
MySQL: DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER to continue on errors, printing a warning

I am reviewing / redesigning / refactoring a database and want to create a new database that stores pretty much the same data in a smarter fashion. One of the problems in the 'legacy' database is that it does not make proper use of keys and indices, so there is duplicate entries where there should be none. I have written a python script...

Setcontentview() isn't running

Hello, i am learning from a tutorial in witch i can send messages by UDP protocol, the sample is working and i can send and receive messages. Now i want to make a listener for port 12345 to listen the messages received, maybe its not the best way but i do this with a handler... LinearLayout main = new LinearLayout(IpClient.this); m...

Inconsistent Handler behavior.

I am using a handler inside my service to display notifications at a certain time using the Handler.postDelayed method. My application runs fine on the emulator just as expected satisfying all cases. But when I installed the same on my HTC Wildfire, it simply doesn't happen as anticipated. Notifications are displayed at a random manner a...

internet connection in android

package com.android.handler; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLConnection; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.ProgressDialog; import android.graphics.Bitm...

Can web forms and generic handlers (ashx files) share a common ancestor class (or base page)?

If one has an ASP.net web site whose web forms all inherit from a common base page--which checks things like authentication and redirects when a session has expired, etc--is there a way to use this base class in a ashx handler? I started going down that road by inheriting the base page class in the handler and realized this might not be ...

Ext.TabPanel items handler

Hello. Is there any possibility to get an event when you click on the tab? var buttons = [ { title: 'Home', iconCls: 'home' }, { title: 'Search', iconCls: 'search' } ]; var panel = new Ext.TabPanel({ fullscreen: true, cls: 'panel', ui: 'dark', tabBar: { ...

Firefox not registering onclick event handler

Below are two snips of code for assigning an event handler for an onclick event. Version One works in IE, FF, Safari and Chrome. Version Two works in IE, Safari and Chrome, but not in FF. In Version One, I register the event handler in the markup. In Version Two, I use a newer, and supposedly more robust, method for registering the event...

Android thread problem, why ui still blocks when i have used a worker thread?

package com.commonsware.android.threads; import android.app.Activity; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.widget.ProgressBar; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; public class HandlerDem...

Handling different XML response documents with one SAX Handler

Hello, I am developing a Java application that makes an HTTP Request to a web service, and XML is returned. If the response code is 200, then a requestSucceeded() callback method will send the XML to a SAXParser with a different SAX Handler, depending on what web service is being called. If the response code is not 200, then a requestFa...

JQuery - One handler for multiple elements using variables

I have two variables defined like this: var $a = $('#a'), $b = $('#b'); How can I rewrite the following line using $a and $b? $('#a, #b').click(function(e){...}); ...

ASP.Net handler request stack

I've got a slightly odd requirement that I'm not sure how to properly articulate. I essentially want to prioritise the most recent requests to an ASP.Net handler. I'm not sure if this should be client-side or server-side. I'm leaning towards server side to ensure it's enforced on all clients. So, as requests come in, they're essentiall...

Android: Is there any way to directly configure a menuItem to startActivityForResult instead of startActivity?

I know I can do this: menu.findItem(R.id.menusettings) .setIntent(new Intent() .setClass(this,SettingsScreen.class)); Which is equivalent to this in a callback: Intent myIntent = new Intent(); myIntent.setClass(this, SettingsScreen.class); startActivity(myIntent); But is there any way I can issue a startActivityForResult with a s...

How can i write asp.net 4.0 image handler for serving images from a cookieless domain

How can i write asp.net 4.0 image handler for serving images from a cookieless domain i created a cookieless subdomain but the problem is i dont want to change my all source code instead i want to write handler to process all .jpg , .png and .gif files to that domain how can i do that at microsoft visual studio 2010 , asp.net 4.0 ,...

I have some questions about my debug time errors...

first: 10-26 17:43:07.454: WARN/dalvikvm(6371): threadid=3: unable to interrupt threadid=19 10-26 17:43:07.487: DEBUG/dalvikvm(6371): GC freed 279 objects / 259776 bytes in 208ms 10-26 17:43:07.487: WARN/WindowManager(2215): Attempted to add application window with unknown token HistoryRecord{46366130 spexco.hus.cepvizyon/.ViewCam}. Ab...

How does logging handler become a str?

I have a logger that functions properly at the start of a script, then breaks in the middle. It looks like its handler is getting overwritten by a str, but I can't figure out where. At the start of the script, I'm printing the handler and its level. The following code: print 'Array of handlers', logger.handlers for h in logger.ha...

help with Handler class to update UI - Android

Hi Everyone, I am hoping you can help me: I need to update my ui for an android app and I'm trying to use the Handler class to do it, using http://developer.android.com/resources/articles/timed-ui-updates.html and the android developer resources "Common Task" for using Handlers as guides. Basically, I need something between the two - ...