
Is the recent trend toward widescreen (16:9) computer monitors a plus or minus for programmers?

It's almost gotten to the point where you can't buy a conventional (4:3) monitor anymore. Pretty much everything is widescreen. This is fine for watching movies or TV, but is it good or bad for programming? My initial thoughts on the issue are that widescreens are a net negative for programmers. Here are some of the disadvantages I see:...

Most significant bit

I haven't dealt with programming against hardware devices in a long while and have forgotten pretty much all the basics. I have a spec of what I should send in a byte and each bit is defined from the most significant bit (bit7) to the least significant (bit 0). How do i build this byte? From MSB to LSB, or vice versa? ...

HASP key on ATL Web Service and Windows Vista / IIS 7

Hi! I developed a ATL C++ Web Service on VS 2005 to access a HASP hardware key. This code works fine on Windows XP and IIS 6. When i try it to run under Windows Vista and IIS 7, the w3wp.exe process that is responsable to run the web service, crash with a access violation error. Someone had already this problem ? sugestions needed. Than...

How can I write a Delphi program to control the CPU fan speed and monitor the temperature?

Hello all friends. I want to use Delphi to create a program that controls the fan speed of my computer and monitors the temperature. What API calls are involved in doing that? Are there any good code samples that you can share? ...

CUDA driver installation on a laptop with nVidia NVS140M card

I'm trying to first figure out if my computer contains a CUDA-enabled card. It has an nVidia NVS 140M card, but I can't seem to figure out if it is the 128 MB version or 256 MB version. On the laptop purchase receipt, I found out that I ordered the 128 MB version, but the control panel description of the card said otherwise as shown belo...

hardware environment for compilation performance

This is a rather general question .. What hardware setup is best for large C/C++ compile jobs, like a Linux kernel or Applications ? I remember reading a post by Joel Spolsky on experiments with solid state disks and stuff like that. Do I have to have rather more CPU power or more RAM or a fast harddisk IO solution like solid state ...

Efficient way to implement LinkedIn like "How you are connected to" feature?

So LinkedIn has this cool feature in which while visiting some user's profile, linkedin prompts how you are connecting to that user through the network. Assuming that the visitor and the profile owner are two nodes of a graph where the nodes represent users and edge represents friendship, a simple solution could be a bfs starting fr...

Embedded development board with camera

We are planning to purchase an embedded development board with a motion controllable camera. Requirement-1: Embedded development with a camera Requirement-2: Camera should move both along the X and Z axis (i.e., 2 degrees of freedom) Requirement-3: The processor in the board shall be able to run heavy computation (to perform all the Im...

how to know speed of processor fan ?

i want to detect processors fan speed is there any Java library to do so. ...

SQL query against hardware. Possible?

I need to query the Total Physical Memory, Available Physical Memory and Total Commit Charge of the server. Basically values circled in the picture. Is it possible using SQL Server 2005? ...

Books to read on networking and microcontrollers?

Hi folks, I was recently elected programming team lead for my community college's engineering club. We're going to put a solar panel on a roof. The programming part involves Controlling servos to adjust the orientation of the panel Sending data on the electricity collected by the panel to a server (we haven't decided whether we want...

How can I tie my application to specific hardware?

I have a C# .NET app. This application is tightly coupled to a piece of hardware. Think ATM, drive up kiosk kinda thing. I want a way for my application to assure it is being run on our hardware. Our initial plan was to get the serial number of the CPU, OS, HD, or other hardware with WMI, digitally sign that, and ship that signature with...

Understanding word alignment

I understand what it means to access memory such that it is aligned but I don’t understand why this is necessary. For instance, why can I access a single byte from an address 0x…1 but I cannot access a half word (two bytes) from the same address. Again, I understand that if you have an address A and an object of size s that the access i...

Development Kit suggestions

Hello everyone Working on a PoC of a project that streams data from USB via Wifi: I need a development kit with WLan (preferably 802.11g) and HighSpeed USB device. Don't mind the CPU type, memory size etc. (Even a kit with only Ethernet 100M will do) If anyone can recommend one or even suggest a place to ask, I will be most obliged. ...

How are external interrupts vectored on a powerpc processor?

Maybe the question should be, are external interrupts even vectored on the PowerPC at all? I've been looking at http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/eserver/library/es-archguide-v2.html, 'book 3', trying to figure out how the processor locates the appropriate interrupt service routine in response to an external interrupt. It seems to sugg...

Performance of java on different hardware?

In another SO question I asked why my java programs run faster on AMD than on Intel machines. But it seems that I'm the only one who has observed this. Now I would like to invite you to share the numbers of your local java performance with the SO community. I observed a big performance difference when watching the startup of JBoss on di...

Why is amount of bits always(?) a power of two?

We have 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit hardware architectures and operating systems. But not, say, 42-bit or 69-bit ones. Why? Is it something fundamental that makes 2^n bits a better choice, or is just about compatibility with existing systems? (It's obviously convenient that a 64-bit register can hold two 32-bit pointers, or that a ...

Get Hardware Information for HWs that is not installed

I am pretty sure how to retrieve hardware information with WMI classes. but WMIs have a big limitation: They Just can get information for installed hardwares. I need to retrieve information about CPU (model,speed,etc..),Video Card, Sound Card, USB Ports, etc. I found a really good software (HWiNFO) that can do this even the drivers for ...

What's the best way to find if the processor type is PPC or Intel in Cocoa? (Do I have to use Carbon?)

I need to get it as a string to use elsewhere in the program, I'm not worried about compiler settings. I found HowToGetHardwareAndNetworkInfo on CocoaDev, but it seemed a little intense when all I wanted to know is PPC vs. Intel. ...

How to find if system has attached webcam

Hi all, I want to know if the system has a attached webcam. How should i proceed? I want to do it with java language. ...