
How does a TABLE work in AHDL?

I have an implementation of a Control Unit (UC) in AHDL, and I'm supposed to simulate it and see if it works as defined in the correspondent ASM diagram. I used MAX+plus II to simulate it, and it doesn't work as I expected, but I can't really say what's wrong because I am not familiar with AHDL, let alone the TABLE part. Here is my Cont...

Android hardware properties

How can I find hardware properties at runtime? I want to be able to know if the device has a physical keyboard, d-pad, trackball, etc. ...

How can I test my homebrew Nintendo Entertainment System software on real hardware?

A few years ago, I implemented an NES game as a class project, written in 6502 assembly. I only ever ran it on an NES emulator, but I would like to see it run on the real hardware. Is there any development board to do this? I understand it is somewhat tricky, with mapper chips and such, but I am willing to limit to just a common mapper (...

Speed of data access...

Which do you think would be faster: A) Reading a file 512 bytes in length on a solid state drive in a directory of 1 billion files B) Selecting a 512-byte column by unique indexed key from a database table containing 1 billion records EDIT: Would the OS, database, or file system really make the difference? Is it that close of a race?...

Consumer IR reciever in HP notebook models

Is there a documentation or information about programming consumer ir receivers found in HP notebook models (like HP Pavilion). The bundled remote works with the bundled DVD playing software but I would like to use it with my own programs. I tried to search the terms together with Lirc or WinLirc but failed. ...

OpenPIC standard or MPIC standard document

Where can I get any document specifying the OpenPIC and MPIC standard ? ...

Do bitwise operations distribute over addition?

I'm looking at an algorithm I'm trying to optimize, and it's basically a lot of bit twiddling, followed by some additions in a tight feedback. If I could use carry-save addition for the adders, it would really help me speed things up, but I'm not sure if I can distribute the operations over the addition. Specifically if I represent: ...

Relation between USB and PCI

Hi, I m bit confused by the following statement in linux device drivers book. http://www.linuxdriver.co.il/ldd3/ 13.2. USB and Sysfs To help understand what this long device path means, we describe how the kernel labels the USB devices. The first USB device is a root hub. This is the USB controller, usually contained in a PC...

Input from 4 different mice

I need to build a simple app that takes (click only) input from 4 USB mice connected in addition to the built-in touchpad on a notebook. My preferred operating system for this setup would be Linux. Any idea how I might be able to discern in an application which mouse a click came from? I'm open to C programming or whatever it takes. It'...

Need advice on new development system and OS

Hi, I am going to be starting a new job soon and the company has previously had hobbyist developers working on their applications and as such not had to worry about supplying equipment for the developers. Having spoken to them they seem to understand that I will need a reasonable system in order to ensure I am both as productive as pos...

Determine VRAM size on windows

I need to determine roughly how much VRAM a system's graphics card has. I know all the reasons why I shouldn't but I do. It doesn't need to be perfect (some cards lie etc.) but I need a ballpark. On mac it's fairly easy through core graphics and IOKit to just politely ask how much VRAM is attached to a display, but I haven't a clue on wi...

Best Book on Bit Magic

Hi, I'm continiously impressed with the bitmagic used in chess engines, 3dgames and other highly optimized codebases. I've tried to read about IEEE and the article at topcoder, but I would like a more elaborate material, like a book. Do anybody know such a book, that describes the layout of IEEE, the bit tricks and the math behind them?...

Java Hardware Interrupt Handling

I would like to know if it is possible to automatically invoke a Java method when a hardware interrupt is raised. ...

WMI: How to differentiate between Wireless mouse and touch screen

I am using Win32_PointingDevice class to detect mice connected to the system. I ran my device discovery script on a machine which has touch screen. The discovery shows up with 3 pointing devices, directly connected USB mouse, wireless mouse and touch screen. My question is how to distinguish between USB mouse with touch screen. If Win3...

Huawei Mobile Connect E170

I am trying to receive SMS messages with a Huawei Mobile Connect, Model: E170 device through hyper terminal but can't. I used the below commands to initialize the modem: AT+CMGF=1 AT+CNMI=2,2,0,0,0 (But this gives me this error: +CMS ERROR: 303) This same commands working on my nokia N70, 6630 and many other nokia models i can't r...

deviceID format for PS/2 mouse

I would like to know the DeviceID and PNPDeviceID format for PS/2 Mouse. On my system Device ID for PS/2 mouse is ACPI\PNP0F13\4&1F1D307&0. So is the format is ACPI\PNPxxxx{something} or some thing else? I mean is ACPI is mandatory for PS/2 mouse? ...

What disk layout works fastest for Visual Studio development?

So my laptop hard drive reported a bad cluster last week, which is never a good sign. I'm going to be shopping for a hard disk, and I may as well plump for the upgrade to Windows 7, which means a reinstallation of Visual Studio and everything else. This particular laptop has space for two hard disks, so I was thinking about an SSD dri...

Why does multithreaded file transfer improve performance?

RichCopy, a better-than-robocopy-with-GUI tool from Microsoft, seems to be the current tool of choice for copying files. One of it's main features, hightlighted in the TechNet article presenting the tool, is that it copies multiple files in parallel. In its default setting, three files are copied simultaneously, which you can see nicely ...

Getting started with HDLs from regular programming

Hello, I've always kinda wanted to make my own microprocessor.. I've read http://stackoverflow.com/questions/632698/how-can-i-make-my-own-microcontroller . I tried multiple times to learn some Verilog and VHDL. But for the life of me I just can not get my head around the language styles. I come from a C/C++/C# background and have dabbed...

multithreading in c#

hi i am new to threading. my boss gave me a scenario.we have a list of object which is 0f 70gb,we want to load it from a database.it takes time i want to utilize cpu(multi threading) in this scenario .i.e partializing data ,load first part, than second part,whensecond part is loaded mean while first part is processed, what i shuld do ple...