
Java Swing GUI hour glass

In my Swing program there is a JTabbedPane, when user clicks on a tab, the program takes a while to get the data and process the results, then shows the results in the selected tab, how can I display a hour glass, or something of that effect so that user knows it's processing data, not to click on the tab again before it finishes it job....

How to deal with currently unavailable options? Locking vs. Hiding vs. Error messages

What is the best way to deal with input elements that are currently not available, or locked to a default value, e.g. a "state" field that is only relevant to some countries, a button for functionality that the current user is not authorized to use, or a dropdown menu entry that is only relevant when the user has selected something? The...

How to go back to a clean user interface code ?

I am working on a winforms project containing some forms and controls. Each one is translated in 4 languages. There is one form called "PropertiesForm" which is a nightmare to maintain : it has a tab container with 6 tab pages, and more than one hundred controls in it, with dirty code trying (and often failing) to keep the whole thing co...

Is there a way to display a custom exception in an alert under Android?

I'm a newbie Android developer. I would like to know if there exists a way to listen for a custom exception in Android and display its text using an alert. Thank you. ...

CPython/Jython cross-implementation GUI

I need to make some GUIs for a Jython application, but would like to minimize translation time should the project switch over to CPython. HTML or XUL are possibilities, but ones that I'd like to avoid. Any ideas on a cross-implementation pythonic GUI toolkit? ...

Subscribe a button to trigger some function dynamically in C++ ?

Hello, I'm trying to make a button class (abstract) so I can set what function is that button going to trigger when clicked dynamically when my program load. I want to construct all my buttons by reading XML files, this is to avoid code replication so having only 1 "generic" button class is really useful for me. I was wondering if you ...

Is there a way to fire an event when the contents of an EditText view have changed?

I can see keys on the device fire for a particular View with onKey, but this doesn't fire when keys on the software keyboard are pressed. I am trying to build a dynamic UI that recalculates a value as the input changes, while it's changing. Is there a way to capture either that the value of the EditText has changed? ...

disable text selection in gwt

hi, i am pretty new to GWT, i have an image that i have placed a text on top, i need the text to look as part of the image. i have used the image widget and the HTML widget to position it on top of it, i need this text to change according the locale. the problem that the text is selectable, so it does not look right. 1) is there any ...

How do I create and use a CFormView in an MFC regular DLL? (visual studio 2008)

I recently asked this question which got me started in the right direction - at least for loading the MFC DLL and trying to show a dlg box. The problem is, the typical dialog box is horrible as a main window for an APP. It is quite simple for me to create a new exe project to do what I want, but the problem is that I have a DLL and t...

What all basic android gui elements are available?

I wanted to know the gui elements we have in android? Can anyone show me a picture as well like how do these elements look like? ...

How do I get the position of a control relative to the window's client rect?

I want to be able to write code like this: HWND hwnd = <the hwnd of a button in a window>; int positionX; int positionY; GetWindowPos(hwnd, &positionX, &positionY); SetWindowPos(hwnd, 0, positionX, positionY, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE); And have it do nothing. However, I can't work out how to write a GetWindowPos() function that...

java - selecting all objects in a frame

i have this: jLabel1.setBorder(null); jLabel2.setBorder(null); jLabel3.setBorder(null); jLabel4.setBorder(null); jLabel5.setBorder(null); jLabel6.setBorder(null); i want to make it simpler and less noob... any ideas? ...

What is the best way to implement a GUI without a GUI designer?

Hello everyone, if someone doesn't want to use an IDE (just an editor, a compiler and a debugger) what is the best way to impelement a GUI by hand? I think about a WinAPI-Application in plain C or C++. ...

Dashboard Application

I have a simple task that I feel there has to be an app out there for (or is easy to build or extend an open-source version). I need to run a mysql query repeatedly and look for changes in the results between runs (the data is coming in in real time). I have built several of these queries and throughout the day find myself jumping betw...

Visual Studio 2008 Resource Editor

Hi, I am on VC++; What is the unit used in Resource Editor? It does not seem to be pixel.. Than how to use pixel, or is there a option to use pixel? Here is a screen shot... ...

Borders on button using custom layout template

When I use the custom layout template I created using Ribbon.SizeDefinitions, all buttons now have borders. Has anyone else had this problem? How do I get rid of the borders? Here is the XML. <!-- ***** Custom Template like ThreeButtonsAndOneCheckBox but with the checkbox on top ***** --> <Ribbon.SizeDefinitions> <SizeDefinition...

How do I dynamically create controls with the same visual style as their parent?

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 (and win32 API in C++), and I have a window which was designed using the built-in dialog box editor. At runtime, I want to be able to use CreateWindow() to add new controls to it. This works, however the controls I create all look really ugly. For the purpose of concreteness, the control I'm adding is a TabC...

How do I display a CFormView in a mainframe?

I created an SDI MFC app without the doc/view support. The MFC template gives me an app with a blank window (And a menu, etc) I want to show my CFormView object on that main window. (Based on a dlg made in the gui editor) How do I do that? CreateWindow and showwindow don't seem to be all that is needed. All the web pages I find see...

How can I programmatically detect that a mac app has "beachballed"?

I would like to create an application that will monitor apps running on my machine, and respond to situations where an application has beachballed. Is it possible (using any of the various OSX programming tools -- I'll teach myself Objective-C for this) to detect whether this has happened? If so, can someone give me a short code sample t...

Is there a standard user interface paradigm for configuring the partition of a set of elements?

Consider you have a set of objects X (e.g., A, B, C, D) that you wish to divide into non-empty subsets that cover all of X. Mathematically, a partition of the set. So, at first you might treat them as all different, {{A}, {B}, {C}, {D}}. Alternatively, you could separate them into vowels and consonants, i.e. {{A}, {B,C,D}}. Or, arbitra...