
Android 2.1: Muliple Handlers in a Single Activity

Hi, I've more than one Handlers in an Activity. I create all the handlers in the onCreate() of the main activity. My understanding is the handleMessage() method of each handler will never be called at the same time because all messages are put in the same queue (the Activity thread MessageQueue). Therefore, they will be executed in the...

Android Multiple Handlers Design Question

This question is related to an existing question I asked. I though I'll ask a new question instead of replying back to the other question. Cannot "comment" on my previous question because of a word limit. Marc wrote - I've more than one Handlers in an Activity." Why? If you do not want a complicated handleMessage() method, then use pos...

NServiceBus specify order of Handlers execution

Just wondering if this is the way to specify the order to run a handler (AuthorizationHandler) before all others? public void SpecifyOrder(Order order) { order.Specify(First<AuthorizationHandler>.Then<IHandleMessages<IMessage>>()); } It just feels odd to add Then<IHandleMessages<IMessage>>(). Is there a nicer way of saying to the...

jquery: is there a fail handler for $.post in Jquery?

When $.post succeeds, there is a success handler for it. What happens if it fails? Is there a similar handler that we can use for this case, so that we can inform the user that something is not happening right? ...

Cant handle it (jQuery hanlder understanding needed)

I'm embarrassed to even ask BUT could someone help me understand what a "handler" is. I am new to jQuery and the API constantly has references similar to the following: toggle( handler(eventObject), handler(eventObject), [ handler(eventObject) ] ) I scratch my head and say to myself "what the hell is a handler". Then I check my 2 jquer...

Can i call/request a .net handler (ashx) using javascript?

Is it possible to call a handler using javascript code? e.g. i have a handler deployed at this location http://mysitename.com/getMyData.ashx. Can I call this handler or just request it using javascript? Is it even possible or not? Please suggest. ...

How to get an Android widget's size after layout is calculated?

I have a layout which specifies sizes of widgets in relative dimension, for example: <LinearLayout ... layout_height="fill_parent"> <ImageView ... layout_height="wrap_content" /> <TextView ... layout_height="120dp" /> </LinearLayout> Immediately after onCreate, I want to know how much is the height of the ImageView. How to d...

When using SolrJ can I point it at a request handler?

I have created a request handler in Solr that uses dismax and limits my query to certain fields and adds boosts for relevancy on the "title" field. This all works fine when I go directly to Solr using an http request in a browser. However my question is whether I can use the request handler if I am accessing Solr using SolrJ? It would ...

Detecting Handlers of a jQuery "Live" Event

Using: $('#foo').data('events').click We are able to access an iterative object of click handlers added to the element '#foo' but only when they were added with .bind() Is there a way to get the handlers for an event added with .live()? Is there any other way to know if an element has a click handler assigned? ...

The submitHandler is not binded to the form after loading. why?

$(".normalform").click( function() { var hrf = $(this).attr("href"); var typ = $(this).attr("frm_type"); var cls = $(this).attr("class"); var nam = $(this).attr("frm_nam"); var url = $(this).attr("url"); //alert("href:"+hrf+", "+"type:"+typ+", "+"class:"+cls+", "+"name:"+nam+", "+"ur...

HttpClient response handler always returns closed stream

I'm new to Java development so please bear with me. Also, I hope I'm not the champion of tl;dr :). I'm using HttpClient to make requests over Http (duh!) and I'd gotten it to work for a simple servlet that receives an URL as a query string parameter. I realized that my code could use some refactoring, so I decided to make my own HttpRes...

VSEnterpriseHelper.axd http handler

Hi, I have a problem with web service testing. I generated a test method for a web service class, added a default.aspx to web service, changed attribute to [UrlToTest("http://localhost:54785/Default.aspx")] , added <location path="VSEnterpriseHelper.axd"> <system.web> <authorization> <allow users="*" /> <...

jqGrid - how do I resize not just the TD but also TD inner DIV when TH (column) is resized?

I need to catch the event where the columns are resized. How do I do that? ...

c# asp.net How to return a usercontrol from a handeler ashx?

I want to return the HTML output of the control from a handler. My code looks like this: <%@ WebHandler Language="C#" Class="PopupCalendar" %> using System; using System.IO; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; public class PopupCalendar : IHttpHandler { public void ProcessReq...

Put an object in Handler message

Hi! I need to download an image from the internet, in a different thread, and then send that image object in the handler message, to the UI thread. I already have this: ... Message msg = Message.obtain(); Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putParcelable("MyObject", (Parcelable) object); msg.setData(b); handler.sendMessage(msg); And ...

handle SIGSEGV in Linux?

Hi all, I need handle the SIGSEGV in my Linux app. The reason is some clean up(3-partry lib) must be done before generate core-dump. What is more, the clean up must be performed in the context of calling thread, cannot do in signal handler. So I plan in signal handler to pass the control to the calling thread, after the clean up fini...

Perl - How to use a process Handle created in a Module in another Perl Script

Ultimately, what I want to do is to start a process in a module and parse the output in real time in another script. What I want to do : Open a process Handler (IPC) Use this attribute outside of the Module How I'm trying to do it and fail : Open the process handler Save the handler in a module's attribute Use the attribute outsid...

Accessing and inheriting Windows Message for other Windows Message in Delphi

I am using WMSysCommand messages to modify Caption bar button ( Maximize / Minimize ) behaivor and recent update requiered to use WMNCHitTest, but I do not want to split these two related messages in multiplie procedures because of lengthy code. Can I access private declaration ( message ) from other message? And if I can - How to do it...

applescript click every element via gui scripting

Hi, I'd like to iterate through every element on an iTunes window and try to click on each element. I'd also like to write to a text file showing each element that I've clicked. The code that I wrote below isn't working. Specifically, I get the error process "iTunes" doesn’t understand the click_an_element message. Thoughts on what I...

Recheck rcp handler after execute

I’m having an issue with our propertyTester and enabling handlers. The property is areUpdatesAvailable and the handler is enabled when this property is true. After the handler executes the areUpdatesAvailable value becomes false, but how I currently have it set up, it only checks when the selection changes. So if I right click on an item...