
how does the web pages for configuring routers/printers work

just curious to know what is the web server on which these sites work ...

Good second keyboard/mouse for pair programming?

I'm looking for a second input device to attach to workstations used for pair programming. I'm not looking to multi-input (two people typing at the same time), but just the ability for the second person to quickly take over for a short time without having to trade places. My thought is that the device should be a keyboard with a built-i...

How to get started with hardware interface programming?

I have been doing desktop programming for a while but want to get started with interfacing with hardware. Specifically, I would like to learn how to use serial ports to take an external event and alert my application (so for example, I can turn on a camera when motion is detected by an external sensor). Please tell me how to get started...

Parallel Port Emulator

Hi! It seem that my USB -> parallel port converter(SUNIX ComHUB) don't show as parallel port in Windows Hardware. But instead as "Support for USB printer port". Is there anyway for me for me to make Windows recognise it as parallel port in Windows? If not. Are there any parallel port emulator that I can test my program too? Thank you ...

What's your development environment for JBoss 5 ?

I’m developing application with JBoss AS 5 with a special configuration according to my needs (Web container, ejb3 and JMS) IDE: My Eclipse 6.5 Hardware: Apple macbook 2.3Ghz, 2Gb ram MyEclipse hot deploy works fine, but when I need to change method’s sign or introduced new classes the system ask for a reboot of the JBoss. This slows ...

Can the Android handset LED be maniuplated without using a Notification object?

Good day all, I would like to be able to control the LED on an Android handset with finer grained control than is offered by the Notification class. Notifications allow one to change the rate of flashing; e.g. 300 milliseconds on, 1000 milliseconds off, but that's it. Essentially, I would like to turn the LED on and off at will at arb...

How to Detect Hardware Acceleration

Is there a Win32 API call that detects the current Hardware Acceleration level of a user's system? I have no need to change the setting, but I'd like to scale back the level of detail for my OpenGL display if hardware acceleration is disabled. ...

Hardware to begin .NET compact framework development

I am interested in starting some development with the .NET compact framework. What hardware devices would you recommend for all around testing? I would like to get two devices, one that has a lot of features and another that is representative of the average device. ...

Problems controlling a Rainbowduino

Hi guys, Ive just bought a Rainbowduino to control a load of individual LEDs (NOT an RGB matrix). All the documentation so far is aimed towards controlling RGB arrays which is not what I'm after. If youre unfamiliar with the Rainbowduino its an Arduino clone with 24 constant current channels of 120mA, 8 super source driver channel of ...

A couple questions about Sutter's concurrency series on Dr. Dobbs

I have a couple questions about Sutter's concurrency series on Dr. Dobbs. 1) Sutter recommends moving code not requiring locks out of critical sections to (apart from increase the granularity of the critical section) keep from nesting critical sections, in the event that the nested calls themselves enter critical sections. I have always...

Android. Brightness Change

Hi, I am trying to resolve following task: smooth change of brightness from 100% to 0%, but can't gain effect of smoothness. Want to emphasize that I am using following approach of brightness change. The recommended one. WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = window.getAttributes(); lp.screenBrightness = floatPercent; window.setAttribut...

Special Sensor

Are there any hardware solutions or something, where I can start, for the task I describe here? For example, I have a smartphone with a built-in camera and a special sensor attached (the first hardware device I'm looking for) that "looks" in the same direction as the camera. Next, there is a human in front of me (may be in 3-10 meters). ...

Why the WPF/RotateTransform uses so much CPU?

Steps to reproduce: Create a new solution/add new WPF Application project. place just a canvas in the main window. create a RotateTransform + PageUp/Down events for incrementing the angle with +-10. place 50 polygons on the canvas Press PageUp/Down (and keep pressed) On my PC the CPU usage is 80%. Now try placing 1000 polygons and ...

Are solid-state drives good enough to stop worrying about disk IO bottlenecks?

I've got a proof-of-concept program which is doing some interprocess communication simply by writing and reading from the HD. Yes, I know this is really slow; but it was the easiest way to get things up and running. I had always planned on coming back and swapping out that part of the code with a mechanism that does all the IPC(interpr...

IHardwareService. How to use in your code?

Hi, is there a way to use somehow IHardwareService. It is not visible, but documentation concerning it can be found. So looks like there should be some way to use it. Could you please advice how to do this? Thanks. ...

Access Hiden API

Hi, also I wanted to ask following. In class: \\android 1.5 source\frameworks\base\services\java\com\android\server\HardwareService I have found method that looks like would help me in solving my Screen Brightness problems (smooth transitions): public void pulseBreathingLight() could you please advice how to invoke this mysterio...

embedded application

Hi there In the last two months I've worked as a simple application using a computer vision library(OpenCV). I wish to run that application directly from the webcam without the need of an OS. I'm curious to know if that my application can be burned into a chip in order to not have the OS to run it. Ofcorse the process can be expensiv...

Hardware access with web apps

Hi, Currently I am creating an application which uses a camera on mobile device (Android). Recently I watched some reviews of web apps and the concept looks promising for the future. Does anyone know whether it is possible to access the device hardware from web apps? Thanks! ...

Is it more difficult to program on Lenovo/Apple keyboards due to Ctrl key positioning?

I ask because I noticed while researching a new laptop, that Lenovo keyboards have the Fn key in the left corner of the keyboard instead of Ctrl (famously it seems). I also discovered the same configuration is present on Apple laptops. Obviously Ctrl is used quite frequently by developers: they are often power-users, relying on many s...

Do I need to write my own host side USB driver for a CDC device

This may not be considered to be directly programming related but I am at a loss to know where else to ask. I have tried looking at a variety of websites but so far Google has not been my friend. I am having trouble finding out whether I need to write my own device driver for the various windows/linux/mac platforms that the device I am...