
Multiple Layout Managers in Java

Is there way to use more than 1 layout manager in Java. Right now I'm using a gridLayout to implement a chess board but beneath it I would like to put some other stuff but not in a gridLayout. Maybe a FlowLayout or some other layout. How would I go about doing this? Thanks! ...

C# Gui setting control.Enabled to false fires OnClick event???

For some really weird reason when i set the .Enabled property to false on a simple text box on a small GUI, it fires a radio buttons OnClick event and its causing lots of problems. I have breakpointed the txtBox.Enabled = false; and after stepping over OR into it i jump straight to the OnClick event of the radio button control Here is ...

Tool to create UI for Linux (Gnome) shell scripts

I'm writing a bunch of Linux shell scripts with complex selections. For now I use zenity for prompts. I'd rather use something where I can show more than one UI element at a time and query it in a script (e.g. a list and some checkboxed and a file picker and an entry field. What are my options? ...

Why does GC not clear the Dialog references?

I have a dialog. Every time I create it and then dispose, it stays in memory. It seems to be a memory leak somewhere, but I can't figure it out. Do you have any ideas? See the screenshot of heap dump for more information. Thanks in advance. ...

exposing subcontrols from the custom widget plugin in QT

I am using QT 4.3. I have created one custom widget plugin. I could be able to show it in the desiner tool box as well as use it on the form with no problem. This custom widget internally holds QGroupBox, QLabel, QTextEdit. Now I want to apply the styles to individual componets of this custom widget. I want to expose these internal ...

How to center elements in the BoxLayout using center of the element?

I use outputPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(outputPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); and then I add elements (for example JLabels, JButtons) to the outputPanel. For example: outputPanel.add(submitButton);. I see that all added elements are "centered". It is good, because I do want my elements to be in the center. When I write "center" I mean "equ...

How can I set distance between elements ordered vertically?

I have code like that: JPanel myPanel = new JPanel(); myPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(myPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); JButton button = new JButton("My Button"); JLabel label = new JLabel("My label!!!!!!!!!!!"); myPanel.add(button); myPanel.add(label); In this way I get elements with no distance between them. I m...

Netbeans GUI editor generating its own incomprehensible code.

When creating a new project in netbeans, if i select JAVA Desktop application, it creates some code which I DO NOT RECOGNISE AT ALL as what i had learnt in swing. It imports packages such as : org.jdesktop.application.SingleFrameApplication; also, the declaration for main() looks like this : public static void main(String[] args) { ...

Visual objects editor

I am looking for a tool which will make able to edit parts of Java code visually using something like inspector and place code back. For example: Person p = new Person(); p.setName("Bill Libb"); p.setAge(25); This code should be generated from visual inspector and copied into Java IDE. This will help quickly create sample objects fo...

Get currently selected item in Mac UI

I want to get the currently selected item (text, image, etc) and display in my Cocoa app's window when a keyboard shortcut is hit. Droplr has functionality like this, for example. How do I go about doing this? For example, I want it to return "(text, image, etc)" as text when that text selected on the screen like this:

How do I enter RGB values into Interface Builder?

How can I enter RGB or Hex color values for backgrounds in Interface Builder? I can select predefined colors but I would like to manually enter in RGB values. Where can I do this? ...

Is ansi c supports windows graphics?

i want to make a windows application in ansi c but suffering with graphic usage is ansi c able to handle the graphics of windows without using any extra lib. guide line required. ...

How do I add a View (dynamically) in an android widget? (API-level 3)

How do I add a View dynamically in an android widget? I realize that the RemoteViews works as a container of updates, but the RemoteViews.addView is only available on API level 7 (and I want my widget to work on HTC Hero phones, which has API level 3). ...

How can I put a horizontal line between vertically ordered elements?

I have a set of vertically ordered elements. They are displayed with the following code: JPanel myPanel = new JPanel(); myPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(myPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); JButton button = new JButton("My Button"); JLabel label = new JLabel("My label!!!!!!!!!!!"); myPanel.add(button); myPanel.add(label); I would like to put a...

How to add a separator in a PyGTK combobox?

I'm using gtk.combo_box_new_text() to make combobox list, this uses a gtk.ListStore to store only strings, so there are some way to add a separator between items without use a complex gtk.TreeModel? If this is not possible, what is the simplest way to use a gtk.TreeModel to able secuential widget addition? ...

GUI IDE with PyDev Eclipse

I have 2 weeks to finish my final year project.I need a GUI IDE or a GUI framework compatible with PyDev and Eclipse. I cannot spend time learning something cause the functionality is yet to be completed.I'm looking for very simple GUI for a simulation game. ...

GUI designers! - got suggestions for a GUI modelling diagram language?

Refering to this question I asked a while ago: UI functionality modeling languages It looks like there is no good-enough solution. I decided to develop one. (and prepare a set of elements for DIA or something) I'm sure it will require a good insight in peoples' experiences and problems in designing functionally complicated GUIs. I've...

Implement Combobox/Option Menu funcionality on an iPhone interface?

I want to give a list of choices on an iPhone GUI that works like a Combobox/Option menu. It needs to display the current selection, but on tapping it you should be able to change the current selection which will trigger a refresh of the screen. The option menu is letting the user choose which category a search is being performed under...

Is a control tree cached after the first call to FindWindowEx/EnumChildWindows?

I noticed that if you call FindWindowEx or EnumChildWindows against a hWnd that belongs to a window that's not in the foreground, i.e. minimized, then they don't report any children. On the other hand if I first call SetForegroundWindow against the window I'm querying, and after that FindWindowEx or EnumChildWindows, they report all the ...

GUI options for emulator c++

I want to create a Gameboy emulator which runs directly from the exe file, in a similar fashion to visualboy advance. I was wondering in terms of creating a GUI interface for the emulator what would be the best option to accomplish this ? ...