
Most concise way to do text replacement on a web page? (using GreaseMonkey)

(Yes, yes, I shouldn't use regexps. Alternate solutions are most welcome!) I'm trying to customize my view of a web page I use a lot, using GreaseMonkey to filter out things I don't want to see. Basically, the pages contain a lot of links that look like this: <a class="foo" href="blah">Text</a> and I'd prefer them to look like this:...

Auto login in greasemonkey

I'm not being able to make an auto login on this source in greasemonkey... Can anyone help me? <div id="login-main"> <div id="login-container"> <div id="login-left"> <div id="welcome">Welcome</div> <form id="login-form" action="auth/login" method="post"> ...

i cant get my javascript eventlistener to work properly

this has got me stumped, ive tried lots of different things, but cant get this to work. can anyone help? no matter what i try i cant get the click eventlistener on the link to fire. the code is in a greasemonkey script. i believe i have to use the closure method to be able to refer to the function dropit in the greasemonkey script, as it...

How to execute a javascript every time i open a specific website in Firefox?

Actually, the problem is every time i access i have to select my phone from the list. Now, what i can do is, once i click on 'no phone selected' i can write: javascript:zlibQuicklinkPhone(2, 1476, 0); in address bar and pressing Return key will select my phone. But i want this to be done automatically. How can i do this? Not...

Greasemonkey onmousemove script

Hello, I have a UserScript which should remove all images of a certain class on the first mousemove-event. Being pretty new in writing Greasemonkey-scripts, okay this is my first script, I think there is just something small missing. // ==UserScript== // @name aname // @namespace anamespace // @description adescription // @include ...

Remove Alert box before it pops up

I am trying to remove an Alert box on an external site with Grease Monkey and jQuery. HTML: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <script>alert("Remove this Alert box with GreaseMonkey.");</script> <p>Hello world</p> </body> </html> GreaseMonkey script (currently without the jQuery part): // ==UserScript== // @name Remove Alert bo...

Javascript: Greasemonkey access violation setValue

I'm trying to create a generic function that will execute piece of code on the NEXT reload of a page. This is called by onPageLoad({ onLoad: function() { code to call on next page load goes here } }); The only way I can see of doing this in greasemonkey is to set the whole onLoad: function as a string and set it via GM_setValue then re...

Javascript's object.onClick runs the function instead of setting onClick, how can I prevent that from happening and only execute the function onClick?

I have the following code: function sdefaults() { alert("test"); } var btnpos, sbtn; btnpos = document.getElementsByName('somePosition')[0]; sbtn = document.createElement('input'); btnpos.parentNode.insertBefore(sbtn, btnpos.nextSibling); sbtn.type = "button"; = "social"; sbtn.value = "Defaults"; sbtn.onClick = sdefaults()...

jQuery + Greasemonkey, Click event doesn't trigger on correct element?

$(Constants.Selectors.Submit_Button).bind('click', function () { GM_log('Event run: id = ' + + ' self = ' + this); }); The above code appears to run when the click event is triggered by the document (or otherwise some other all-page encompassing element or set of elements.) The console output is this: Script: Event run: id ...

How to simulate a fake MouseOver on a Flash applet in a webpage?

I listen to internet radio at and it works pretty well, except for one minor issue. The Flash applet that runs the radio player has a timer on it, where if you don't move the mouse over the player every once in a while, it decides you're idle and shuts off the stream, even if you're not actually i...

Copying data across tabs

Hello, I got two different forms in two different tabs. One has data from our system and the other one is an interface of another, external, system in wich we need to copy data into (XML or API integration not an option here) The this is that, having open both forms - in two different tabs - i need a greasemonkey script or something si...

How to catch GMail auto-refresh

I wrote a userscript to highlight the current row in GMail (indicated by the arrow). Unfortunately the highlight will only stay until GMail Inbox is auto-refreshed, which happens quite often. Is there a way to catch that event so I could reapply the highlighting? I don't want to do it on timeout. There is another userscript that does tha...

Chrome pre-fetching of pages in a domain

Hi, I read in a source that chrome, when it goes to a domain, it prefetches most of the pages that might be used for that domain. As a result of this, I'm facing a problem. I have a greasemonkey script which is to be injected in every page. But what seems to happen is that the browser injects the script for the first page in a domain an...

Automatically Convert Prices on a Web Page to A Different Currency

Hi, I am interested in possible methods of automatically converting the prices given when a web page is loaded from the currency given to a specified currency. Ideally, the conversion would also make use of the current exchange rate to give valid prices. For example, in my specific case, I would like to convert the prices given in Eur...

Find all <a>s to who's href points to an image with XPath 1.0

First, I can assume that all urls that end with jpeg, jpg, bmp, png or gif are images, and others aren't. I thought of, and tried two solutions: Matching the regular expression .(jpe?g|bmp|png|gif)$ Using ends-with to check each separately But, it appears that neither of these exist in XPath 1.0, or at least, they don't exist in Fir...

In chrome with a greasemonkey extension, how can I modify an `<a...>` construct to strip out the onclick= attribute?

I want to modify an internal webpage to strip away some of the onclick behavior of certain links. The internal webpage has a bunch of links like: <a href="/slm/detail/ar/3116370" onclick="rallyPorthole.showDetail('/ar/view.sp','3116370','pj/b');return false;">foo de fa fa</a> How can I do an extension to Chrome so it does the follo...

Javascript/Greasemonkey: search for something then set result as a value

Ok, I'm a bit of a n00b when it comes to JS (I'm not the greatest programmer) so please be gentle - specially if my questions been asked already somewhere and I'm too stupid to find the right answer. Self deprecation out of the way, let's get to the question. Problem There is a site me and a large group of friends frequently use which ...

.submit() doesn't work with Firefox and Greasemonkey...

I'm trying to make an auto login script and I'm stuck on the submit part... The source of the submit form from the website is <input type="submit" value="Sign In" class="signin" id="sumbitLogin"> and I'm trying document.getElementById("sumbitLogin").submit(); if I set an Attribute, for example the value, it changes just fine... ...

Select menu closes once you click on it

I create a <select> menu using Javascript then attach it to the page. But when I click on it, it closes immediately. Here's my code, I'm stumpped. var accounts = [ ['user1', 'password'], ['user2', 'passowrd'] ] function html(){ var button = '<a href="#" id="switchacc">Switch User</a>&nbsp;• &nbsp;'; $('a[

Firefox Password script same PW auto login for 1000s devices Possible to use greasemonkey

I currently work in a position that i have to manage and access 1000s of pages for troubleshooting and new setup.... and im trying to figure out a way for firefox or chrome to setup ANYtime it sees for instance a a web based page for equipment like (CISCO, Linksys, Sonicwall, T1 controllers) from the manufacture in the Title bar or from...