
Annoyance when running scripts in Vim (Windows, Ruby)

Hi, I started using vim for my programming projects (mostly Ruby) and mostly everything works just as I want but I have a problem with compiling. Lets say I am working on a Ruby script and I want to run it. I type :ruby sometging.rb (mapped to some other key). Then vim opens a new cmd.exe window and runs 'ruby something.rb'. Then it w...

Wiki Using GVim?

I've been using TextMate on the Mac for a while, and have really appreciated the Plain Text Wiki bundle that lets me construct a wiki from plain text files and simple markup. Does anyone know if there's a similar extension for GVim? (Either that, or has anyone ported TextMate to Linux?) ...

VIM custom function definition / location

Hi all, I have problem with basic VIM function:(I tried googling and cannot find the answer) How can I list all custom function.(I did :function and cannot find my custom function) How can I get the definition of the function in the custom function list (or where they are stored). Thank you for your help ...

GVIM. How to change certain words that match the pattern?

In normal mode I press +* and VIM highlighs the occurences of the word under cursor. How to change for example 2,4-5 (second, fourth and fifth) words in search results with %s command? I know I can use %s and to change the searched word in certain lines, but it is not what I need. ...

how to force vim to syntax-highlight a file as html?

I'm just beginning to get my way around vim. This is my doubt. How do i set vim's syntax highlighting to treat a file as a html file? I'm using ez template, so the file's extension is .ezt. But a lot of it is normal html code. ...

Open file in new GVim window within a single session

I would like to have two windows opened while running a single GVim session. Just like tabs but placed in two separate windows. This kind of setup is handy for dual screen setup. I haven't found anything relevant in the manual. Is it possible? ...

Vim folding on syntax for R

I'm working with vim on my linux machine and need code folding to work for R. I have the Vim-R-plusing2 installed to enable passing code from vim into an R session, but the folding does not work when foldmethod=syntax. How do I get folding for R working? ...

Sending email from VIM

I'm planning to send emails from inside of VIM via SendEmail, but I have run into some problems. When piping part of the buffer (or the whole buffer) into SendEmail via the bang (!) operator, the text in my buffer gets replaced with SendEmail's output. So my first question is: how do I pipe a range into an external command and discard ...

grep in gvim always returns E40: Can't open errorfile

I am using gvim grep that defaults to findstr in a Windows XP environment. The gvim has access to the folder where the error file is to be opened, but it fails. Is there anyway to change where the error file goes? Do you have any other tips/suggestions for using findstr in gvim for windows? ...

How to switch off automatic copy to clipboard in gVim

When a text is selected in (my) gVim then is copied automaticaly into the clipboard (X11 behavior). While this has been ok under X11 it starts to anoy me in Windows and Mac OS. I am sure this can be switched off somewhere. But I just can't find the propper help page. Probably using the wrong search term for Google and :help. Question: W...

How set "args" to the list of files of the current buffer

In the current buffer I have a list of file paths (one per line). I want set "args" to that file list. How can I do this? Thanks. ...

Vim: How to map Ctrl-M without affecting Return keypress as well?

I want to map Ctrl-M to Ctrl-N in insert mode. If I simply do imap <C-M> <C-N> then Ctrl-M does start to behave just like Ctrl-N, but then hitting Enter does the same as well. I want pressing Return to keep inserting new lines, and at the same time make Ctrl-M insert the next keyword completion match just like Ctrl-N does. Is that possib...

gVim + US-International: Not combining dead keys with space

Hi, I am using "United States-International" on Windows 7, which courses problems in combination with gVim 7.3. In the US-International keyboard layout the keys " and ' are dead keys, that means, you can combine them with another key. For example pressing "+a results in ä and the keys '+a in á. In order to insert one double quote you s...

Vim won't load plugins when I change the runtimepath.

Basically I want to move everything from ~/.vim into a separate folder, let's say ~/vim_config. I added this setup my ~/.gvimrc set runtimepath^=~/vim_config If I do a :set rtp the ~/vim_config folder is at the top of the list. But no plugins are loaded. Colorschemes are loaded though. ...

Embed vim settings in file

In some files I can see a commented line, usually the last, with vim settings. Does vim read these settings? If it does, are any limitations of what kind of settings man can put there? ...

How to break a line in vim in normal mode?

I would like to break a line (at the location of the cursor) in to two lines without leaving normal mode (entering insert or command-line mode). Is this possible? I currently get to the location I want and hit 'i' to enter insert mode, 'enter' to break the line in two, then 'esc' to return to normal mode. I am not trying to set a maxim...

How to copy to clipboard using vim?

Is it possible to copy to clipboard directly from vim? e.g I want to be able to use all the functionality that a normal vim command allows, like lets say if cc means copy line to clipboard, then 4cc should copy 4 lines etc. Is there any such command in vim or you can only yank stuff within vim? ...

how to disable bold font in vim?

i've removed all references to bold (gui=bold, cterm=bold, term=bold) in the color syntax file slate.vim but i still see some bolded text. for example in a python file, the keywords class, def, try, except, return, etc. are still in a bold blue font. also how to disable bold in status messages, like "recording" or "Press ENTER or type c...

using the -W option of vim

Hello, the -w and -W options of vim have theoretically the following effect: -w {scriptout} All the characters that you type are recorded in the file "scriptout", until you exit Vim. This is useful if you want to create a script file to be used with "vim -s" or ":source!". When the "scriptout" file ...

in gvim, how to disable scrollbar when taglist is shown?

i've set "set guioptions-=l", but whenever taglist is enabled the left hand scrollbar is still shown and cannot be disabled (right hand scrollbar toggles fine). also, vim wont maximize on start if taglist is enabled. if the above can't be fixed, are there any taglist altenatives. ...