
Projecting a screen for a camera

I'm trying to learn a little more on vectormath through writing a simple ray tracer and I've been doing some reading on it, but what I haven't been able to find is how to determine the direction of the primary rays. This sounds like a simple problem and probably is, but with my current knowledge I haven't been able to figure it out. I ...

Collision detection with hardware generated primitives

There's a lot of literature on collision detection, and I've read at least a big enough portion of it to be fairly familiar with most techniques. However, there's something that has eluded me for a while, and I figured, since StackOverflow provides access to a large group of brilliant minds at once, I'd ask here first before digging arou...

Does anybody know good graphical morphing code or algorithm?

I'm building a small app and I need to be able to morph one image into another. Any pointers would be appreciated. ...

window handlers for opengl

I've been programming opengl using glut as my window handler, lately i've been thinking if there are any advantages to switching to an alternate window handler such as wxWidgets or qt. Are there any major differences at all or is it just a matter of taste? Since glut provides some additional functions for opengl-programming beyond the w...

Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pen, RectangleF) FillRectangle, DrawRectangle, FillElipse and DrawEllipse all can take 4 Float (or "Single") parameters: x, y, width, height. DrawRectangle is the only one that will not take a RectangleF, though. I was wondering if anyone knew why this is. It sure seems ...

Draw offscreen with JOGL

As part of a larger project I'm trying to implement a facility using JOGL that will export 3D renderings to bitmap formats. We do this by creating a GLJPanel and drawing the scene we want to it, then extracting the bitmap. This all works fine as long as the system has at least one visible window on the screen - not necessarily the window...

Which Icon Editing Software would you recommend for creating icons for apps

I once bought a single license of Microangelo for creating icons which served me well in the past, but now I'm helping run up a new Virtual Machine base for our dev team to use and would like to include a decent free icon editor in there. I'd prefer something that fully supports creating icons for Windows Vista. For all those of you th...

In OpenGL, how do I make a simple background quad?

Let's say I want to draw a simple quad like this: glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex2f(-1.0,-1.0); glVertex2f(1.0,-1.0); glVertex2f(1.0, 1.0); glVertex2f(-1.0, 1.0); glEnd(); Is there a way to draw this such that it appears behind all 3D objects and fills up the whole screen? My camera moves with the mouse, so this quad also has to appear s...

Texture mapping problem in OpenGLES

I'm very new to OpenGL and I'm using managed OpenGLES wrapper written for Windows Mobile phones (OpenGLES Windows Mobile). I have a simple task of drawing a square (got that) and texturing it with an image from the disk, so I basically just want to display a jpg file on the screen. However every time I try to do it, I get a white square ...

Icons for an IPhone application user interface

This has been asked before but not satisfying for me. If you develop an IPhone application you need some basic icons. For me they fall into two categories: a) Icons that represent your application and b) Icons in your applications user interface. For the first category you are basically stuck to create your own icon or to hire someone,...

Flex 2D graphics learning path for Java/GWT developer?

I have been developing with Java for several years and last six months I have been building GWT based application. But I have almost no Flash or Action Script experience and I would like to try out some hobby programming with Flex. Especially 2D graphics and image manipulation would be interesting topics. Adobe's tutorials for Java deve...

XNA on graphics card.

How can I program graphics on a graphics card with XNA? (How do I move the workload onto the graphics card) ...

Best cross-browser approaches for Javascript game graphics?

I'm wondering what the most viable approaches are for 2d game graphics, running in straight (and cross-browser) Javascript? I've found the canvas and SVG approaches so far. Are there other straightforward methods that offer primitive graphics operations like drawing lines, circles, pixels? Preferrably supported out of the box in IE, unl...

How do I set a surf to one color (no gradient) in my matlab-plot?

My dataset consists of three vectors (x,y and z). I plot these values as dots in a 3d-plot with plot3(x,y,z), which is fine. I also want to show a plane in the same plot. To get the data of this plot I use linear regression on x and y to get a new z. This is how it looks: I want the surf to be filled with only one color (say light ...

Drawing massive amounts of data in NSView, or something else?

I have hundreds of thousands of points of time series data that I want to represent to the user. My current solution is to render said data to a PNG with a 3rd party library and then load that PNG into a NSImage and display it in a scroll view. This works great, except that: NSImages more than 32k pixels wide don't display properly ...

Double-Buffering VB6 with BitBlt help

Edit: I updated version 2. Now It's monochrome. I tried to fix it by making sure to call CreateCOmpatibleBitmap with the window's DC rather than the memdc (as written), but it is still wrong :( Below are 3 different simplified versions of functions I have written. Version 1 works perfectly (but has flicker, obviously), version 2 does...

What is the best approach to compute efficiently the first intersection between a viewing ray and a set of objects ?

For instance: An approach to compute efficiently the first intersection between a viewing ray and a set of three objects: one sphere, one cone and one cylinder (other 3D primitives). ...

c# GDI Edge Whitespace Detection Algorithm

I am looking for a solution for detecting edge whitespace of c# bitmap, from the c# managed GDI+ library. The images would be either transparent or white, most of the 400x pictures are 8000x8000px with about 2000px whitespace around the edges. What would be the most efficient way of finding out the edges, x, y, height and width coord...

frames behind pictures?

Hey there, my question is related to HTML, and PURE html. im working on a new design for my front page on a social network called kwick, and i want to create a kind of space for my favorite Video at the moment. now my problem is, how do i realize sth like this: i take a picture of my ipod like that(just an example, its not my ipod) ht...

How do I fill a region to its bounds with a color on a graphics object?

I'm playing around and try to make a Coloring book for my children and I have a lots of black and white line drawings that I use as backgrounds so they they can paint on them. Now, I want to add a FILL-function so they can point and click somewhere where its white in the drawing and then let the function fill the whole region within it...