
How does color depth and/or compression level of images affect UI performance?

To what extend do color depth and compression level of the original jpg and/or png images used as drawables have an effect on the app's UI performance, given the fact that all images are converted to bitmaps internally anyway. Especially considering i.e. images in list views for example. Same question goes for png vs. xml shapes as dra...

Why does createScaledBitmap cause colors to change?

When I run the following code: Bitmap scaledBitmap = bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, 32, 32, true); my bitmap goes from white to black. My question is, why would this happen? Does scaling disturb the bitmap's transparency? ...

Create an image from a non-visible AWT Component?

I'm trying to create an image (screen-shot) of a non-visible AWT component. I can't use the Robot classes' screen capture functionality because the component is not visible on the screen. Trying to use the following code: BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D g = image.createGraph...

AS3: Any chance using cairo graphics lib from as3? Through Alchemy?

I haven't seen any port of the cairo graphics library to AS3. Would it be possible to implement cairo solutions through Alchemy? Other possibilities? ...

Removing QGraphicsItem issue

Hi I have a problem with my piece of code. I am getting assertion failed message from qt when a use this code. But the message is being generated when repainting (somewhere in bst tree) the scene so i can not find out what is wrong in my code. Maybe i am missing something? Please take a look. I am using Qt 4.6 After this function progra...

Windows Phone 7 - GPU Acceleration not working

Hi, I'm wondering if someone can help with this or has had a similar problem. I am trying to make a basic game in WP7 using Silverlight and I can't get the GPU acceleration to kick in. The frame rate counters are visible which would indicate the GPU is being used, directx versions is 10 and directx driver versions is WDDM 1.1. I've tr...

A graphics code generation tool development.

I am trying to build a tool for our embedded system project. Our embedded system controls a giant machine performing several safety critical activities. For time being lets imagine it to be a giant excavator. [Consider this as a hypothetical project]. This machine will be connected to 5-6 LCD panels that will continuously display sever...

OpenGL GL_SELECT or manual collision detection?

Greetings all, As seen in the image I draw set of contours (polygons) as GL_LINE_STRIP. Now I want to select curve(polygon) under the mouse to delete,move..etc in 3D . I am wondering which method to use: 1.use OpenGL picking and selection. ( glRenderMode(GL_SELECT) ) 2.use manual collision detection , by using a pick-ray and che...

Android: loading an alpha mask bitmap

I have a single-channel PNG file I'd like to use as an alpha mask for Porter-Duff drawing operations. If I load it without any options, the resulting Bitmap has an RGB_565 config, i.e. treated as grayscale. If I set the preferred config to ALPHA_8, it loads it as a grayscale ARGB_8888 instead. How can I convince Android to treat this ...

Analysing Paths and Glyphs graphics in Silverlight

I have built a WPF application that does some OCR type stuff on graphics objects from XPS documents. I want to port it to Silverlight (out of browser app) so it can run on Macs, not just Windows. I can open and display XPS documents in a Silverlight (SL) app quite nicely. My problem is that so much of the useful graphics library is miss...

Drawing Arc in Java

I need to draw a Pie Arc in Java with start angle 350 and end angle 20.The cordinate system I follow is as follows:- |0 | 270-----------90 | |180 The problem here is that the start angle is greater than the end angle.For the other way round I have managed to draw the arc.Any help would be great. ...

HTML 5 canvas animation - objects blinking

I am learning ways of manipulating HTML 5 Canvas, and decided to write a simple game, scroller arcade, for better comprehension. It is still at very beginning of development, and rendering a background (a moving star field), I encountered little, yet annoying issue - some of the stars are blinking, while moving. Here's the code I used: ...

Graphics DrawImage is all transparent after converting to bitmap

Hi everyone. A bit of back story: I am currently trying to load a texture with OpenTK, so I am finding the next power of 2 (512,1024 etc) and creating a new bitmap with that size and drawing the original bitmap on: Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(filename); width = bmp.Width; height = bmp.Height; int w2 = (int)PowerOf2(width); int h2 = (int)Pow...

How to randomly but evenly distribute nodes on a plane

Hi All. I need to place 1 to 100 nodes (actually 25px dots) on a html5 canvas. I need to make them look randomly distributed so using some kind of grid is out. I also need to ensure these dots are not touching or overlapping. I would also like to not have big blank areas. Can someone tell me what this kind of algorithm is called? A re...

Finding points on a rectangle at a given angle

I'm trying to draw a gradient in a rectangle object, with a given angle (Theta), where the ends of the gradient are touching the perimeter of the rectangle. I thought that using tangent would work, but I'm having trouble getting the kinks out. Is there an easy algorithm that I am just missing? End Result So, this is going to be a fu...

Is there a way where I can design a program in a graphical way?

I was wondering if there is a way to design a program in a graphical way. Wath I mean is that if its posible to have for example the classes on the screen as little child windows and that there is inside a list box with all the proporties, functions, subs. and that the classes that inherit each other are joint by a line. I think you und...

Drawing non-transparent content on transparent window

So I'm trying to draw a solid red oval on a transparent window. I later want to do something more complex with multiple shapes, so using setWindowShape isn't what I'm looking for. This is the code I'm using so far: import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class JavaDock extends JFrame{ public JavaDock(){ super("This...

What web apps can be made (or are made) with OpenGL?

I need to do something with OpenGL for a project. I want to make a web app. Ideas? ...

Ellipse fit tangentally to a line modifying one axis

A graphic of this problem is here: Take an axis aligned ellipse with a fixed minor axis, and stretch the ellipse along its major axis till it becomes tangental to some line segment (A in the graphic). What are the coordinates of the tangental point (P), or, what would the major axis l...