: atom {printf("matched sexpr\n");} | list ; list: '(' members ')' {printf("matched list\n");} | '('')' {printf("matched...