
DeviceIoControl returning false

In my C# code,DeviceIoControl is returning false,the handle is correct DeviceIoControl(deviceHandle, IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER, IntPtr.Zero, 0, OutBuffPtr,//&psdn, OutBuffSize, ref dwBytesReturned, IntPtr.Zero); ...

How can I detect if a windows mobile device has the keyboard extended?

How can I detect if a windows mobile device has the keyboard extended? I am manually launching the soft keyboard and I need to know when to prevent my app from launching the PIE. ...

Recommended Hardware for Specific Number of Records in SQL Server Database

How many records are considered normal for a typical SQL sever database table? I mean, if some of the tables in database contain something like three or four million records, should I consider replacing the hardware, partitioning tables, etc? I have got a query which joins only two tables and has four conditions in its WHERE clause with ...

Digital Circuits Half/Full Adders

I am taking a Digital Circuits class in which we do not use a book, only lecture notes. In the section that covers adders I only have 2 small examples covering addition and subtraction of binary numbers. I am pretty sure i am going to have worded problems in the exam such as design a circuit to count something etc. Does anyone know any s...

Talking to a motor driver through a CAN-BUS

I have a motor, connected to a motor driver, connected a windows XP computer by a CAN-BUS (through USB I believe). I want to "talk" to the motor driver and have some questions: Does the USB appear as a COM port? What protocol do I use or how do I find out what protocol to use? Or how do I talk to it? Does anyone ha...

Does PDA belong to smartphone or pocket PC?

While choosing target platform for my PDA application, I have options of WM5.0 pocket PC and WM5.0 Smartphone. Which one I am supposed to choose if the application will run on HP 6965 iPAQ and Motorola MC35? Many thanks. ...

How are instructions dispatched to devices in a computer?

This is my mental image of what happens and I am hoping for some corrections, clarifications and maybe even more details. Basically, when the computer is powered on, the BIOS loads all devices on the PCI bus and makes them available at a certain pre-determined addresses. The same occurs with the PCI-express bus. So each device can rece...

cell phone hacking (as in engineering hack)

hi. my apologized right away if it is not really programming related question. I have a (crazy?) idea of using cellphone voice channel as remote control channel for RC models/drones. in principle if it is doable, it should increase the range a lot. Data data channels on most cell phone companies are more expensive than pure voice chan...

Best Practices: Handling disconnects of hardware in classes that represent them

Hello, I'm working in VB.Net developing data logging software. I've developed classes implementing a common interface that works with many of the data loggers my company produces. These classes handle the low-level hardware interfacing and expose common methods for accessing the data logger's records. My issue is what would be a good...

Hardware accelerated video in DirectShow / WinForms

Currently prototyping a Windows .NET app that needs to play back high definition WMV and H264 video. My test files are full 1080p. The target hardware has weak Atom processors but strong NVidia 9400 graphics. I know the graphics are integrated but my understanding is that they are good for video playback. Testing on Windows 7, if I pla...

Advice on logic circuits and serial communications

As far as I understand the serial port so far, transferring data is done over pin 3. As shown here: There are two things that make me uncomfortable about this. The first is that it seems to imply that the two connected devices agree on a signal speed and the second is that even if they are configured to run at the same speed you run in...

Best laptop for software development?

Possible Duplicates: Which Laptop and spec , suitable for SQL Server , Programming ( Visual 2003 and Object Oriented ) and designing dynamic web laptop brand, screen size, keyboard etc. for Programming What is a good laptop for a Java programmer? I am asking this question here since I would like to get some feedback from...

How do I enable and detect interrupts with this hardware IO card?

I have the following card and cannot get interupts working. I may not be understanding how they're supposed to work correctly... I don't do this type of programming very often. From the looks of it though, it should be able to generate an interrupt when something comes in on one of the IO ports, right? We've got it hooked up to a bunch ...

Is networking hardware knowledge related to software programming?

I am a programmer. More specifically, I do php and website stuff. At school, there is this class that I can take called CISCO Networking Academy. Cisco Networking Academy is a global education program that teaches students how to design, build, troubleshoot, and secure computer networks for increased access to career and economic op...

Windows presentation layer using c# and .net hardware requirements

All, If I were to develop a kiosk app using Windows presentation foundation, c# and .net, what hardware requirements would I need. I plan on making it a standalone desktop app. It would contain images, and about 1-2 minutes of video. What kind of CPU (pentium, dual-core, what clock speed, graphic card?, memory? ) What if I made the kio...

What hardware can support CADisplayLink class?

I'm making a game with iPhone. I found iPhone OS 3.1 supports v-sync with CADisplayLink class. I believe v-sync is ideal solution for game graphics, I'll use this only. (no fallback to NSTimer) But SDK doc says this too; CADisplayLink is supported in only OS 3.1. Is there a hardware model which cannot support CADisplayLink class? ...

Bandwidth from headphone/microphone jack

I got interested in this after I saw SquareUp use the headphone jack on the iPhone to send credit card data. What's the average bandwidth of the headphone jack on the iPhone, average notebook, and average mobile device? Can it be doubled by sending different data streams on the different channels (left/right)? ...

Can any Palm Pre be used for development?

We're about to start developing software for the Palm, using WebOS. Though an emulator is available for testing, I always feel more confident seeing it run on a physical device as well. I can't find anywhere on Palm's website that tells me whether I can just buy an off-the-shelf Palm Pre and run my app on it, or if I have to buy one wi...

How should I get started on writing device drivers?

I would like to learn how to write device drivers because I think it would be fun. I use a Mac OS X Macbook, but I also have an Ubuntu machine (running on a Mac Min). I am pretty familiar with C and currently am reading this book. I have found some links online such as Mac Dev Center. I am doing this because it would be fun. I think ther...

VoIP App using Sailfin

Hi everyone, I'm looking at developing a VoIP application running on Sailfin (https://sailfin.dev.java.net/). I have the server up and running and a sample app installed. What I want to be able to do is: Receive calls from my landline in my VoIP application. Make calls from the application to other numbers in the PSTN. The part I'm ...