
Haxe app and Gtk-WARNING on linux servers

Hi! I'm trying a Haxe-compiled solution called FAR (Flash Archiver) created by Edwin Van Rijkom ( wich uses a command-line tool for creating compressed archives. When running the FAR tool locally on my ubuntu laptop, everything works fine. When running remotely (terminal as Root) on my Ubunt...

Creating GUI with Python in Linux

Quick question. I'm using Linux and I want to try making GUI with Python. I've heard about something like Qt, GTK+ and PyGTK but I don't know what they are exactly and what the difference between them is. Is there any difference on how they work with different DEs like GNOME, KDE, XFCE etc.? Is there any IDE that allows you to create GU...

Using Multiple Glade Files : GtkBuiler

I'm writing an app for gnome which will support plugins. Each plugin will contain a glade file and a python script. How do I embed the glade file from the plugin in the main interface. Plugin glade files should contain a page/tab and will be embeded into a notebook in the main interface. please help. ...

How to get list opened windows in PyGTK or GTK in Ubuntu?

How to get list opened windows in PyGTK or GTK or other programming language? in Ubuntu? edit: i want get list paths opened directories on desktop! ...

Self contained GTK application when there is no X windows environment.

I am using a very stripped down version of Linux, I want to create a self contained GTK application on a system that has no X window environment installed. I want to use GTK GUI classes and widgets and not create a server version where GUI is disabled. The only thing you can expect is a working glibc. From what I understand it would i...

remove inner border on gtk.Button

Hi, I would like to remove border on a gtk.Button and also set its size fixed. How can I accomplish that? My button looks like that: b = gtk.Button() b.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE) Thanks! p.d: I'm using pygtk ...

PyGTK: IM Client Window

I'm trying to write something very similar to an IM client (for learning purposes only). I don't know how to write the Chat window. I want to display Users picture, name and message as any other IM client. The problem is that I don't know which gtk widget is best suited for it. Currently I use TextView and TextBuffers but I can't display...

How to create a tearoff menu using GTKAda?

The question is self-explaining, how to create a tearoff menu using GTKAda? I can't make it work. Thanks. ...

Are there any tools to migrate the interface from legacy GTK applications to a modern GTK Builder based application

I'm responsible for a number of legacy C based GTK applications which are starting to show their age. I'm toying with the idea of re-implementing some of them in a more modern framework. Are there any tools which can help migrate a hand-built C based GTK interface into a GTK Builder based XML interface description? My aim would be to sep...

GTK Twitter Client

I am learning Python and PyGTK. I'm trying to write a Twitter client. Which widget is best suited for displaying the Tweets (Timeline). I can do it easily with textview but it doesn't support sub widgets to display users image. Tried using TreeView but it seems to be an overkill and is too complex. I'm using Glade ...

Modifying a GUI started with Glade

I am just starting to learn Glade with pyGTK. Since Glade makes XML files instead of actual python code, is there a good way to start a project with Glade and then hand code more or tweak it? Are there times or reasons it would be preferrable to hand code all of it instead of starting with glade? ...

How do I create a multline wxNotebook for gtk?

wxWidgets provides for notebooks with multiple lines of tabs only on Windows platforms. Is there a simple way to provide similar functionality on GTK based platforms, or am I stuck with the only option being to create a customized notebook class that supports it? ...

Is it a bad idea to run WxWidgets and GTK?

I'm currently writing a media player in Ruby (called Shroom) with a GTK interface, but I use WxWidget's MediaCtrl for cross-platform audio playback abstraction. I don't want to use WxRuby for the interface as well, as I need to work with GTK's TreeView. What kind of performance problems may arise from this? Is it so bad to have two main...

fink doesn't list gtkmm2.4

I'm trying to get started with gtkmm, and I'm using a mac. So I tried using fink to get it installed. Looking online, it seems to be up to date, but when I check on the command line fink list gtkmm It only lists gtkmm2. I went ahead and tried that, but it really is the gtkmm 2.0 distribution. I'd really like to be up to date on this, ...

Installing gtk and compiling using gcc under windows?

I have gcc installed in c:/programfiles (also set as a path variable), and i have all the necessary files for gtk from, glib,gtk,pango,atk and cairo. Although I have no clue as to how to compile a c program using gtk with the gcc compiler. How do I set everything up so that it works?. (I don't kno...

Unresolvable Ruby Gtk2 Error

I keep getting a 'uninitialize GLib::Object' error from my code. Here's the code: class MainWindow < Gtk::Window def initialize title = "I'm The Title Of An Application! Yay!" border_width = 10 set_size_request(600, 300) signal_connect("destroy") { Gtk.main_quit } @vbox =

How do I change gnome icon per application?

I want to change icons to something different per application. I want to change only nm-applet (gnomes network manager applet) and my volume applet to something different than the icon set. How can I do this? ...

Build failure during install py25-gtk on Mac OS X 10.6 using MacPorts 1.8

When I do this command : sudo port clean py25-gtk sudo port install py25-gtk I get this error : ---> Computing dependencies for py25-gtk ---> Building getopt Error: Target returned: shell command " cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_sysutils_getopt/w...

Python WebkitGtk: How to respond to the default context menu items?

The default context menu contains items like "Open link in new window" and "Download linked file", which don't seem to do anything. I obviously like to react on these items, but can't figure out how, since the port's documentation is a bit sparse. Does anybody know? ...

py2exe'd version of GTK app can't read png files

I'm working on making a py2exe version of my app. Py2exe fails at copying some modules in. My original app loads .png files fine, but the exe version does not: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in <module> from gui.main import run File "gui\main.pyc", line 14, in <module> File "gui\controllers.pyc", li...