
Notify a service from a PhoneStateListener

Hi I have built an application that listen to call state changes, and I want to notify a service when the call_state became IDLE. All the components I have are functional, I just need to notify (not start) a service for this. What's the correct practice, maybe using AIDL? Because, in a PhoneStateListener, I can't bind to a service....

C# Sharp Windows Application prevents Windows from shutting down / logging off

I have written a C# Windows Forms application, not a service (it is only used when the user is logged in and has a graphical user interface) that has a background thread running in an infinite loop. When I try shutting down Windows (7) however, it tells me the program is preventing it from shutting down or logging off and asks me whethe...

Javascript calling JSF handler method

Hi All, I am reading an xml file using javascript and then I need to submit my form so that it calls a particular method in my JSF handler. Usually this can be done on a jsp when user clicks a button by having an actionlistener like so: <h:commandLink styleClass="button" action="#{myHandler.outcome}" actionListener="#{myHandler.doNext}...

How to handle Android SimpleExpandableListAdapter entry selection.

I have created an expandable list in my Android application using the SimpleExpandableListAdapter type. But I'm at a complete loss as to how I detect events when one of the child entries has been selected/clicked. I've tried all the usual OnClickListener/OnChildClickListener etc, but can't seem to find (by experimentation, or half an ho...

JAX-WS modifying handler chain programmatically? PortInfo?

I have a JAX-WS client that needs to have a modified handler-chain. I am currently doing it by binding this XML when generated the WSDL stubs: <jaxws:bindings xmlns:jaxws="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxws"&gt; <jws:handler-chains xmlns:jws="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"&gt; <jws:handler-chain> <jws:handler> ...

How can I use multithreading in a Windows Forms application to update a progress bar?

There are two objects. The Windows Form with a button and a progress bar, and another object that handles an algorithm. In the algorithm object there is an event, and a property. The event is ProgressChanged, and the property is Progress (which is an int). In the calling window, the button starts off a set of steps in the algorithm o...

How can I debug why this click handler never fires?

I am going to be excrutiatingly detailed here. I am using Firefox 3.6.3 on Max OSX with Firebug 1.5.3. I have two versions of a project, one which works and one with a bug. One I downloaded and one I typed by hand. Take a guess which one doesn't work. They should be the same except that mine uses a newer version of jQuery and the ...

ScoreNinja causes java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()

I'm trying to add ScoreNinja, the global high score system, to my Android game, and it works fine when I load it on my phone, but when I release it into the wild, I got crash reports saying: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare() Here is part of the call stack: android.os.H...

Android Custom View to Activity communication

I have a custom control/view that observes the direction of a gesture within its bounds. I would like to send a different message back to the Activity hosting the View depending on the direction of the gesture. I'm having a hard time determine what the right way to do this is. I would think I could raise a custom event in the control and...

Detecting when a handler couldn't be started when embedding Jetty

I'm embedding Jetty in a similar manner as described here. When the RequestLogHandler can't open the specified logfile, it throws an exception which is unfortunately caught by org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server and swallowed (but logged first, at least). This means that there's no obvious way for me to tell if the log handler was started co...

VS 2008 MFC - Remove MFC handler

Hi, How do you remove a MFC command handler like ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI from a C++ file? I can't seem to find a way to do it thru Dev Studio. If you know how, please explain. I am using VS 2008. Thanks, Mike ...

javascript error listener

hi all i try using window.attachEvent (or addEventListener) to capture js errors my callback function gets only one event parameter my question is: how do i get line number and source file of the error from this event? the alternative usage window.onerror=callback; works but an event listener has other benefits thus im giving it a try...

Python Tkinter - Edit external object within event handler?

Hey all, As the title says, I'm grabbing the cursor location within a motion triggered event handler in Tkinter. I'd like to update an existing label widget with the location, however I cannot for the life of me figure out how to edit the label's text field (or any external object for that matter) within the event handler. From what I u...

Thread loses Message after wait() and notify()

Hey Guys! I have a problem handling messages in a Thread. My run-method looks like this public void run() { Looper.prepareLooper(); parserHandler = new Handler { public void handleMessage(Message msg) { Log.i("","id from message: "+msg.getData.getString("id")); // handle message this....

Multiple WPFPreviewHandlers in One Window? Can it be done?

Here is the scenario. I am building a part of my desktop app up and I have a need to create a preview handler. I found plenty of examples on the web of a WPF Preview handler, but I wanted to go one step more than just that. Lets say we have multiple documents and I wished to compare them. So the ideal scenario would be able to see docu...

C SIGSEGV Handler & Mprotect

I'm constructing a program which uses mprotect() to restrict a block of memory from accessing. When the memory is requested, a SIGSEGV is thrown which I listen for using a signal() call. Once the SIGSEGV has been detected, I need to somehow access the pointer to the memory that was requested (that threw the fault) and the size of the s...

email tracking image duplicate requests

I am embedding tracking images within emails that are being sent from a custom-built opt-in CRM system. The image src is an encoded .gif, such as src="12_34_675.gif". The image is served by an ASP.NET httphandler that decodes the src encoding and serves a transparent image. Everything works fine, but some email clients request the ima...

Android: Quitting the Looper?

I have a thread I use to periodically update the data in my Activity. I create the thread and start a looper for using a handler with postDelay(). In onDestroy() for my activity, I call removeCallbacks() on my handler. Should I then call handler.getLooper().quit()? Or not worry about it and let the OS deal with it? Or would it just run ...

C#. Saving information about events and event handlers and removing handlers using this information

I have an object which is creating several event handlers using lambda expressions, and I need to remove all handlers created in that object in one time. I'm trying to create some unified static object which will 'know' which handler relates to which object and event if event handler was created through this static object. I tried some...

Update UI in the main activity through handler in a thread (Android)

Hello, I try to make several connection in a class and update the multiple progressbar in the main screen. But I've got the following error trying to use thread in android : Code: 05-06 13:13:11.092: ERROR/ConnectionManager(22854): ERROR:Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare() Here is a small part ...