
Best way to open an URL in Vim

Lets say that you have either URL or a link on a webpage that is a text file. How would be the easiest way for the user to be able to open that file in a Vim? Right click and save link as? Use a specific file extension that defaults to Vim? Command line command? ...

Getting gvim to automatically translate a cygwin path

I love cygwin and the native windows version of gvim and I use them together all the time. The only problem I have is with cygwin path names. Gvim for windows doesn't understand them so I have to resort to typing things like: gvim `cygpath -wa ~/scripts/myscript.pl` Which is annoying! I was wondering if there's a neat way of usin...

Execute a script directly within vim/mvim/gvim

TextMate has a nice feature that allows you to execute a script from within the current context and shows you the output in a separate window. This lets you write and test code on the go. I'm almost certain there is a similar feature with MacVim/gVIM, but I'm not sure what it is. Currently I save my buffers to disk, then go to the comman...

Insert empty lines without entering insert mode

I often find myself bouncing on o or O and ctrl{ to insert blank lines and get back out of insert mode. Thinking there must be a simpler way, and hoping to retain my cursor position, I hacked together these sloppy macros: map <Leader>O :let cursorpos = getpos(".")<CR>:i<CR><CR>.<CR>:let cursorpos[1] = cursorpos[1] + 1<CR>:call setpos('...

Recent file history in Vim?

I would like to access recent files that I had opened and then closed in GVim. I open and close GVim frequently. I would like to access recent files from previous sessions as well. Does GVim store recent files somewhere as Word and many other desktop apps store? How to access them? ...

How to set initial caps in VIM?

In VIM, it's really easy to change a word of text to use uppercase or lowercase: # in visual mode # change word to uppercase gUw # change word to lowercase guw Is there a simple way to modify the word to use initial caps? ...

Does anybody have vim syntax file for expressionengine?

I'm mac user, but I really like vim-text-navigation style and other features. I tried to use TextMate, but nothing. I can't use it. So, maybe someone have syntax file for expressionengine and modified matchit plugin. ...

VIM: How to pass arguments to functions from user commands?

I am trying to create a user-defined command in VIM that takes one argument and calls a function with the user supplied argument. Seems simple but I am unable to get it to work. Here is the code from my foo.vim plugin: function! s:MyFunc(myParam) do something endfunction command! -nargs=1 MyCommand call s:MyFunc(myParam) When I ...

How to change the cursor keys in VIM

I'm trying to change the cursor keys in VIM from the normal h,j,k,l to the home position for typing j,k,l,;. Any suggestions on how to do that? Thanks in advance. ...

How to repeat some action certain times on Vim?

In Vim, I usually want to repeat some series of commands some times. Say, I want to comment 5 lines, I would use I//<Esc>j .j.j.j.j Is there any way to repeat the last ".j" part several times? ...

vim: plugin that allows me to jump from opening div to closing div in HTML?

I'm having a difficult time to find an opening div in deeply nested HTML that has been poorly written. Is there a plugin out there that will give me support to jump to the equivalent open/closing div using vim/gvim/macvim and other variants? ...

How can I stop vim from loading a syntax file automatically for certain file types?

I am working on a project writing a GLSL fragment shader, and it just so happens it has the file extension .fs, thus vim automatically loads the forth syntax upon opening the file. This normally would be no problem, I could just change the syntax using au BufRead but for some reason the forth syntax is loaded first, which completely me...

How can I compile gVim under Ubuntu?

I am trying to install the codecheck plugin for gVim, but to do so I must compile gVim with the plugin. On apt, every apt-get source to a gVim package downloads the normal Vim source, so I guess compiling the GUI must be a configure option. However, I can install the plugin on Vim but I can't compile gVim (since when I make there appear...

How can I stop all the colors being destroyed when I change hi Normal ctermbg

au InsertEnter * hi Normal ctermbg=233 Doing this causes all the colors from my colorscheme (elflord) to go away and change into defaults. What can I do to stop this or work around it somehow? ...

What's the best (Linux-compatible) buffer/session manager for Vim?

Is there a good project / session manager for vim? A session (or project) is a named lists of files, e.g. "bitonic_sort" could identify files "~/A/bitonic_sort.sk", "~/B/bitonic_sort.smt2", etc. (rationale) I have a project where I need to edit files from many different locations, and it is too cumbersome to open them manually each time...

gvim tab key doesn't work

I have just started using vim and am using an existing .vimrc and .gvimrc. It works great, except the Tab key doesn't tab...it brings up a code completion plug-in. I don't know where to start as I am brand new to vim. How can I make the Tab key generate a tab??? ...

Using GVim on Windows to edit remote Linux files?

Is it possible to use gvim to edit remote Linux files if I am running Windows? To elaborate, I would like to connect to the Linux server via Putty and then use my local gvim instance to edit the files on the server -- Is this possible? It seems x11 forwarding (via xming?) might be the solution but I cannot get it to work. The remote s...

vim/macvim: locate where a method/symbol is defined

I'm using macvim/vim for most of my Ruby + Ruby on Rails development. Is there currently a way to jump to where a method was defined within a project, even if it's not in the same file as where it's being invoked? Either a language agnostic way or a Ruby/Rails specific way works. ...

Set VIM to open files in "read-only" mode by default?

Hi folks, Straightforward question here and I can't make it any simpler than the title: How do I set VIM to open files in "read-only" mode by default? Thanks! ...

How to deactivate the bold text between <strong> tags in gVim?

Every time I surround text between tags the words become bold. I don't like having bold text in gVim so I was wondering how to deactivate that? PS: I don't have any single bold attribute in my vim scheme: set background=light hi clear if exists("syntax_on") syntax reset endif let colors_name = "_vs" " Vim >= 7.0 specific colors...