
Show a one to many relationship as 2 columns - 1 unique row (ID & comma separated list)

I need something similar to these 2 SO questions, but using Informix SQL syntax. My data coming in looks like this: id codes 63592 PE...

Get group membership fast

I am trying to figure out whether the current windows user either is local administrator or can use UAC to "attain" that group membership. What I've come up so far looks like this: var adminIdentifier = new SecurityIdentifier("S-1-5-32-544"); var current = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); bool isAdmin = current.Groups.Contains(adminIdent...

[LINQ] Operations on Lambda Grouping

Hello, Im stuck with a LINQ group by situation trying to solve it without using foreach statement, here is the escenary: I Have two generic collections List<OrderHeader> and List<OrderDetail>, both have a same field "TOTRGVS" that contains total amount from a order, and the number of order is the key named "NDORGV". Then I want to foun...

Help with Tricky Linq Group by for time ranges

I have a class that represents a shift that employee's can work: public class Shift { public int Id { get; set;} public DateTime Start {get;set;} public DateTime End { get; set;} public DayOfWeek Day { get; set;} } And say I have a list of these shifts for a single employee: List<Shift> myShifts; I know I can get group the shifts ...

Need help with (recursive) xsd group

I have this xsd: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <xs:schema xmlns="" targetNamespace="" xmlns:xs=""&gt; <xs:complexType name="aType" mixed="true"> <xs:group ref="aElements" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> ...

SSRS sum of row group for corresponding column

Group, I have a report that has row groups for customer MembershipLength (1 year account, 2 year account, etc.) then a sub group of rows for customer Status (active, inactive, etc.) Then I have columns for customer types. Ultimately I want to add a column that will calcualate the percentage of the subtoatl for the corresponding custome...

select to group rows

i have a table like this : Alternative |Total |Male |Female a |20 |10 |10 b |50 |20 |30 c |40 |10 |30 c |30 |15 |15 now i want to select all the rows and the "c" alternative to be grouped. ...

How do I reference group data in a textbox on Reporting Services?

I'm creating a report with a table that is grouped by a department code. There's a page break at the end, so each page only has data for that department code. Outside of the table, I want to have a textbox that contains the department code for that page/group. I've tried using a hidden column with the data, but the textbox only ends up ...

MySQL Group By ordering

Hi all, I have the following table: id time text otheridentifier ------------------------------------------- 1 6 apple 4 2 7 orange 4 3 8 banana 3 4 9 pear 3 5 10 grape 2 What I want to do is select ...

How to get the owner and group of a folder with Python on a Linux machine?

Title says it all pretty much. Is there any way how I can find out about the owner and group of a folder with Python? Thank you so much, you guys are amazing! ...

how to prevent users from creating, deleting, renaming directories in Linux?

I am a bit lost with Linux file and directory permissions. What I would like to do is have one user be able to create, delete, and rename directories, while other users are not able to do so, but they should be able to read and write to the directories as well as traverse them. So group 'storage' has access to directory /workspace, tho...

jQuery - adding rules to validate() with grouping.

oi! another question. The form is at: I am using: $('#sec_ssn3').rules("add", { groups: { ssn:"sec_ssn1 sec_ssn2 sec_ssn3" }, required:true, number: true, messages: { required: " <span style='color:red;'>Please enter co-applicant's social security number</span>...

SQL: Change Date and group by Fiscal Month End

I have created the following table (via UNION ALL): ID Date Hour Weight Fiscal AAA 1/27/2009 0 10 0 AAA 1/30/2009 0 20 0 AAA 2/14/2009 0 10 0 AAA 2/18/2009 0 20 0 AAA 2/27/2009 0 20 0 AAA 2/28/2009 0 20 0 AAA ...

Rails Active Record: find in conjunction with :order and :group

I have a structure something like this: class User has_many :dongles has_many :licences, :through => :dongles end class Dongle has_many :licences belongs_to :user end class Licence belongs_to :dongle end However, time passes and the user eventually gets multiple licences for each dongle. Reasonably, the app wants to summa...

sql reporting services problem with subreport in 3rd level group

i'm getting an error when trying to put a subreport inside a inside a 3rd level group of a table or list (it doesn't matter, same error) i have put a clean subreport withouth datasource without parameters, just a textbox when i put that subreport inside 1st or 2nd level group it's ok, when i put it inside a 3rd level group(or higher) i ...

SQL Server Query for Rank (RowNumber) and Groupings

I have a table that has some columns: User, Category, Value And I want to make a query that will give me a ranking, of all the users by the value, but reset for the category. Example: user1 CategoryA 10 user2 CategoryA 11 user3 CategoryA 9 user4 CategoryB 3 user1 CategoryB 11 the query would return: Rank User Category ...

Find out which group matches in Java regex without linear search?

I have some programmatically assembled huge regex, like this (A)|(B)|(C)|... Each sub-pattern is in its capturing group. When I get a match, how do I figure out which group matches without linearly testing each group(i) to see it returns a non-null string? ...

Using ORDER and GROUP with MySQL to get the highest number for each GROUP

I have made a simple auction section on my site, and I would like to display the user's current high bid on their My Bids page. I have a table that holds each unique bid that has the unique auction_id. My current query is as follows, but this only orders the groups instead of ordering what is inside the groups as well. I only want the...

how to select divs with jquery like for example in photoshop ? (select area)

hello, have some divs, on some positions. i want select them with mouse, like when are you selecting object in photoshop. so i want to select group of divs. is that possible with jquery ? thanks ...

Multiple Groups Mysql

Hi all, What does a multiple groups query actually accomplish? For example, if you have SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = $id GROUP BY date, quantity, buyer; What does that mean in plain English? I know what it means to "Group by date", but is "group by date, quantity" like a 2-d array? Thanks. ...